Ivanushki International Group (Ivanushki) - History of creation, photos, news, composition, Kirill Andreev, songs, "clouds" 2021



The 1990s presented many young and talented performers. Hardly not every month, new stars lit up. Among the bright names, the group "Ivanushki". Together with the team sang the whole country, and the pretty guys smasted not one maiden heart, conquering young beauties with texts about love. Today, the crazy glory was already gone. But the singers are not frustrated, because there was respect for the blind adoration to replace the mature fans.


The official date of the founding of "Ivanushk International" is considered November 1995. It was then that three young people - Igor Sorin, Andrei Grigoriev-Appolonov and Kirill Andreev - for the first time came out together for one scene. This is a trio and became the first composition. Each of the vocalists had already had little experience in public, but the musicians only had to learn in a single team.

Andrei Grigorieva-Appolonov, perhaps, be called the most striking member of the team. And not only for cheerful temper and artistry, but also for the appearance. The performer quickly consolidated the nickname "Redhead from Ivanoshek". Andrei Rode from Sochi, was born on June 26, 1970. Before getting to Casting Igor Matvienko, managed to end up a music school and a pedagogical school, work a mannequin and even put several performances in the Sochi Dramatic Theater.

The second participant in the initial composition of the group "Ivanushki International" - Kirill Andreev. Cyril - Moskvich, born on April 6, 1971. From the first days of Andreev was born into the image of Macho, the main seducer of female hearts. Textual appearance and caused by Matvienko invited a young man to casting. Up to this point, the guy worked the model and did not think about the musical career. However, as it turned out, the vocal data of the mannequin nicely approached the trio of "Ivanoshek".

From the cheerful Andrei and Brutal Cyril, the third participant of the group Igor Sirin was distinguished by external tranquility and thoughtfulness. Igor produced such an impression, because the singer is the author of many teams of the team. The creative beginning was traced in the young man since childhood. Theatrical Studio, a music school, work on the stage - all this has formed a talent of Igor and allowed to become a cumier of thousands of music lovers.

Unfortunately, Igor did not stay in a team for a long time: in 1998, the vocalist decided to start a solo project. And in September of the same year, Sirin died. The musician fell from the balcony of the 6th floor. A few days later, Igor Sorin died in the hospital.

Oleg Yakovlev took the place of the deceased soloist in the group "Ivanushki International. Oleg was distinguished by an unusual oriental appearance, artistry and excellent plastic, which allowed the singer to extract incredible dance mulbites on the scene. Yakovlev was born on November 18, 1969 in the Mongolian city of Choibalsan.

The new vocalist quickly found a common language with the rest of the "Ivanushki" and won the love of music lovers. Oleg helped not only charm, but also talent: Oklechi Yakovlev was attended by classes in a music school, athletics sections and even experience on the stage of the Theater of Armen Dzhigarkhanian.

On the strange and tragic coincidence, Oleg repleteed a list of dead participants of the group. In 2013, Yakovlev left the team to do a solo career. And after 4 years, in 2017, fans shocked the news of the death of the singer. Later, it turned out that the cause of death became aggravated pneumonia and cirrhosis of the liver.

Place Oleg Yakovleva took Kirill Turichenko in 2013. The new participant of Ivanushki was a little younger colleagues: the artist was born on January 13, 1983 in Odessa. By the shoulders of Cyril - a considerable experience on the scene. Tourichenko tried forces and as an actor. Perhaps, so the young man joined the team perfectly and held at the concerts as if he spoke in the "Ivanushki International" since the foundation.


Igor Matvienko, collecting a team for a new group, planned to create a completely different style of execution. As a result, the producer and singers really managed to unite several areas: shades of Russian folk music, the best traditions of Soviet pop and, of course, Western dance rhythms.

The first album released in 1996, presented the pop team the popularity and love of millions of fans and fans. And the compositions "Universe" (Caver on Hit Alexander Ivanova), "Koleko" and "Tuchi" still remain popular and relevant.

The following year, the team was pleased with the fans at once with 2 discs - "Of course he (Remix)" and "Your letters". The first released remixes and updated options of already popular songs, the second was from new products and cover versions of the works of other performers. And again the popularity of the plates surpassed even the bold expectations of the producer.

The first videos appear, which at the time turned, perhaps on all channels. In 1997, a new member Oleg Yakovlev first appeared in the clip on the "Doll" track. The next hit, called the "Top Color Pooh", was already recorded with Oleg.

