Polina Bogusevich - biography, photo, personal life, news, songs, "Children's Eurovision" 2021



Polina Bogusevich is a talented singer, who, despite the young age, has already managed to participate in several serious contests and even bring Russia the main prize at the "Children's Eurovision". Perhaps it is safe to argue that the further creative biography of Polina will be more than successful.

Childhood and family

The girl was born on July 4, 2003 in Moscow. Polyna's parents are not related to the world of show business, although dad singer can play guitar and piano. It is known that the Father and Mother of the Russian girls by nationality, although it is from Kazakhstan, Mom also has Korean roots.

Polina Bogusevich

From early childhood Polina Bogusevich showed musical talent: the girl sang perfectly, constantly performed on matinee and concerts for parents in kindergarten. Once the educators drew the attention of parents to the undoubted talent of the child. After that, Polina began to seriously engage in music school. The singer later admits to journalists that the teachers saw a future pianist in it, but she herself insisted on vocals.

Polina Bogusevich in childhood

The girl with his family lives in Moscow, although it became known to journalists, in 2016 Polyna's parents wanted to move to the United States, but at some point they refused these plans.


Already in 2012, Polina Bogusevich seriously declared his own talent, taking part in the Music Festival "Ezereski Beseli", which was held in Macedonia. The next two years, the singer opposed the team called "Jazz Band Phonograph", as well as the popular phonograph-sympho-jazz orchestra, whose artistic director is Sergey Zhilin.

Polina Bogusevich - biography, photo, personal life, news, songs,

Polina began to professionally learn vocals at the Academy of Igor Krathty and joined the composition of the A-Teens label.

In 2014, Polina Bogusevich spoke the whole country: the girl took part in the competition "First Channel" called "Voice. Children". The first speech of Polina struck members of the jury, and Maxim Fadeev even compared Polina with Diaan Ross. The young singer chose the Think Ara Franklin composition, a popular American figure of the 1960s.

All members of the jury unfolded to the girl, however, the young Diva chose Dima Bilan team. Talking about yourself, Polina admitted that he loves to listen to the songs of Ella Fitzgerald, Jennifer Hudson and Christina Aguilers. She also told that he would dream of becoming a famous star star and even chose the scenic pseudonym - gender.

Unfortunately, in this project, Polina Bogusevich did not reach the final, without preparing the stage of "fights". The winner of the season show was Alice Koekin.

Two years later, in 2016, Polina Bogusevich took part in the Children's Competition "San Remo" and received a diploma of the first degree, again hitting the audience and the jury with a talented and emotional performance.

Polina Bogusevich on stage

And in 2017 Polina Bogusevich again waited for a serious musical competition: the singer sent an application for participation in "Children's Eurovision". Selection auditions took place in the "Artek" children's camp. In the jury, among others, composers of Gregory Gladkov, Evgeny Krylatov, as well as Dina Garipova, a famous singer was included. On the way to goal, the girl bypassed more than twenty other applicants and achieved his own: Polina entrusted the honor to represent Russia at the competition in Georgian Tbilisi.

The show took place on November 26. Polina Bogusevich chose a song called "Wings", which sang in Russian and English. This is a composition of children who grow in dysfunctional families and suffer from inattention in parents. The fact that every small creature requires love and care. Despite such serious theme, Polina coped perfectly with the performance.

The announcement of the results was excavating for the participants: first Polina inferior in the number of points Grigol Kipisidze, the Georgian executor, however, at the very end of the audience voting, the Russian woman broke forward, leaving Kipshidze in second place.

As a result, Polina Bogusevich earned 188 points, the silver medalist received 185 points. The third was Australian named Isabella Clark, which scored 172 points. Maximum assessment (12 points) Polina put Portugal, Australia, Macedonia and Georgia.

Polina Bogusevich in the Show "Children's Eurovision"

After Polina's victory, Bogusevich admitted that such a result was not easy for her: the girl had to miss a lot of school classes to adequately prepare for the competition. Now Polina plans to give himself a few days of rest: to communicate with friends, walk and not think about anything.

Recall that the victory of Polina Bogusevich at the "Children's Eurovision" was the second for Russia. For the first time, the main prize of this competition went to the country in 2006. Then the Russian Federation represented sisters Anastasia and Maria Tolmachev. Also, the Russians twice became second - in 2009 (then the country was represented by Ekaterina Ryabov) and in 2010, when Sasha Lazin and Lisa Drozd were performed from Russia (the "magic microphone" group).

Polina Bogusevich now

Now Polina Bogusevich is known, perhaps, even those who are not interested in musical events. Video performances The girl was divided into "Instagram", "YouTube" and other social networks, and the photo of the winner of the Children's Eurovision appeared on the pages of all news publications.

Polina Bogusevich in 2017

However, despite such popularity, Polina remains an ordinary teenager. The girl admits that, besides music, loves to watch movies and read. Favorite paintings Polina - "Running in the labyrinth" of Wes Bola and "Fast and Furious", and from the books of the singer prefers "the stars" writer John Green.

In the future, Polina Bogusevich plans to associate life with the scene. But if something goes wrong, the girl considers the options of the director's profession, as well as the work of the veterinarian. In any case, emphasizes the singer, it is necessary to get a specialty and do not depend on anyone.

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