Evan Rachel Wood (Rachel) - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Evan Rachel Wood is the owner of a rich filmography, an interesting musical career and an extraordinary personal life. One of the few who was not afraid to tell about twice the victim at the US Congress level, thereby maintaining the draft law on the protection of the rights of victims of sexual harassment. Now even the series "The Wild West World", in which the actress has the main role, is called the harbinger of movement against the Harassment #Metoo.

Childhood and youth

Evan Rachel Wood was born on September 7, 1987 in the capital of North Carolina in the acting family with Jewish-French roots, grew behind the scenes of the theater, who led his father. The first exit on the scene took place when the girl was not fulfilled and years.

In 7 Rachel made his debut in the cinema, in the Drama "Gorky Blood", and by 10 years, her track record had 10 films and serials.

After the divorce of the parents, she and younger sister Eyden moved to Los Angeles, and the brothers Aira David, Dan and Thomas stayed with his father. From the biography of the Hollywood Star, it is known that the school Wood did not love, and the relationship with classmates did not develop.

Educational institution Rachel graduated from external. In addition to the world of cinema, she had another passion - martial arts. It is difficult to believe, but this fragile with the sight of the artist (height 168 cm, weight 52 kg) black belt in Taekwondo.

Personal life

On the set of the painting "It happened in the valley" 17-year-old Evan met with Edward Norton, and soon the tabloids saved the details of the passionate novel of colleagues, who did not stop the serious difference in age.

There were Rachel Relationships and with a shower singer Marylin Manson (the actress starred in his video on the song Shaped Glasses). They met, parted and even announced the engagement. Although the wedding did not take place, according to the girl, it was the brightest and crazy period in life. Manson dedicated a sentence of a song, and instead of diamonds, Gave pictures and was going to take it out in the movie "Fyshismagoria: Vision Lewis Carrolla."

In 2011, Wood was impressed by the readers of Esquire with frank recognition in bisexuality, and later unexpectedly married the film actor Jamie Bella, with whom he was familiar to 8 years. In 2013, a couple had a son of Jack Mattin. The young mother followed the example of Gisele Bindchen and Jennifer Connel and gave birth to a child at home.

Less than a year later divorce. Bell then married Kate Mare. Rachel, becoming free, regularly gave the tabloids to attribute to her another groom or girlfriend. She was noticed with Michael Grant, spent time with Catherine Menning, her photo was walking in the company Vocalist Andy Tongrene. Rumors about the novel with Michelle Rodriguez had to be rapidly refuted by official representatives of both women.

Another failed celebrity husband - Zack Villa, actor and musician. Lovers managed to create a group of Rebel and a BasketCase, performed with concerts, recorded the album. In 2017, at the presentation of the awards of the guild of film actors Wood confirmed rumors about the engagement, but this union was collapsed in six months.

The news is that she has a close relationship with Angelina Jolie, Evan laugh in order. In Twitter, the actress placed a link to the site publishing the refutation of all sorts of "fried" facts. This portal interviewed a person from the jolie's environment, and he called the entire history of fiction.

In 2016, Wood admitted that twice became a victim of rape, and in a 15-minute video laid out on the network, told about what happened more. The first time the crime committed its former young man, in the second - the owner of the bar. The girl took 7 years to realize and take the fact of what happened. However, she never called the names of the criminals.

Despite the tight working schedule, Evan does not forget about fans, regularly laying out photographs from filming and video phones from recreation.


In the mystical comedy "Practical Magic", Evan played on the same platform with Nicole Kidman and Sandra Bullock, in the "Oscar" and "Golden Globe" Drama "Thirteen" reincarnated in a 13-year-old tray, an approximate student and a daughter, patiently demolishing life with Mother alcoholic.

After the premiere, Wood was a joke called his tongue to the "main celebrity", because fans were interested in whether she was piercing, as it was on advertising posters. But on the set she was put on a special clip, but Nikki Reed Earring was real.

In 2004, Evan had a chance to play in the resonant melodrama "It happened in the valley," then she received a major role in the tragicomedy "The Devil in the flesh", tried the image of the schizophrenic daughter in the comedy "My Dad - Psych".

In 2007, the girl, together with Jim Sturges, was transferred to the 1968th in the framework of the Musical "through the Universe." The film is permeated with alluzia for reality. For example, the actors exactly repeated the photo of Yoko. It and John Lennon, once decorated with the cover of Rolling Stones.

The role of the mother of Mickey Ruta in the painting "Westler", awarded the main prize of the Venetian film festival, became remembered. Following Wood received an invitation to the Vampire TV series "Real Blood", in which she worked for 7 seasons and subsequently said more than once that he wanted to play a strong, confident woman again.

It is worth noting the tandem with Kate Winslet in the film "Mildred Pierce." The role of the artist in the political thriller of George Clooney "Martov Ida" was positively taken, in which she played a candidate of the presidential candidate, which became a central scandal, developing on the background of the election campaign.

In the company of Norman Ridus, Evan starred in the criminal drama Robert Redford "Conspirator", whose action unfolds against the background of the murder of President Abraham Lincoln. At the "Golden Bear" of the Berlin Festival claimed "Dangerous Illusion". In the melodrama, Wood reincarnated into a mysterious Romanian, seized by the heart of the American.

The cult director Woody Allen involved EE, Henry Caville and Patrish Clarkson in a romantic comedy "Be what happens." The Scenario for the film Allen wrote in another 70th, and the main character, an eccentric and ingenious physicist, in fact, he himself.

In 2016, Evan appeared in the main role in the new project of the HBO Channel "World of Wild West" (or "Western World"). This time, the actress appeared in the form of a robot android, an employee of the thematic amusement park, whose memory was erased every night. But once the program made a failure, and the car devoid of emotions and desires began to evolve.

Evan Rachel Wood now

In 2020, according to the NWO, the 3rd season of the Wild West World, the most popular in the entire history of the project, comes to the screens. Heroine Wood now has a new embodiment - Ayatt, the killer of the Ford Amusement Park.

In the 2nd season, according to the actress, it was harder, since Dolores character was noticed surrounded by only positive moments, and Whitet sees only evil. She is fighting with humanity for freedom and for the sake of the good goal goes to extreme measures. Rachel was difficult to embody the ideas on the screen that comes against their own ideas.

In the 3rd season to the Cast of the TV series joined the first black owner of the Award Prize "Emmy Prime Time" Lina Wate, French actor Vensean Kassel. He considered the possibility of participating in the filming Antonio Banderas.

The plot will expand the geography of the action - the park dedicated to the Second World War will appear.


  • 1998 - "Practical magic"
  • 2003 - "Thirteen"
  • 2006 - "On the sharp face"
  • 2008 - "RESTLER"
  • 2009 - 2011 - "Real Blood"
  • 2010 - "Conspirator"
  • 2011 - "Martov Ida"
  • 2013 - "Dangerous Illusion"
  • 2013 - "Case in You"
  • 2014 - "Barefoot in the city"
  • 2015 - "In the forest"
  • 2016-2020 - "Wild West World"

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