Vitruviy - biography, photo, personal life, architecture, books



In the time of antiquity, an understanding was to be understood that civilization should develop on compliance with laws and rules. During this period, the basic principles of morality, aesthetic ideals, elements of culture, science, sports were developed. Among those who contributed to the development of human existence is the Roman architect and the Vitruvius engineer.

Portrait of Vitruvia

He was not famous and read during his lifetime and unlikely he had encyclopedic knowledge, which, in his opinion, the architect should have. But the book published by him remains the only documentary evidence of construction and mechanics of the time, the main postulates of which are successfully used in our day.

Childhood and youth

The Biography of Vitruvia is a miser list of facts, and unusual because everyone has to add the definition "probably" or "approximately", since historical science does not own data that could be operated with accuracy.

Bust Vitruvia

Vitruvius, known since Mark Vitruviy Pollyon, was born in the campaign in the family of architects, thanks to which he received a comprehensive education. A Verona and forming also appear in the list of locations, because there is no reliable data. Also as there are no accurate data on the name, date of birth and death. The estimated period of life - from the 80s to the 15th years BC - was established thanks to the mention of the name of the architect in the writings of other ancient leaders and historical events (for example, the eruption of the Vesuvius volcano).

Of the preserved manuscripts of ancient authors, it is known for sure the generic name Vitruvius, but Family Pollion and a personal Mark - represent only the guesses of the Renaissance Epoch.

Vitruvius and Julius Caesar

Architect lived in Rome. Again, probably, at the emperors Pompei and Yulia Cesar served as a military engineer, and at the Octaviana Augustus - civilian. He knew the Greek language, which allowed him to study the works on a construction and engineering case, including military equipment.


The first place in the architecture of Vitruvius was the identity of the architect. In his opinion, a person engaged in this profession should be competent, be able to draw well. It is also necessary to know geometry and history, possess philosophical knowledge, to understand music and medicine, own the fundamentals of law and information in astronomy and in heavenly laws. Moreover, all these knowledge should be able to apply in practice, and not in order to conduct conversations on any topic. On the other hand, to be able to speak beautifully does not prevent, when, for example, the architect has to communicate with the customer.

Roman House plan developed by Vitruvie

Vitruvius is known as the author of the ergonomic propocation system. The system was widely popular in visual art and architecture thanks to Vitruvian man. This drawing of Leonardo da Vinci, executed in 1490-1492 and called canonical proportions, is an illustration for the book of the artist dedicated to the architect.

It depicts the figure of a naked man in two superimposed one on another positions: with sodes divorced by hand, describing a circle and square. In the comments, Leonardo da Vinci indicated that he was created to study the proportions of the human body as described in the treatises of the Roman architect.

Witruvia man and man Leonardo da Vinci

The merit of Vitruvia made a conclusion about the proportionality of relations in the structure of the Universe and Man, therefore, in the proportionality of the building and man, than to be guided and when building buildings, and when building cars. He was the first to think about the origins of the arcaderation of architecture, the first was the first to explore the issue of musical acoustics of premises.

Peru Vitruvia belongs to the Formula "Strength-Use-Beauty". This golden architecture rule states that only the combination of these properties will allow buildings to look harmonious and completed. And no properties cannot be compensated by another.

Throughout the life of Vitruvius, she prepared his own essay about architecture. In old age, the architect has made a pension from the emperor of August, which allowed to write the only treatise "ten books about architecture" (De Architectura Libre Decept). In this work, the architect and engineer systematized all the information known to him at that time, summarized the practical experience accumulated by the Greek and Roman predecessors and contemporaries. Handy illustrations for the treatise are not preserved, as well as the original.

Vitruviy - biography, photo, personal life, architecture, books 16315_6

The treatise included 10 books, each is dedicated to a separate issue - the professional skills of the architect, building materials, features of the construction of temples and public structures. The problems of construction of suburban ussers and agricultural objects, facade and coloring of buildings, water supply, clocks and mechanisms are affected by the construction of country facades.

The book shows the first definition of the machine as a combination of connected together with parts with a lot of power to move weights. Six categories in the aesthetic component are isolated. The classic of world architecture has become described by Vitruvius Corinthian, Ionian, Doric, Tuscan Orders.

Since the XV century, printed books containing the statement of Witruvia labor began appear in Europe. The first was published in 1486 in Rome.

Sheets from the first printed book Vitruvia

Without the influence of Vitruvia and the formation of the Renaissance architecture, when the Italian architect Leon Battist Alberti drew attention to the treatise, on whose projects was further built by Palazzo Rchelllai in Florence. Alberti, as if to rely with the Roman architect, wrote "ten books about architecture." Lost drawings of cars and the mechanisms of Vitruvia tried to restore the Dominican Priest and Architect Giovanni Jocondo in 1511.

Mark Vitruviy Pollion

The theoretical knowledge of Vitruvia was embodied in their own projects - Basilica in Colony Pano on the Andriatic and the design of the Roman aqueduct. It is also known that during the wars who led Julius Caesar, Vitruvius participated in the construction of military vehicles, siege guns.

Personal life

About the personal life of Vitruvia there is no information.


The death date specified in some sources, 15 years BC, is also conditional, since there is no documentary confirmation. This fact allowed historians to argue that Vitruviya's works during life were not recognized in power and the people.


  • Approximately 13 years BC - "Ten books about architecture"

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