1999 was noted for the team by the appearance of another 2 albums. The first, "fragments of life", the performers dedicated to the victim Igor, gathering in one disk unnecessary works of Syrina. Completed a collection of track "I will never forget you", which became the appeal to the late colleague. The second plate - "I will scream about it all night" - presented to the listeners new compositions of the favorite group. Hit "Snegiri" present here earned the song "Song of the Year".

The next album was released later, in 2000, and got the name "wait for me." And 2 years later, the fans met with the disk "Oleg, Andrei, Kirill", who again blew his charts. This includes the immortal creations "Namedeka.Ru" and "Golden Clouds".

Oleg, Andrei and Kirill again were surrounded by the love of fanok and glory. Unfortunately, the record will be called the last successful work of the Ivanushki International Group. However, while the trio "lied" at the top of popularity, and the photos and posters of soloists were kept in the collections of many Russian music lovers.

The next disk released in 2005, Ivanushki summed up a peculiar result of their own creativity, collecting the best lumps of past years under one cover, fulfilled together with the young teams "Factory", "roots" and other colleagues. The anniversary album was called - "10 years in the Universe."

A year later, the Group presented a new composition called "Oriole" to the courts of students. The verdict was disappointing: the song did not receive the status of the hit. Failure marked the beginning of the decline in the popularity of the team, the guys stopped writing tracks, but continued to constantly tour and participate in national festive concerts and popular TV shows.

The team, updated a second time with the arrival of Cyril Turgul Turgul, released a long-awaited record in 2015. Since the release of the previous album has passed as many as 10 years, therefore a collection of new musical works of fans perceived with a bang. But the very popularity of Ivanushkam, unfortunately, could not achieve.

In 2018, the single "only for redhead" came out, on which the band soon recorded the same clip. The video is considered the solar and cheerful of those that "Ivanushki International" produced during the career. The organizers of the filming throughout Russia through the castings were gained red-haired for the roller. These are wonderful young men and girls, adults and children, red dogs and cats.

In November 2020, the team planned a large concert in Crocus City Hall in honor of the quarter-time anniversary. But restrictive measures associated with the COVID-19 pandemic have made adjustments. Matvienko called the situation of the catastrophe.

"It was spent on the preparation of the show all that was earned in the last 5-7. The guys were almost free of charge for recent years, "the producer crushed at a press conference.

The organizers have invested in an event that had to postpone for 2021, about 30 million rubles.

Group "Ivanushki International" now

Now the team continues to give concerts, most of which are corporate luxury events. In 2021, some fans were looking forward to November to visit the Grand Show in "Crocus" or see the passages on the network, while others were worried that the performance could break again.

The reason for concern was rumors that Turichenko plans to leave "Ivanoshek" to develop solo. Allegedly, the decision of the artist was able to participate in the TV project "Mask", where Kirill appeared in front of the audience in the rhino costume. However, the musician did not do official statements about this.


  • 1996 - "Of course he"
  • 1997 - "Your letters"
  • 1999 - "Fragments from Life"
  • 1999 - "I'll shout about it all night"
  • 2000 - "Wait me"
  • 2002 - "Oleg Andrei Kirill"
  • 2005 - "10 years in the universe"
  • 2015 - "The best in our life"


  • 1995 - "Universe"
  • 1996 - "Tuchi"
  • 1996 - "Somewhere"
  • 1997 - "Doll"
  • 1998 - "Believe me, I am also very sorry"
  • 1998 - "Poplar Pooh"
  • 1999 - "Snegiri"
  • 1999 - "Two Ocean"
  • 2000 - "Why do you, girls, love whiteobry"
  • 2000 - "Reviva"
  • 2000 - "Run"
  • 2001 - "Droplet of Light"
  • 2002 - "Gold Clouds"
  • 2002 - "hopeless Point RU"
  • 2003 - "Bouquet of Lilac"
  • 2003 - "Ticket in Cinema"
  • 2004 - "I love"
  • 2005 - "Over the Horizon" (FEAT. Factory)
  • 2006 - "Oriole"
  • 2007 - "I can not without you"
  • 2010 - "New Year" (Feat. Children's Choir "Giant")
  • 2013 - "The best day"
  • 2015 - "Dance, while dancing"
  • 2018 - "Only for red"

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