Julia Sessea - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Career of the Russian actress Yulia is suspected rapidly gaining momentum. After entering the screens of several popular meloders, the performer took its niche at the filmology of the Russian cinema. Nevertheless, according to the words, it is not looped on a filmier, because it loves life very much and is not afraid of change.

Childhood and youth

Russian actress of theater and cinema Julia Vladimirovna Sussessment is a radical Muscovite. She was born on November 2, 1983 in the capital in the family, where there were no artists. However, this circumstance did not prevent Yulia to dream of a career on the theater scene and the shooting platform.

Acting talents, discharge in the public, charm and star appearance - these people needed for the profession of physician in Julia susepa. With an increase of 1.65 m, it weighs 55 kg.

The first steps in the career Muscovite made at school - the young beauty starred in advertising. But the goal of Yulia remained a profession of actress, so after the presentation of the school certificate, I susase became a student of the Metropolitan University of Culture and Arts (Mguy), selecting theatrical and directorial faculty. He studied on the course A. A. Kobseva.

Since Julia from youth was distinguished by independence, at the time of study she chose a part-time job - the post of insurance agent. The girl had to get up at 5 in the morning, but at the 12th working day it was already ended, and she hurried to casting.

After Mguyu, I suspectedly tried several times to break through into a more prestigious theater school, but I did not pass anywhere in the competition. And in Vgika, she was not lucky with the stream: a 23-year-old actress was not taken due to the recruited course of 16-year-old students.

Personal life

The first family experience of Julia is suspected to be unsuccessful, and the actress does not like to remember this period of personal life. Nevertheless, it is known that with the future husband of Artem Carasev, the girl met at the age of 14. Wedding played in 2005. The spouse of the artist did not have attracted to the show business, he was engaged in architecture. In 2011, the couple broke up, the son of Pavel was born in marriage.

In 2016, Mom took the boy in the 1st grade. Joint photos of Julia Sussessing the son of Pasha can be seen on the page in "Instagram", dedicated to the life and work of the performer. Son and Mom are surprisingly similar - blonde and sermorandous. While Paul is the only child of celebrities, Yulia has no other children, but she dreams of a daughter.

After the birth of the son of the actress, for 3 years she took a maternity leave and practically did not appear on the screen. By the end of this period, Julia prettyly grunted: its weight increased by 12 kg. The agent warned the actress that would cease to cooperate with her.

Due to persistent training and separate nutrition, Sessea returned his former physical form to himself. Now the actress boasts the perfect figure, and at the end of 2018 even became the model of the next issue of Maxim magazine. Julia appeared in front of the camera in underwear, swimsuit and practically naked.

Theater and films

In 2001, I suspectedly became a graduate actress, she was accepted in the troupe of the Moscow Theater "April". The first pages of the creative biography of Julia were written in student years. In 1998, a beginner artist played Isabella in the play "Invitation to the Castle".

She then reincarnated to the main character of Shakespeare "Romeo and Juliet." For the role of Juliet in 2002, Yulia presented a reward at the theater festival of municipal theaters of the Moscow region.

In Cinema, Julia debuted in 2006. She got an episodic role of the scandalous journalist of Asha Booth in the rating series "Night is beautiful."

In 2008, I susevenly appeared on the television screens, playing Masha in the 2-serial family drama of the Roman Svilnina "Call to my door." Working with Matrahs of Russian Cinema Sergei Varchuk, Yuri Nazarov, Karina Razumovskaya and Sergey Komarov reflected on the skill of a young actress.

In 2010, Julia suspeed starred in three melodramas - the social comedy "Maskvichi" and the series "Our neighbors" and "Wedding Ring".

The episodes and roles of the second plan were delivered to her in 2011-2015. Sussembly appeared in criminal projects "Comrades Police", "Pyatnitsky", "Second Killer" and "Freud Method". In the film, Ekaterina Dvigubskaya "Before the death of beautiful" with Peter Kollov, the artist played Tamar Vasilyev, and in the culinary sitcom "Kitchen" - the wife of Gromov.

