Lee John Juice - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Lee John Juice is a Korean actor, whose debut work has become a short film "Sympathy", published in 2005. It is worth noting that the artist is removed not only in the cinema, but also in the music clips. In 2016, he participated in the shooting of the video of the Davichi group on the song "Love IS".

Childhood and youth

Lee Chon Juice (John-pseudonym) was born on September 14, 1989 in the city of Yonyin (South Korea). Two years after the birth of whether his younger brother appeared on the world, and after 4 years a little sister was born. The actor grew up shy and extremely timid boys. Sister and brother have always been more active than he. This circumstance did not like the Father, so the head of the family was strict for the eldest son and demanded excellence from him in everything.

Fear in front of the Father moved and in adulthood. In a conversation with journalists, the artist repeatedly admitted that it still feels cowardly if dad sits in the living room. Fortunately, now there are fewer conflicts between them than before.

Actor Lee John Juice

As a child, he was fond of drawing and played Korean chess (Baduk). A special role in his life was given the piano, the game on which distracts a closed boy from problems. Favorite lesson had to be quit at the time when the head of the family recorded his son on Taekwondo.

Training did not bring the future actor not the slightest pleasure, but the father insisted for visiting the section, who could not be reached. As a result, classes were marked by obtaining a black belt and a pair of nervous disruptions.

When he studied in high school, he together with classmates participated in the selection to the local television station. Then the charismatic young man and began work as a valid actor on SBS. Later was the cooperation with the famous brand of men's clothing "Seoul Collection".

Lee John Sok.

After graduating from school, the guy moved to Seoul in order to receive a higher education. It is worth noting that whether it was lucky to get the best education than his brother who studied right at home.

Awareness that he wants to become an actor came to the young man after watching the Drama "Full House". Already then, his idol was the Rhine, to whom the young man undertook in everything. The final decision regarding the choice of the further profession was made after the film "The Temptation of Wolves" was taken.


The first serious work was the drama "Charming Prosecutor", who saw the light in 2010. In the center of the plot tape, the girl named Mahe-Ri, whose memory and ability to concentrate allow her with ease to pass the exam on a lawyer.

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However, the young lady does not like hard work and more interested in fashion, which prevents her from becoming a prosecutor. Having passed through conflicts with colleagues and other difficulties, the life priorities gradually change in He-Ri.

The next Furior was part in the drama "Mysterious Garden". The actor showed himself only from the best side. Then a couple of no less significant films came to the light with the participation of Lee ("School 2013", "I hear your voice"). Also, it is also impossible not to mention about the picture of the "hot young blood", in which the actor played a major role.

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In 2016, the premiere of the fantastic series "W" took place, the plot of which tells the audience the story of a strange novel between the Chair-comic-cholem character and about Yen Ju - a girl operating a surgeon in the real world.

In the same year, the fans saw their favorite in the "seven first kisses" drama. The plot of the film was uncomplicated and simple: a supermarket workers named Ming Su Gin 25th birthday.

She never had a guy, and she had never been kissing. A couple of minutes before the end of the working day, the saleswoman meets the fairy, returns to her the magic passport left at the rack, and she fulfills the girl's desire - a date and a kiss.

Lee John Juice and Pak Shin Hehe

Then Ming Su Gin comes "Surk Day" seven times in a row: Exactly 10 minutes before the end of the same working day, she appoints the most beautiful men, but as soon as the time comes to a kiss, Cinderella returns to his store, not Understanding what is the problem.

Despite the huge number of fans, whether it is extremely self-critical refers to their roles. Often I do not like your own game, and then he openly declares it. So, for example, it was after the exit of the Sitkom "Unstoppable Pink 3".

Personal life

Despite popularity, or to this day, it is possible not to attach his personal life. Nor tried media representatives, but they failed to find compromising materials on the actor.

Lee John Juice and Khan Hez Zhu

At different times, the reincarnation master was attributed to the relationship with Khan Hez Zhu, and with Pak Shin Hehe, and whether it was more. Now it is definitely unknown, there is a girl with an artist or not.

Lee John Sok now

In August 2017, a fighter "V.I.P." was released on the screens. whether in the lead role. In the center of the plot of the tape the son of a high-ranking official of North Korea, who is not capable of committing a series of brutal murders.

Lee John Juice in 2017

The guy is impunity of crimes and freely moves around the world due to the fact that he feels the power of the Father, his patronage and support. However, when cruelty and cynicism go beyond the limits of the "privileged" killer, the police officers of North and South Korea are taken together with Interpol.

In the same year, the actor replenished with the series "While you sleep" by the series, telling about the young girl who is being shot by the prophetic dreams. In them, the lady sees unfamiliar people who will soon die. While one dream of becoming special, Hon, Hon, passionately wants to get rid of the damned gift. In order not to leave the sum, the young feature decides not to keep terrible dreams in the secret and tell the prosecutor about them - Chon-Zhe, who has played.

Lee John juice before and after plastics

Despite the tight working schedule, the artist who made himself rhinoplasty does not forget about fans. In "Instagram", the Korean celebrity regularly posts photos from a personal archive, as well as video cliffs from recreation.

It is worth noting that social networks are not the only resource telling fans about the latest news from the life of John Juok. On Internet portals and in print publications, materials related to the creative star biography are also often published.


  • 2017 - "While you sleep"
  • 2017 - "V.I.P"
  • 2016 - "Seven First Kisses"
  • 2016 - "Fairy of heavy athletics Kim Pok Zhu"
  • 2016 - "W: between two worlds!"
  • 2016 - "Star Night GO HO"
  • 2014 - "Pinocchio"
  • 2014 - "Hot Blood of Youth"
  • 2013 - "I hear your voice"
  • 2013 - "Do not breathe"
  • 2012 - "as one"
  • 2010 - "Mysterious Garden"

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