Larisa Renar - biography, photo, personal life, news, books 2021



Not so long ago, all sorts of psychological practices began to gain popularity in the world. Messiah from psychology teach people how to change themselves, their lives and even the surrounding validity of the strength of thought, without applying efforts. One of the famous psychologists, authors of books and leading trainings has become Larisa Renar. Her books disagree with huge circulations, and the tickets to the seminars are desirable to queue.

Childhood and youth

Larisa Vladislavovna Bogdanova (Creative pseudonym Larisa Renar) was born in the largest city of Central and Eastern Siberia Krasnoyarsk on December 9, 1966. The girl inherited the girl to the sciences from his father: Vladislav Andreevich has a degree degree. And the mother of Larisa holds the position of director on the Krasnoyarsk railway.

Writer Larisa Renar

About childhood Larisa is not known anything. After graduating from the Krasnoyarsk comprehensive school, the girl entered the Biological Faculty of the University in St. Petersburg. During this period, Larisa played in the student theater, fond of climbing. However, during the training of Bogdanov, disappointed in the selected specialty and a year after graduation, he entered the same university to study at a psychologist.

Realizing his purpose to psychologists, Bogdanova continued training at psychoanalysis courses at the Institute of Psychotherapy and Counseling "Harmony" in 1993. However, in Russia in the 1990s, with an unstable political situation, the popularity of psychologists was at a low level, and it was simply impossible to earn a living in the position of school psychologist. So Larisa faced the need to study the art of self-prevention.

Larisa Renar

The world of developed capitalism could give more knowledge and skills Bogdanova in terms of management than Russia, so the girl learned to go to Boston, the United States. There, Larisa passed courses on the theory and practice of advertising in 1994, and five years later studied the "early development of children" in Philadelphia.

Returning to St. Petersburg, Larisa continued to improve the qualifications in the Stockholm school of the economy, where he received a master's degree in business administration (middle and senior manager). In 2005, the girl studied the basics of neurolynguistic programming at Viktor Savelyev courses. All this period of Bogdanova continued to study psychology and in 2006 defended his thesis in the field of the foundations of psychocorrection.

Psychologist Larisa Renar

But also, the girl did not plan to stop: in 2008, Bogdanova visited the team coaching-training of the founder and President of the International Erikson University Marilyn Atkinson, participated in ten-day intensive, held in India at Unity University. An even more than five trainings a girl visited in 2009. The courses have passed concerned business and influence the consciousness and subconscious of people with the help of psychology methods.

Literature and psychology

Over time, gaining experience, Larisa Renar has become a successful coach, as well as the author of several bestsellers. The target audience of Bogdanova is presented mainly by women from 20 to 40 years.

Larisa held more than 250 trainings both in Russia and beyond, including Spain, America and India. In 2015, Renar became a frequent guest on television - the woman appeared in television shows, gave an interview, performed as an expert and consultant. In the early 2000th, Larisa developed the author's developing program for children called Lyalanysh, and a series of books of eponymous books was soon published. The circulation of the book was half a million.

Books Larisa Renar

In 2013, the psychologist was organized by the All-Russian project "Development of Talents" for gifted children and adolescents. Within the framework of the project, Larisa held a number of charitable shares and master classes for orphans.

Another developing project for adolescents from Larisa Renar was the "Girls School". Participants under the persistent leadership of the mentor investigated their inner world and searched for their place in the world and purpose. In addition to teenage girls, school teachers and psychologists have been studied according to the author's program Bogdanova.

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But the main event in the career of Larisa Renar was the creation of his own psychological studio "Academy of Private Life". The main goal of the center of Larisa calls the disclosure of female energy laid by nature in every woman. According to the information posted on the official website of the organization, more than half of women who have acquainted with Renar practitioners from her books and have convinced that they work, come to trainings of the Academy of Private Life. The work of Larisa Vladislavovna focuses on the relationship of women and men, teaches a woman to manipulate a man, receive emotions from him, material benefits.

Larisa Renar, Daria Dontsova and Dana Borisova

The most popular technique of psychologist has become the so-called "funnels". Practice is that a woman raises hands to the sky to connect with the energy of the universe, and then spinning 3-5 minutes in one place around its axis, twisting the energy into the funnel.

Since 2015, Larisa has become a constant TV host program "You are approaching us" together with Dan Borisov and Daria Dontsova.

Personal life

As if in confirmation of the theories and books of Larisa, in his youth, I met love, a student was married and no longer parted with her husband. In marriage, a woman gave birth to two sons.

Larisa Renar and her husband

Details of the personal life Renar prefer to leave secret, so how successful it is, it remains to judge only on the books of Larisa.

Larisa Renar now

The success of Larisa Renar and the "Academy of Privacy" is growing. More and more women attend the author's trainings Renar, acquire her books. 2017 issued a productive for a psychologist: a woman released ten books, among which "Mandalas", designed to bring success in various spheres of life. Some of them are based on the lunar calendar: painting psychedelic patterns, according to the author, it affects the life of a woman in different ways, depending on the day of the lunar cycle.

Revealing in the books of the mystery of the female strength, the author claims that with these techniques, any woman has the opportunity to achieve the goal: from the seduction of a man before the dream of a dream. A prerequisite for the achievement of the success of Larisa calls exemption from connections, old partners who deprive the woman strength and energy.

Larisa Renar in 2017

In the biography of Larisa Renar, so many achievements and certificates of the education received in the field of business and administration, which in 2017 the woman decided to run for the presidency of the Russian Federation. The pre-election program of Larisa is called "the right to happiness", in which a psychologist guarantees voters to make happy all without exception of citizens of the country.


  • 2003 - Lyalanysh
  • 2006 - "Circle of Women's Force"
  • 2010 - "Elixir of Love"
  • 2012 - "Lunar Mysteries!"
  • 2013 - "Night of Time"
  • 2017 - "Make a Magazine Magic"
  • 2017 - "Women's Mandalas"
  • 2017 - "Opening a new yourself"
  • 2017 - "Opening a new one. Your way to happiness, power and love "

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