Victor Barinov (character) - "Kitchen", photo, actor, quotes


Character History

The chef of the fictional restaurant of French cuisine "Claude Monet" from the TV series "Kitchen", which came out on the CTC TV channel. One of the main characters. The role is performed by actor Dmitry Nazarov.


Barinov Viktor Petrovich - a hereditary cook. Hero's father Peter Barinov, who played by Actor Oleg Tabakov, worked as a chef in the Paris restaurant. Hero himself also lived for a long time in Paris.

Victor Barinov and his father

Viktor Petrovich begins his chef career at the Moscow restaurant "Claude Monet". From there, the hero is fired after he allowed himself to publicly criticize the owner of the restaurant. This unlucky speech Viktor Petrovich is in a live broadcast. The hero moves into the restaurant of Italian cuisine "Arcobaleno", where he begins to work as a su-chef (deputy chief) and as a result, it becomes a chef itself.

In the 80th series, the hero takes an attempt to return to the Claude Monet restaurant, for which he participates in the TV show Dmitry Nagiyeva. Due to the bias of one of the members of the jury, an attempt is not possible, and the relationship of the hero with a former employer is stronger.

Chef Victor Barinov

After that, Viktor Petrovich leaves the work in the Italian restaurant and attempts to return to Nagiyev and opens his own French cuisine restaurant called "Victor" at the Eleon Hotel, where the chefs team pulls.

Years of hard work affect the health of the hero - Viktor Petrovich enters the hospital with a heart attack and for two episodes lies in a coma. After passing the course of treatment in Germany, the hero returns to his native restaurant. In the 120th series of the series "Kitchen", Victor Barinov mined for the restaurant "Victor" star Michen. And from the series "Hotel Eleon" viewers learn that after that, the hero finally retires.

Character and appearance

A dense middle-aged man, the most noteworthy of the appearance of which began the mustache. It is difficult to submit this character without a mustache. A man with a bad character who does not consider it necessary to hide it from others and drawn with all unceremoniously.

Victor Barinov - Fan

Passionate football fan and gambling player. Regularly puts a significant part of the money earned on the victory of the Spartak team. Fits in a gloomy mood when Spartak loses that it happens often. Because of the lost bookmakers in debts.

After an unsuccessful match, it often hits in stump, spends the night drunk and comes to work in the morning in an inappropriate form and condition. Maybe to swell at work and eventually sleep. On the soil of drunkenness swears with Christina, the former wife of the owner of the restaurant "Claude Monet" Dmitry Nagiyev.

If Spartak, on the contrary, wins, then the mood of Viktor Barinov becomes better. Having won the money, the hero becomes kinder to others and even agrees to raise the chefs of the salary restaurant. True, the ripples, accompanied by drinking alcohol, is not canceled, but now it happens through the joyful occasion and in the fun arrangement of the Spirit.

Victor Barinov - a supporter of the old good French cuisine. The hero wants to make a institution where it works, more famous and visited, but at the same time he reacts in bad innovations. For example, attempts to make changes to the menu.

Personal life

Behind Viktor Barinova, three divorces and two daughters from different marriages: Senior Katya and younger Alice. The interest of the hero to women does not cool after so many failures in his personal life, and Viktor Petrovich turns a novel with a colleague - the chef of the restaurant of Italian cuisine "Arcobaleno" by Elena Sokolova (the role performs the actress Marina Mogilevskaya), which makes an offer, and at the end of the series marries This woman.

One of the former Wives Viktor Petrovich and his mother's elder daughter Kati is an artist Eleonor Galanova (actress Elena Xenofontova). The mistress of the Eleon Boutique Hotel, in which the hero will open its own restaurant. This loving lady received a hotel inherited from one of his husbands. Meets with the former head of the former husband Dmitry Nagiyev and the mass of other men.

Eleonora Galanova (Elena Xenofontova)

The last worker Eleanora in the series becomes a colorful character - Rodion Gromov. The St. Petersburg connoisseur of French cuisine and intellectual, which in an unknown way turned out to be a Moscow bum that dwells on the backyards of the restaurant "Claude Monet". Later it becomes clear that the hero is actually a serious entrepreneur who lost his memory and for three years was considered missing.

The right hand of the hero, his good friend and the nearest colleague - Lev Solovyov, who travels together with Viktor Petrovich in all restaurants in the role of unchanged Su-Chef.

Interesting Facts

  • Dishes that the viewer sees in the series, cook professionals are preparing directly on the set.
  • A funny coincidence, but one of the former wives of the hero and her daughter in the series initially wanted to call Olga and Arisha. Only after the start of the shooting it turned out that the actor's real wife and daughter, who played by Viktor Barinova, is also called! I had to invent new names for characters in the series, calling those Tatiana and Alice.
Victor Barinov without Usorval - Actor Dmitry Nazarov
  • Dmitry Nazarov, the performer of the role of Viktor Barinova, is really close to professional cook art. In adolescence, the actor had to work the fourth-time pedestrian master. And later, Dmitry has repeatedly conducted culinary shows on different channels and voiced the hand drawn chef in the American cartoon "Ratatuj".
  • The hero and actor has another common feature: Dmitry Nazarov also sick for the Spartak football team.


"From now on and in the eyelids we take you to our kitchen! In the name of the oven and the fight! In the name of the pan and the midst! Omle-E-E is! "" Let's summarize your first working week. On the first day, you almost poisoned a person, in the second it came up with a bartender and defeated the whole bar, now I recognize that you are digging Victoria Sergeevna, and today you have not been shot at all! .. Looks like ... you fit into our team! " "I forgot to put my car on the handbrake, and she drove me. I will not claim, you can simply at myself in the separation to take on this! "The daddy will cook alkuzhinny!" I don't drink at work ... it should be noted! "" Two meters of prisstar! "" You are late for half an hour! Because of you, two clients have lost heartburns! "" In this country, violations are not looking for them to be eliminated, and in order for them to pay. "

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