Julius Kim - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Songs, Poems 2021



Lovers of a bard song The name of her "Patriarch" Julia Kima is well acquainted. It stands in the same row with Bulat Okudzhava, Alexander Goránitsky and Alexander Garym.

Julius Kim.

Fans of creativity Kim know Julia Chercanovich as a poet, playwright and scriptwriter. And also - a famous dissident who was not afraid to sail against the current in the times of the Soviet Union, nor now, dares to talk about sore in his songs and books.

Fans of cinema Cinema Creativity Julia Kima is familiar to songs on his poems to the kilometers, who are happy to revise 10, and 20 years later.

Childhood and youth

The future songwriter and playwright was born in December 1936 in the capital in the intelligent family of Korean and Russian. Father Kim Cher San worked as a journalist and translator, Mama Nina Allweatskaya taught children Russian and literature.

Julius Kim in childhood

Childhood Julia Kima was difficult. The boy was not fulfilled two years when parents got into the bloody millstone repressions. In November 1937, Father with a group of Moscow Koreans declared Japanese spy and shot. Soon in the 8-year-old link, the wife of the Motherland Nina Valentinovna Vestinskaya also went to the Lental.

Children - one and a half year old Yulia and 4-year-old Alina - determined the Baby House, but after a couple of months they were located grandfather and took home, to Naro-Fominsk. Caring for children lay on the shoulders of the grandfather and grandmother on the maternal line, then the upbringing of young kima tetsushki, mother's sisters.

Julius Kim in childhood

For the first time, Julius Kim saw mom in 1945. After returning from "places not so distant" Nina Valentinovna did not have the right to live in the capital. Together with the children, she went for the 101st kilometer. But life in Maloyaroslavets under Kaluga was too heavy, and the family moved to the warm Turkmenistan, to the city of Tashauz, where the products were relatively cheap.

In Moscow, Julius Kim returned in 1954. He entered the metropolitan persecution by choosing the Faculty of History and Philology. After graduating from the university, a young teacher for 3 years (until 1963) went to Kamchatka, in the village of Anadk. Returning to the capital, Julius Kim got a job at the boarding school at the University named after M. V. Lomonosov.

Julius Kim at the rehearsal concert at the boarding school

Dysident and human rights activities of Kima began in the mid-1960s. Julius Chercanovich put a signature under collective letters to the authorities, demanding to comply with human rights and stop injuring the dissent. In the reports of operatives of the State Security Committee, the Moscow teacher was held as "guitarist".

In 1968, it was too active in Julia Kima to write a statement about care: the directorate did not like the tense attitudes of the teacher with the authorities and the popularity that "dissident" plots of his songs received. In Moscow's kitchens, I was happy to sing the "lawyer waltto" and "gentlemen and ladies" of Kim.

Julius Kim in youth

Since the late 1960s, a saturated creative biography of Julia Kima, who has become a free artist after leaving the school. According to Barda, on Lubyanka, where they were invited to conversation, he was allowed to make a living with creativity - in the theater and cinema. But the first rows of dissidents Julia Kima had to leave.

The activist human rights activist, taking the pseudonym Y. Mikhailov, moved to the "rear", where he continued to destroy the foundations of totalitarianism, but with a smaller scale. Mikhailov Kim remained until the mid-1980s.

Poems and music

Write songs to their poems Julius Kim began in student years, from the mid-1950s. The musician performed the author's composition, accompanying the guitar. Hence the nickname "Guitarist", invented singer on Lubyanka.

Julius Kim with a guitar

After returning to the capital, Julius Kim took the work with new forces. At the first concerts of Barda Muscovites at the beginning of the 1960s, and the debut in the movie happened in 1963, when Melodora Theodore Wulfovich "Street Newton, House 1" came to the screens.

After 5 years, Julius Kim declared itself on theatrical stage. In 1968, he composed vocal parties to the play "How you like it", put on the comedy of William Shakespeare.

After a conversation on Lubyanka, the number of artist concerts decreased, but cooperation with cinema and metropolitan theaters increased. Julius Kim took over the writing of the plays, songs for theater and artistic films. Until the mid-1970s, he wrote songs for paintings "Bumbaras", "Point, dot, comma ...", "Classified City", "Northern Option". In 1974, Julia Kima accepted in the Moscow Furgatory of playwrights.

