Amaik Hakobyan - biography, photo, personal life, news, focuses 2021



In the nineties, the name of the magician Amaika Akopian knew everything from Mala to Great. The magician challenged the cities with his concert program, published books on focus, participated in the filming of all sorts of movies, and also worked as a TV presenter in the program "Good night, kids."

Focuscript Amaik Hakobyan

Then the magicians whose phrases are quoted to this day, disappeared from the field of view not only to the general public, but also journalists. Only in 2016 it turned out that over the past years, the actor lived with an elderly mother, which is needed regular care, and therefore did not appear on TV.

Childhood and youth

Ahmyak Arutyunovich Hakobyan was born on December 1, 1956 in the city of great opportunities - Moscow. The father of Artist Arutyun Hakobyan was a well-known Soviet Focuscript, so it is not surprising that from Early Years, Amyak enjoyed the mysterious world of illusions and magic. Mom Sorreys has worked for a long time in a team of her husband, but later began to act as an opera singer.

Harutyun Hakobyan, Father Amaika Akopian

According to the statements of the magician, parents have always encouraged what he was fond of. Fencing, Dancing, Sport - What would not have chosen the future magician, the head of the family and mom in any case would support a hot beloved son.

First, the magician dreamed of becoming an artist. The idea to link his life with painting appeared at Akopian in school years. Then he became friends with the daughter of the artist Vladimir Serov. It was she who led Amaik to the workshop of the Father, in which the childhood of the Correction was held.

Amaik Hakobyan as a child

After the death of the artist Hakobyan scored brushes and easel, abandoning the dreams of the rest of his life to write paintings. At that moment, a mother, whose shoulders were years of study in the conservatory, gave the Son to a music school.

Later, she began to call the heir to the pertrift of the calm of the piano keys, since the Aãoak with sharp squeezed movements literally knocked out the sound from the tool.

One day the actress Rina Green came to the father, from the threshold asked the boy to play a composition for hearing hearing. The future magician initially focused on, but as a result, I sat down for the instrument, deciding to play a song from the repertoire "The Beatles".

Aãoak Hakobyan in youth

When the music was amended, metaphysical horror reigned in the atmosphere. Rina Vasilyevna, in order to switch the attention, asked why young tranquility did not use the pedal mechanism. The boy immediately stated that it also plays too slowly to press on the brakes. After that, in the room for a couple of minutes did not subside the ringing laughter of the parents.

From the biography of the illusionist, it is known that after graduating from School, Hakobyan entered the state school of circus and pop art, but he was not long there for a long time, because in the institution, much attention was paid to the physical education of students. Classes in sports halls were an integral part of the preparation of circus artists.

Amaik Hakobyan

For a long time, Aãoak headed the ranks of the most flexible and strong students, but at one moment all previous successes questioned the accidentally obtained injury. Performing one of the exercises, the magician "earned" a cracker in the spine. For this reason, in a short time, the magician left the circus school.

After leaving Guzzi, a talented guy entered Gitis. In this place, he developed his innate guide talent, as well as the skills of the illusionist.


First, a movie appeared in the life of Amyaka. The first roles of Hakobyan received in the mid-seventies. At that time, he played predominantly episodic roles of magicians, singers and gangsters. Similar acting work, of course, did not bring the illusionist success, but laid the necessary base of future career victories.

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In the 1980s, Amaik received a major role in the film "Poor Masha" and parallel with this was filmed as the Morning Mail in the musical transmission. Work on television brought the illusionist first popularity. It became a recognizable magician, and therefore invitations to the teleprojects began to act as a doubly interior artist.

At the beginning of the eighties, Aãoak performed a prominent role in the TV series "Return to Fauy". Then the magician was lucky to work on one set along with Mihai Volontir, Clara Lightly and Nina Ruslanova. At the same time, Amyak appeared in the films "Eastern Dentist" and "Great Samoy". During the shooting period, the popularity of the wizard began to rapidly gain momentum, but the main victories were still ahead.

Amaik Hakobyan shows tricks

In 1986, Hakobyan worked under the contract in Las Vegas in the Olympia Casino. One day, his impresario offered him to work with the public behind the lonely table. Hakobyan went to the table and began to show the classic Shooter Trick "Three Listers". Since he was allowed to play with the public for money, after an hour and a half in the pocket of the illusionist there were $ 4.5 thousand.

Upon returning to Motherland, Hakobyan performed his main cinematic roles. During this period, the famous magician starred in the films "Thieves in the law", "Burned Bus", "did not compare the characters" and "my gently favorite detective."

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In parallel with the shooting in cinema, the magician was often toured by CIS countries, giving ideas as a magician. Such successes brought him the title of Honored Artist of Russia, as well as the recognition of the International Association of Illusionists.

In 1996, the actor first experienced the image of the good wizard "Rakhat Lukumich" in the popular children's program "Good night, kids." Subsequently, Hakobyan became a regular participant in the project and appeared in it for a couple of years.

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The wizard's piggy bank was a lot of foci, which the artist came up with on the go. Akopian focuses were associated with cards, endless colored scarves, rabbits in a cylinder, fire and even levitation.

In recent years, the owner of a special television prize "Don Quixote and Sancho Pansa" and the special prize "Carnival in Malta" is rare. In addition, the full calm reigns and in the acting career. The last film with the participation of the magician - the documentary project "Secrets of Soviet Cinema", published in 2011.

Personal life

About personal life Author of a dozen magic spells never spread. It is known that Hakopian had three unsuccessful marriage, but the actor thoroughly hides their detailed information about them. Today, the only son of Clavius ​​Filipp lives in the United States. The guy's mother lives there - the former ballerina of the Bolshoi Theater.

Amaik Hakobyan

In early 2005, Hakobyan buried his father, who was the inspiration of Amyaka, and at whose footsteps he eventually went. The death of the family of the family so suned him that Hakobyan began to heat the grief in alcohol. In that period, the magician started the day with a glass of brandy. According to the artist, the doctor helped him with a bad habit, who declared that he would die if he continues to drink.

Now the main intense and joy for Amyak is to communicate with children. The magician to this day notes that he loves to speak in front of the young public, so it will be happy to provide presentations in orphanages, boarding schools and hospitals.

Amaik Hakobyan now

In 2016, the artist became the guest of the program "Alone with everyone", in which Julia M. Meshovov tried to disrupt all masks from illusionist, pulling out the present Amaik.

In 2017, Mikhail Kubnitsyn, Mikhail Kunitsyn, took an interview with Mikhail Kunitsyn. Despite the fact that the official site has no magician, many Internet resources offer to order an illusionist to their event.

Amaik Hakobyan in 2017


  • 1981 - "Around the laughter"
  • 1986 - "Morning Mail"
  • 1987 - "Alarm clock"
  • 1996-2001 - "Good night, kids"
  • 2011 - "big difference"
  • 2016 - "Tricks? Tricks!"
  • 2016 - "Roy Things"
  • 2017 - "Alone with all"

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