Evgenia Glushchenko - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



The actresses that glorified by one or two roles are usually not remembered to the viewers. But there are exceptions and from this rule: Evgenia Glushevko played 27 roles in the filmmakers, but remember her on the film Oleg Yankovsky "In love with his own will."

Childhood and youth

Glohevko Evgenia was born on September 4, 1952. About the family in which the future actress was born, the biography is silent. The girl grew overly shy and often could not overcome his embarrassment in communicating with the surrounding people. In this regard, parents gave daughter to theatrical circle - to overcome the complexes. The girl was so fascinated by the theater that he soon began to disappear in the house of the pioneers all day, including the weekend. But the career of Eugene did not even think about the career - she was still extremely confident.

Actress Evgenia Glushchenko

Obtaining a secondary school in Rostov-on-Don, a future profession, a girl chose pedagogy. But Evgenia's plans were not destined to come true. Theatrical leader, having learned about the intention of pupils to enter the pedagogical, decided to serious conversation. Finding out that the reason for the abandonment of career actresses was the shyness of Glechachenko, the head seriously took up the preparation of the girl to the opening qualification exams in the Rostov Theater Institute.

Evgenia Glushchenko in youth

Despite the insecurity and constraint, Evgeniy passed the exams from the first time and entered the theater. After studying at the Institute of Just a year, the girl realized that he wanted to achieve more, and went to the capital. In Moscow, the future actress, nervous, filed documents for admission to all theatrical universities without parsing. The first to enroll the girl was reported from the Higher Theater School named after M. S. Shchepkin, which she graduated in 1974. The head of the course he studied Grehevko, the People's Artist of the USSR Mikhail Tsarev became.


In the last year, the college of all students disassemble the Moscow theaters, and Evgenia did not receive any sentences about the work. Having resigned with the thought of imminent returning to the native city and putting a cross on the career of the actress, the girl had already practically bought a train ticket to Rostov. Just at that moment, Glyashevko called to the rector, where two director were waiting for her. The girl received an offer from the director of the theater in Kostroma, and in the Small Theater in Moscow it was invited to play Lisa in the play "Mount from Wit" A.S. Griboedov.

Evgenia Glushchenko

Despite the fact that in the Kostroma Theater, a good career was waiting for a nice actress and many roles, the girl preferences Griboedovsky Lisa. In his choice, the girl was not mistaken: in the Small theater she worked for 18 years. During this time, Eugene played 24 roles on the stage, including the shooter of the play "Fear of winners" A. Solzhenitsyn, Kupavina from the play "Wolves and Sheep" A. N. Ostrovsky and Belin from the "Many patient" J.-B. Moliere.

Evgenia Glushevko in the theater

In 1979, Glushevko became part of the All-Russian Theater Society, and in 1989 - to the Union of Theater Workers. In 1995, Evgenia Glushevko was awarded the title of People's Artist of Russia for the contribution to theatrical art. A year later, the actress left the Small Theater and settled in the central Order of the Red Banner of the Academic Theater of the Russian Army, where she worked for four years and returned to the theater's Tarpep. For four years of work in the theater of the Russian army, the actress played only three roles.


The debut actresses theater in cinema took place at the age of 16. Then the girl met the young and yet unknown novice director Nikita Mikhalkov. Then Nikita Sergeevich shot his diploma film "And I'm leaving home," where Glohevko played Sasha. The role did not bring popularity to the girl, because for political motives they were recognized as not suitable for protection, and the audience did not appreciate it.

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Since then, 10 years have passed, until Evgeny again met with Mikhalkov - the director proposed an actress role in the "unfinished play for mechanical piano". Eugene played Sasha and the next morning, the next morning was woken up by a popular actress.

Sleeping proposals were sprinkled one after the other, but shoneralko did not want to exchange in the trifles, she waited for his role.

Personal life

On the filming of the "unfinished play ..." Mikhalkova, Alexander Kalyagin became a partner in the shooting area Evgeny. According to the scenario, Alexander sought love to the Heroine Glushchenko, and achieved it in reality.

At the time of meeting with Evgenia, Kalyagin was a widow and raised daughter. A man did not seek new relationship, fearing to hurt this daughter from the first wife. However, after dating a little Ksyusha with Evgenia, the girl declared his readiness to take a new mother in the family. So Eugene became the wife of Kalyagin. Soon, the spouses were born a joint son Denis. The children of the acting couple were educated abroad - in the US, but Denis then returned to Russia, where he works as a journalist.

Evgenia Glushchenko and Alexander Kalyagin with children

In 2008, Oksana Gorbachev appealed to the city prosecutor's office with a statement of rape. The girl accused Alexander Kalina in rape, but after a few days he took a statement. It would seem that the incident is exhausted. But soon there was a compromising audio recording on the Internet, where Kalyagin did an unequivocal hints with a young fan. Of course, Eugene, as a legitimate wife, served the second sex scandal with the participation of her husband could not, which was the cause of parting the actors.

Now Glyashevko lives with his son Denis. Because of the divorce and annoying attention of the press, Alexander Kalyagin had health problems.

Evgenia Glushevko now

Given the intellibility of Evgenia Glushchenko as an actress, now it is practically not removed. All forces and time The woman gives the game in the theater. In addition, Evgenia Konstantinovna occupies a teacher in the theater school named after Schepkin, where herself studied in his youth. The latest news and photos from the life of the actress are accommodated in the Actress group in Vkontakte. In other social networks, it is not registered.


  • 1968 - "And I'm leaving home"
  • 1977 - "Unfined play for mechanical piano"
  • 1982 - "Love at your own will"
  • 1989 - "Women who is lucky"
  • 1997 - "Queen Margo"
  • 1998 - "Waiting Room"
  • 1999 - "Happy New Happiness!"
  • 2008 - "Live and Remember"

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