Ephraim Amiramov - biography, photo, personal life, news, songs 2021



Ephraim Amiramov - Poet, composer and performer of their own songs. The talent of the musician conquered a huge number of listeners, and his hit "Young" still can be heard during a noisy fenders and friendly parties. However, few people know that the creativity of Efrem Amramov was awarded the orders of the "Glory of the Nation" and "Service Art", as well as several honorary medals.

Childhood and youth

The future singer was born on April 11, 1956 in the city of Nalchik, which is in Kabardino-Balkaria. By nationality, Ephraim Amiramov - the Gorsky Jew. Father of the boy, Grigory Timofeevich, worked as a balletmaster, and later became the first head of the Karachai song and dance ensemble. In addition, Gregory Amiramov was a good music: a man played almost all musical instruments, with the exception of winds.

Singer Ephraim Amirov

Mother Efrem Amramova, Maria Raframovna, was engaged in the house and raising children. In addition to Ephraim, there were four daughters in the family and one son.

Since childhood, Efrem Grigorievich was distinguished by the abilities for music. The boy mastered the game on the piano in the music school, and in parallel he learned himself to play the guitar. In the seventh grade Ephraim Amiramov and his classmates organized their own musical group, which was called "Gina". The guys performed songs in the style of rock, as well as the composition of their own essay.

Ephraim Amiramov in childhood

After graduating from school, Efrem decided to flow to VGIK to the acting department. However, the third qualifying round of applicants passed. The young man had to come to the Institute of National Economy in the city of Rostov. Here, Amramov, without difficulty, endured the introductory tests and became a student of the Financial and Economic Faculty. In 1997, the musician graduated from the Institute.


In the student years, Ephraim Amiramov did not forget about music. The young man continued to perform at all student concerts and events. And some time later gathered a creative team again. Already in 1987, the first professional album, recorded with the escorting violin, piano and clarinet, appeared in the musical biography of Ephraim Amramov. Unfortunately, this record remained unmanaged.

After graduating from the institute, Ephraim Amiramov worked in the regional ministry of finance, and the evening and weekend devoted to his beloved business - music. In 1989, the singer recorded 35 compositions, of which 17 were the first published album called the "Last Debut". This collection was published in 1990 and instantly loved the student of the sincerity and mentality of the execution of Efim Amramov.

Ephraim Amiramov in youth

The rest of the songs entered the next record of the artist, who also won the love of music lovers in a short time, giving a musician new fans and fans. At about the same time, Ephraim Amirov removed the first clips on the composition "Nalchik Balamut", "Pearls" and "Banal Romance".

A year later, in 1991, Ephraim Amiramov collects a group that gives the name "used" or abbreviated "Used". Alexey Yeremenko entered the first composition of the music team (played on the bass guitar), Keyman Alexander Butchers, Sergey Gorbatov, Valentin Ilyenko and Drikher Andrei Kleman.

Ephraim Amiramov on stage

The first speeches of the group called the delight of listeners, and the musical career of the team gradually went uphill. In 1993, the team replaced the name to "N.Z" or "Incomprehensible Stock". Ultimately, the name was transformed into a "inviolable stock from used."

The first half of the 1990s was marked for the team by constant touring, performances at prefabricated concerts and solo performances. Musicians visited not only in every corner of Russia and the former USSR, but also abroad. Efrem Amiramov applauded fans from Germany, Israel, United States, France and even Japan. It must be said that the main part of the overseas audience of the musician was a Russian-speaking public.

In 1995, Ephraim Amiramov released another record, which was named after the team itself - "Incomprehent Stock". In the same year, the group performed in the Kremlin Palace, having gathered the full lounge of the fans.

In addition to music, Efrem Amiramov also engaged in other projects. For example, in 1996, the singer became the producer of a television program called "Working Night", which went on the channel "VGTRK". This transfer covered cultural and public events that took place in the country.

Ephraim Amirov

And a year later, the musician began working on a new project. Ephraim Amiramov planned to make a catalog of outstanding personalities of modernity, including artists, sports and science in this list. Unfortunately, financial difficulties forced the singer to close both projects.

From 1998 to 2002 Ephraim Amiramov, according to his own admission, experienced a serious creative crisis. In these years, not a single new song, the musician did not speak and did not appear in the public.

To the joy of fans, in 2002, a man found the strength to cope with troubles and depression and released the long-awaited plate "Alenka". The song "New Murka" from this album instantly became a hit. And three years later, the Album "Inspiration" came out, who became a symbol of spiritual and creative inspiration, who returned to the singer.

Speech by Ephraim Amiramova

In 2007, the musician publishes the book of his own poems, and after it appears another album, called "... Thanks to you ...". Two years later, Efrem Amiramov again pleased the album fans. "Native souls" - the so-called plate composed of the compositions that the singer devoted to relatives, friends and relatives.

In 2009, the singer awarded the honorary title of the People's Artist of Kabardino-Balkaria. The second collection of poetic texts of Ephraim Amramova saw the light in 2014, and in 2016, the singer presented to the Melomanan's album "Mother's friend."

Personal life

Ephraim Amiramov was married only once. The chief of the musician was the girl named Irina. Unfortunately, at some point the family broke up. There are rumors that the singer had problems with alcohol addiction, which were the cause of parting with his wife.

Efrem Amiramov With Family

The spouse gave Ephraim Amiram daughter. The girl was called Leia. It is also known that the singer already has granddaughter named Medelin.

Ephraim Amiramov Now

Now the musician continues to write songs and give concerts on the joy of fans. Perhaps in the near future Ephraim Amiramov will announce the release of the next album.


  • 1990 - "Last Debut"
  • 1994 - "Last Debut"
  • 1995 - "Inspected Stock"
  • 1996 - "White Black"
  • 2002 - "Alenka"
  • 2005 - "Inspiration"
  • 2008 - "... Thanks to you ..."
  • 2009 - "Native Souls"
  • 2011 - "Songs of the Mountain Jews"
  • 2016 - "Mother of Friend"

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