David Blaine - biography, photo, personal life, news, focuses 2021



The American television and radio host Howard Stern called once David Blaine the greatest wizard of modernity. Illusionist Gilllett Penn supported Stern, stating that the "Magic Street Magic Blaine" became the best television show about magic.

Focifer David Blaine

Blaine turned twenty-three years old when the "Street Magic" first advanced by the ABC television channel. On the air, the magician opened television magic, turning the camera to the audience. TV viewers were affected by the sincere reaction of the public present in the studio. After the premiere of "Street Magic", the New York Times edition said that Blaine "took the craft to which there were over hundreds of years, and did something unique of him," and "The New Yorker" boldly stated: "Blaine Saved Magia."

Childhood and youth

David Blain White was born in Boro, Brooklyn, New York, April 4, 1973. In the veins of the illusionist flowing a cocktail from Asian, European and American blood. David's mother of Jewish origin, emigrated from the Soviet Union in the United States, where she got a job as a teacher. Blene William's native father Perez - Military, who has passed the fighting in Vietnam, originally from Puerto Rico.

When the boy was ten years old, the mother re-married John Bukalo, and therefore the family moved to New Jersey. There David went to school together with a consolidated brother.

David Blaine in childhood

David tells in an interview that in childhood the mother often showed him card tricks. The boy became delighted with this "magic" and soon began to study the art of my swelling on their own. In five years, David showed focuses to passersby on the street and received money for it, according to Blaine, he made a considerable contribution to the family budget then.

Does David Blaine have an education and graduated from school, the biography of the Focrite does not tell.


From 12 years old David Blaine decided to tie his life with focus and began to travel around the country with ideas for passersby. At the same age, the first overseas tour of the young focker was held - the boy went to Haiti, where he demonstrated his coronary number with maps. Within the framework of the focus, the boy offered to choose a random card from the deck, folded a deck in a special bag, and then threw it on the glass, which was constantly "stuck" a mandated map.

David Blaine Street Magic

After a few more years, which went to the extinguishing of skill and supplement the program with new tricks, David presented a new show program in Las Vegas. There Blaine surprised the audience reading thoughts and revival of dead birds. After the premiere of the show to the hotel where the magician was stopped with a mother, hurried fans of the illusionist. According to the mother, the entire floor of the hotel was tired of bouquets with notes from enthusiastic fans of the talent of her son. After such a dizzying success, the owners of the casino helped young Magu to open his own theater.

On May 19, 1997, the author's show of the illusionist "David Blaine: Street Magic was published on TV screens. As part of the TV show, the illusionist showed amazing focuses, and the audience was invariably delighted.

In the 1990s, Blaine developed a unique trick for that time, which glorified him to the whole world. Even a recognized wizard David Copperfield admitted that Blaine challenges the devil himself. "The burial" alive in a plastic container ", according to the public, became a feat that even the famous Harry Hudini did not decide to implement.

In 1999, the whole world, hopping his breath, followed how David Blaine was buried in a plastic coffin for seven days. From above on a plastic container placed a tank containing three tons of water. Throughout the week, the magician did not eat, drank only 20-30 ml of water per day, and only beep used to contact the outside world. 75 thousand spectators followed the advent of the magician from the container seven days later.

Presentation of David Blaine

Already a year later, the audience watched an even more amazing trick of the desperate magician. Blaine tricks continued to ignore the boundaries of human endurance, each of them became more and more dangerous than the previous one. For "freeze-free ice" Blaine was enclosed in a large block of ice on Times Square.

When he was released by chainsaws after almost 64 hours, The New York Times reported: "The wizard, who left the ice drawer, seemed like a shadow of a confident, strong man who entered him two days before." Nevertheless, the trick raised the rating of the ABC channel to unprecedented vertices. Then David raised his bets again with a dizziness stunt, standing on top of the column 22 meters high in the park Bryant for 36 hours without insurance, and then jumped in a stack of cardboard boxes live.

"44-day imprisonment without food in the box above the surface of the Thames" provided the attention of the whole world. New England Journal of Medicine magazine published an article in which scientists recorded the result of the trick, which was losing 25% of the body weight.

Within the framework of the Trick "Drilling" David spent a week immersed in a bowl of a ball in the Lincoln Center. Then his name became the most popular request to Google, and scientists from the University of Yale have conducted a study in order to determine the physiological response of a person for a long immersion.

Blaine, meanwhile, continued to beat the Guinness Records on the Relief Delay at the Oprah Winfri show, where the illusionist did not breathe 17 minutes.

In 2013, a presentation of the documentary film demonstrating the unique Bleene abilities called "David Blaine was held. Reality or magic. " The film is popular until now, in attempts to reveal the secrets of the magician.

However, the Internet contains descriptions of popular David focuses, where their technique and the necessary inventory are described in detail. This serves as the exposure of the focus of the illusionist, but does not reduce its merit in the tricks carried out at the limit of human capabilities.

The magician worked closely with each American president, including Barack Obama, Bill Clinton and George Bush, as well as international leaders and prominent figures, such as Henry Kissinger, Michael Bloomberg, Stephen Hawking, Mohammed Ali and others.

Personal life

In details of the personal life, the magician prefers no one to devote anyone. All that the media is known about the cases of heart David Blaine is his sympathy for the American top model and actress Josie Maran. However, the accuracy of this information raises the fact that Josie is married and has two daughters in marriage.

David Blaine and Josie Maran

Today, David is not married and official Passia does not have compromising photos of Blaine in the women's society on the Internet also not represented.

David Blaine now

The last trick of Blaine was "electrified": within 72 hours, from the seven Tesla coils, the David's body continuously acted with an electric current.

David Blaine in 2017

In January 2017, an accident occurred at the TV show David "on the side of the magic". The illusionist demonstrated a focus, in which the magician planned to catch a bullet tooth. But in the process of demonstration of Focus Blaine got wounded and was urgently hospitalized.

In October 2017, the media appeared information about the accusation of David Blaine in rape. With the relevant statement in the police addressed the Natasha Prince model. The girl said that he met David in the London Club in 2004, after which the young illusionist invited the girl to a closed party, where he treated with a cocktail. After a cocktail, Natasha passed with David to the bedroom, according to her, with the aim of talking, where the girls' well-being worsened suddenly.

David Blaine and Natasha Prince

When Prince was almost unconscious, David Blaine raped her. Natasha applied to the police 12 years later - in 2016. According to the model, she prevented her feeling of guilt before: the girl admits that David attracted her as a man. The illusionist himself denied the words of Natasha Prince, but the comments abstained. Now the police are investigating.


  • 1999 - "burial" alive in a plastic container "
  • 2000 - "Freezing in Ice"
  • 2002 - "Dizziness"
  • 2008 - "Delayed breathing for 17 minutes and 4 seconds"
  • 2013 - "David Blaine. Reality or Magic »

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