Kim Su Hyun - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Kim Su Hyun is one of the most sought-after young actors of Korean and Chinese cinema and show business. The Asian press calls movies with his participation masterpieces. According to the artist himself, he does not seek easy ways and instead of participating in projects appropriate, chooses those that can realize only Kim Su Hyun.

Childhood and youth

About the childhood of Korean movie stars and models are known. Kim Su Hyun was born on February 16, 1988 in the South Korean city of Chung us Non San in a musical family. Such Hyuna Father - Korean Rock Singer Kim Chun Hong, known in the eighties, Soloist "Seven Dolphins". Summary sister on the Father - Kim Yu on (not to be confused with the Olympic champion in figure skating) - also singer. Kim Heh Salt, more famous under the name Zion, - Pop and Hip-Hop performer, producer, songwriter, participant of the N-Sonic group.

Kim Su Hen in 2017

Despite the presence of such versatile relatives, the boy has grown by introvert, and nothing imposed that his life will unfold towards show business.

Play on scene, Su Hyun began in school years with the goal to overcome natural closure. Later he entered the prestigious private University of Chunk in Seoul to the specialty "Actor Theater and Cinema".


In 2007, Su Hyun took place on television - a young actor starred in Sitkom with an untransit name "Kimchi Cheese Smile". The following was followed by the series, which in Japanese, Korean and Chinese cinema were called the name of the dorama. Derama 2008 "Aquarium Fish" is based on real events and tells about the problems of schoolchildren, the whole life of which focuses on education. The film won many awards, including the Award of the Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union.

Actor Kim Su Hen

In 2009, Kim Su Hyun appeared in the drama "Will it snow for christmas?" And the short film "Cast friends", shot by the Korean National University of Arts. The film won the prize in the category "Best Social Drama" at the Festival of Short Cinema.

Su Hyun felt the taste of glory in 2011, when he fulfilled the role of a simple village guy who had incredibly gifted musically, in the teenage drama "Wrought by the Dream". The series received high ratings in Korea, which won several international awards, including for the first time in the history of Korean cinema, the Gold Rose Television was noted by Switzerland's television.

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The film told the story of six students of Kirin High School, dreaming of becoming K-Ror Endolas. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. They learn to sing, develop dance skills, and most importantly - learn to support each other in the desire for glory and popularity.

To look natural, the actor had to deal with singing and dancing at the Jyp Entertainment agency for three months. Su Hyun also participated in the record of two soundtracks to the film - "Dreaming" and "Dream High".

After completion of the first season of the series, the artist participated in concerts and musical shows, played an episodic role in the pilot series of the second season. The second season came out on the screens in 2012, but already with another acting staff.

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A sharp splash of popularity was waiting for the actor in 2012, when the "Sun in the arms of the moon" was released on the screens. The film immediately took the top places in the ratings of views, and Kim Su Hyun received a premium in the nomination "Best Actor".

Along with fame, there were invitations to shoot in advertising, and with them - and large fees. Su Hyun switched to the category of Idolov, the benefit and attractive appearance contributed to this. Kim Su Hyun is the face of Coca-Cola and Samsung Electronics in China. For one advertising contract, the young artist receives almost $ 2 million, and for one episode in the series, its earnings are about 84 thousand dollars.

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Also in 2012, the filmography of Kim Su Hyun was replenished with a painting of a large format called "Thieves", which in the press called the Korean transformation "eleven friends of Oushen." In the film, we were talking about the Korean-Chinese gang of robbers, united together to the alarms of the diamond "Tear of the Sun" from the casino in Macau. Su Hyun got the role of the youngest member of the Champano gang. Thieves became the second most cash film in the history of Korean cinema.

The highest fee of Kim Su Hyun received, filming the next series of 2013 by the release of the "man from the star", telling about the love of men with another planet and earthly woman. In both films, Su Hyun has happened to work with the actress and model Ji Zhi Hyun. "Man from the star" became the first television work of the girl after a 14-year-round. In Japanese, Korean and European cinema, they are also known under the names of Gianna Yun, Giena, Gianna Chon. Real Name Actress - Wang Ji Hyun.

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At the same year, Su Hyun fulfilled the role of a spy with a gift to read other people's thoughts, in the film "The Mystery Mission". Inspiration for filming screams in unexpected places - read the anecdotes and watched the telepuskov show.

In two years, Kim Su Hyun starred in the drama "Producers", the main characters of which were the staff of the KBS television channel in iodido. Some employees work in the company for many years, and is not always ready to perceive the ideas of the younger generation.

Kim Su Hen and Cha Te Hen

In this film, there is an unusual Asian cinema scene of a kiss of two men. Su Hyun in an interview with Korean Entertainment admitted that it was very nervous and immediately apologized to the partner of the frame of Cha Te Heyn, when the scene was filmed. In addition, the artist participated in the most popular Korean television show programs "Happy together" and "Running Man."

Personal life

The personal life of the star Asian cinema does not replete events. Kim Su Hyun is not married and, according to him, going to do it only in 41, since at this age will be able to meet with a 21-year-old girl. As far as Su Hyun was serious, making such a statement, it is difficult to judge. The ideal of the girl for Su Hyun is a British actress Kaya Skodelirio.

Kaya Skodelirio - Girl Dreams Kim Su Hhena

In his spare time, the artist loves to ride a bike or skiing, playing football and badminton, swim. Still likes to photograph. On the "Instagram" page photos for now, but there are already more than two million subscribers.

Such Hyun and music is present in the life. Back at the dawn, career played in musicals. To the Olympics in London in 2012 he recorded the song and released a clip in support of the National Korea national team. Experts believe that the guy sings no worse professionals.

Kim Su Hyun now

In 2016, Kim Su Hyun in the company with friend Lee Hon Kim, the actor and the soloist of pop rock band Ftisland, tried happiness in professional bowling. Su Hyun In an interview with the Channel MVS, he said that the game likes him what he had to count on her strength.

Kim Su Hen and Lee Hon Kim

The last cinematic work of 2017 is "real", in which Kim Su Hyun performs two roles at once. The picture attracted the attention of fans for the most part due to the fact that Su Hyun in the fall of the same year is called upon service in the army for a period of 21 months. Initially, the actor did not want to give this fact much importance, and even the agents did not confirm (but did not refute) the rumors appearing in the press. In October, it became known that the artist is enrolled in the Congue training center to Padj.


  • 2007 - Kimchi Cheese Smile
  • 2008 - "Aquarium Fish"
  • 2009 - "Field House"
  • 2010 - "Giant"
  • 2011 - "obsessed with the dream"
  • 2012 - "Sun in the arms of the moon"
  • 2013 - "Man with a star"
  • 2015 - "Producer"
  • 2017 - "Real"

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