Fans of the author's song call Kima Patriarch and the founder of the Bardov movement. Songs Julia Chercanovich "Koni", "Beleet My Sail", "Crane flies in the sky", "ridiculous, funny, reckless, magical" loved by many generations of listeners. The famous Soviet composers Alexey Rybnikov, Gennady Gladkov, Vladimir Dashkevich wrote to his poems.

In 1985, Julius Kim played a major role in the formulation of "Noah and his sons", which was based on his play. For the first time, the artist appeared under the real name. In the same year, the debut disk "Fish-Whale" was released and a unlucky ban on the discussion in the form of creativity of Kima was removed.

Julius Kim on stage

Discography Barda is two dozen vinyl and laser drives, video cassettes, among which the most famous "October 19", 3 disks "Theater Julia Kima". The composition of the author is at the honorable place in all antologies of the Bardov song and in many anthologies of modern Russian poetry.

Julius Kim is known and literary developments, he is the author of the books "I - Cloon", "Creative Evening", "Future Carpet", "Moscow Kitchens", "Once Upda Mikhailov". And Kim wrote 3 filmceneuria, on the two filmed films "After the rain on Thursday" and "Once, two - not a mischief", in which the author's compositions sounded.

Songs Julia Kima undoubtedly decorated the film in the 1970s, entered the Golden Foundation of the Soviet and Russian cinema. They sounded in the tapes "Twelve Chairs" Mark Zakharov, "About the Red Cap" (Song "Brave Hunter"), "Ordinary Miracle", "Kings and Cabbage", "Watching Gusar".

In the 1980s, the audience saw the wonderful films "Dulcinea Tobos", "Peppi Long Stocking", "Love Formula", "The house that Svift built", "Man with Capuchin Boulevard", "Dog's Heart" and "Kill Dragon". In all the film sedabilities, songs are sounded to the poems of Julia Kim. Valery Zolotukhin, Andrei Mironov, Mikhail Boyars singing them.

Julius Kim reads poems from his book

Kim is the author and co-author of more than dozens of plays and musicals, among which the "Fairy Tale of the Ardennes Forest", "Moscow Kitchens", "Who kissevna kisses?". Thanks to his translation from French into Russian, the audience of Russia in 2002 saw the Music "Notre Dame". Share on scenarios Julia Kima successfully go in two dozen Russian theaters.

Since 1998, Julius Kim lives into two countries, Russia and Israel. In March 2008, with Russian Bards participated in the festival "again" under the integral ". In 2015, the jury of society of the promotion of Russian poetry handed Julia to Kim's "Poet".

Personal life

In the mid-1960s, Bard married Irina Yakir, the commercial jona Jonah Yakira shot in the Stalin's time. Irina's father, Peter Yakir, also subjected to repression and served a term in camps from 14 to 32 years for anti-Soviet activities. Julia and Irina had a daughter called Natalia.

Julius Kim with the first wife and daughter

In 1998, Julius Kim with a sick spouse moved to Israel, but did not refuse Russian citizenship. A year later, Irina Petrovna died.

After the death of his wife, Kim married the second time on Lydia Lugovoy.

Julius Kim now

In 2016, the poet, playwright and bard noted the 80th anniversary. In the same year, Yulia Kima was presented to the Award of the Moscow Helsinki Group for the protection of human rights through culture and art.

Julius Kim in 2017

In 2016, the author presented the book "And I was there", in which the artistic prose is interspersed with memories of the birth of places - Moscow, Kamchatka, Jerusalem - and loved ones.


  • 1989 - "I am a clown"
  • 1990 - "Flying Carpet"
  • 1990 - "Magic Sleep"
  • 1998 - "At your own motive"
  • 1998 - "Collected Pestry Heads"
  • 1999 - "Mosaic of Life"
  • 2000 - "Travel to Lighthouse"
  • 2003 - "My Mother Russia"
  • 2004 - "Do not leave me, Spring"
  • 2004 - "One day Mikhailov"
  • 2006 - "Bouquet of disengagement"
  • 2006 - "After the rain on Thursday"
  • 2007 - "About our mother Nina Allweat, teacher"
  • 2013 - "Light, blue, varied"
  • 2016 - "And I was there"

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