From 2013 to 2016, the audience watched the game of Yulia in the comedy TV series Raddov Novikova "Two Father and two Sons", where Dmitry Nagiyev starred in the lead role. And in 2015-2016, the actress played Olga in the comedy melodrama "Mommiks".

In 2015, the 9th season of the "Weather" rating project was released on the screens. The audience again holds a series of bloody crimes in tension, which unlock the fogs and the Greeks (Oleg Kharitonov and Oleg Filipchuk). Appeared in the 9th season of the criminal ribbon and Julia Sussea, who played the heroine Lisa in the 6th film "The Lucky Deader".

The first star role got an artist in 2016: in December, 4-serial melodrama Alexander Sazonova "Wife for rent" was published on the TVC channel, where the second main female role was presented by Ksenia Teplov. In a duet with Alexei Morozov, Julia brilliantly played the modern version of Shakespearesky plot "Taming of the Shrew".

The comedy was removed based on the Hollywood Film Council "Overboard" with Kurt Russell and Goldi Houne in high roles. The spoiled heroine of Julia is suspected - the secular lioness Julia Smolina - also fell aboard the ship and lost memory. A simple rustic man took her to her house, who said that the lady with Amnesia is his spouse. Shooting took place in the capital and near Moscow Khimki.

Bright roles got actress in the projects "Key to His Heart", "you can call me dad" and "Osin's nest", the premiere of which took place in 2016.

Career actresses rapidly develop. In 2017, suspected starred in several rating projects. In the family comedy "Ivanov-Ivanov" about two families of the same names with different social status, Julia played Diana. Its partners in the frame were Sergey Burunov, Anna Ukolov, Semen Trescunov, Alexey Lukin.

Spectators and film crimits noted the acting skills of the suspected triller "Host" and melodrama "I will not surrender." The most rating promised to become the project of Roman Fokina "Psychologies", whose premiere was held in November 2017.

In the 20-serial melodrama, together with Yulia, the Pleiad of the Young Stars of Russian Cinema was suspected to be suspected: Anastasia Panin, Anna Starshenbaum, Sophia Kashtanova, Roman Mayakin, Egor Koreshkov and Dmitry Endalz.

The heroine of the tape does not first understand the meaning of terms "cognitive helplessness", "Syndrome of the impostor" and "demon of jealousy", because they are the graduates of the Faculty of Psychology. But, having met in 10 years, they suddenly realized that Freud and other masters of psychology did not help in personal life.

In the news of the film industry in 2019, the name of the actress was mentioned in connection with the participation in the shooting of the comedic detective "Rya knows everything!".

Julia Sussea Now

At the beginning of 2020, the next premiere was started on TVC television channel with the participation of Julia, the detective series "Three in one - 7". Heroes of exciting history presented Natalia Richkov, Alexander Ratnikov, Artem Semaakin. Another novelty in the filmography of the Artist - Melodrama "Return", in which she appeared in the lead role.

And the 2021th began in the filmography of the actresses from the premiere of the comedy TV series "Vacation". Her Demis Caribidis, Pavel Mikov, Kuzma Saprykin and other cinema stars became her colleagues.


  • 2005-2006 - "Do not be born beautiful"
  • 2010 - "Maskvichi"
  • 2010 - "Wedding Ring"
  • 2014 - "Freud - 2 Method"
  • 2013-2016 - "Two Father and Two Sons"
  • 2013 - "Kitchen"
  • 2015 - "Poutine-9"
  • 2015-2016 - "Moms"
  • 2016 - "Wife for rent"
  • 2016 - "You can call me dad"
  • 2017 - "Ivanov-Ivanov"
  • 2017 - "Psychologies"
  • 2018 - "Beautiful creatures"
  • 2019 - "Paradise knows everything!"
  • 2020 - "Three in one - 7"
  • 2021 - "Vacation"

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