Kirill Tereshin - biography, photo, personal life, news, hands, instagram 2021



In order to achieve popularity and glorify on the network, it is not enough to be attractive enough, it is necessary to distinguish vividly against the background of competitors. An unusual way to attract the attention of the public to his personality chose Kirill Tereshin. Massage by changing the body, which a simple five-chip turned into a grand show, threatens him with serious problems, up to the amputation of the limbs.

Childhood and youth

Kirill Tereshin was born in the Pyatigorsk family on August 6, 1996 and became the only child in the family that dreamed of children. After 5 years of treatment, this dream was carried out, but after 23 days after the birth of the son, his father died. Mom climbed the boy alone.

Kirill grew up slight and unremarkable child. In adolescence, Tereshin did not enjoy the opposite sex, which accused of an incredible appearance. Then he was carried away by sports, and its main goal was an athletic figure - pumped hands, breasts and spin.

Despite regular training, the guy could not achieve the result. It began to use steroid hormones and other biologically active substances that stimulated the growth of muscle mass.

To achieve an ideal figure, he resorted to different methods. Studying information about the innovations of sports nutrition, Cyrill once stumbled upon the article of the German Chemist of Chris Clark about an unknown substance of Synthol. The scientist spoke of the amazing effect of the substance and the complete absence of negative side effects.

The alternative name of the substance Pamp-n-Pue is translated from English as "Guessing and Posted (for Camera)". It in itself hints at the fact that this substance is not created for sports, but for models wishing to boast a beautiful body, not making extra effort.

In the mid-90s, Syntol used professional athletes on the eve of serious competitions. The alternative name of the PPP-H-Pue Pue substance is translated from English as "Guessing and Positive (for the Camera)", it in itself hints that this substance is not created for sports, but for models wishing to boast a beautiful body, without applying unnecessary effort.

Having drawn this information from open sources, Tereshin decided that he found the way to solve all problems. He made one injection into the three-headed muscle of the shoulder, but the time to follow the response of the body in a young man did not turn out - as part of the autumn call, the guy was taken to the army.

During the passage of urgent service, Kirill had health problems, and the young man decided at the same time to check the condition of his muscles. After a short examination, the army doctor said that the muscles of the hands are in perfect order, as well as the body. Tereshin decided to continue to use the drug, which forever changed his biography.

Personal life

Tereshin publishes photos and videos on the Internet, but the topic of personal life is carefully bypassed. According to media, now his beloved girl has no. At one time, Kirill met with Olesya Malibu, the couple even spoke about the wedding, but the relationship was smashed.

After Tereshin decided to become famous, he moved from Pyatigorsk to Balashiu near Moscow.

Body change

Considering the low quality nutrition in the army dining room, home and without that fragile guy returned very much lost weight. If the young man had some kind of sports form before leaving for the service, on returning his muscles "blown away", and the body became completely fragile. Then Kirill, inspired by success, began to independently make miraculous injections for muscle growth, neglecting all safety rules and common sense.

Soon, his hands already accounted for 60 cm in diameter. For example, only some bodybuilders with a total body weight of 140 kg, and the weight of Kirill has a little higher than 60 kg with growth 175 cm. Realizing the uniqueness of the experiment with his own body, Cyrill decided to become a star of the Internet.

The young man laid out in the "Instagram" photo and video of the result of synthol injuries, but the result was surprised. Instead of hundreds of fans, delight of girls and the envy of the guys, Tereshin got a lot of criticism and even insults to their address. The pseudo-consumer himself greatly like the Bazuki's hands.

If initially Kirill said that his idol was Arnold Schwarzenegger, now the main goal of a young man is to deteriorate their body as much as possible, even despite the risk of health. Now Kumir Kirill became the same syntholic "pitch" from Brazil Romario Dos Santos Alves.

Considering that Kirill Tereshin uses even the original drug for its experiments with the body, and the doctor's own-cooked mixture, doctors unanimously declare that the star "Instagram" is waiting for difficult consequences. However, even the prospect of being in the hospital of a young man does not frighten - he continues the injection and plans in the future to "pump up" the breast and back.

Non-standard body modification technique brought Cyril popularity. About Tereshina not only write on the Internet, he is invited to television. In December 2017, a live broadcast of Andrei Malakhov's transfer was held on the TV channel "Russia-1" "Let them say" with Kirill as an invited guest.

In 2018, a young man transformed his legs. Surgical implants gave him silicone implants. Soon, Tereshin began big problems with their hands - serious inflammation, according to the forecasts of doctors, will soon lead to Gangren, you will need an amputation of hands. Doctors are trying to help the young man, but the synthol mixture is not pumped out of biceps, it completely wolfged muscle fibers.

In May of the same year, Tereshin became the hero of the notorious program "Live Great!". On that day, he was the only "patient" Elena Malysheva, who in the air told the danger of the introduction of a leafy-like synthol mass under the skin.

According to a woman, he himself turned for help in the program, since his hands in the field of biceps acquired a reddish-blue shade. This especially becomes noticeable after the muscle tension. He also complained to numb legs.

In front of the Kirill program, a complete medical examination was held, as a result of which he handed over the blood test, allowed to check the vessels with ultrasound. Without MRI, it also did not cost, Elena noted that the doctors were shocked by what they saw, they summarized - "ultimately will not cost no amputation."

The neurologist noted the lack of reflexes, and the plastic surgeon took a biopsy from the muscles, but found only oil in the material taken. After the doctor's meeting, his own thoughts were voiced about the further future of Cyril. According to doctors, the blood does not enter the muscles of Kirill, according to the results of a magnetic resonance study, his muscles are gradually atrophized.

In the blood found an increased amount of soybean, platelets, protein, which indicates chronic inflammation. His immunity does not work, since the body is exhausted.

Cyril is not only removed on television, but also cooperates with other bloggers. In August 2018, the Russian master of combat sambo Maxim Novoselov decided to test a synthol ridge for strength. Several fights with a sambist showed that the physical training of Tereshina leaves much to be desired.

Tereshin decided that he would not stop on this, and regularly began to appear in training and competitions in arm wrestling. It is probably why the blogger wanted to maintain the created image of the "pitch".

In April 2019, Tereshin became a member of the show "Let's get married", where I came to find my love. As a gift, he introduced the dance of the song "under the sounds of kisses". It did not work in contact with the bride: the girl chose another challenger.

In the same month, Tereshin's "Instagram" a video appeared on visiting a cosmetology cabinet. To his subscribers, the guy told that he plans to carry out a plastic face and become like the world celebrity Angelina Jolie. In a new video, he asked the doctor-cosmetologist to download him on the lips of the 4th syringe of a special preparation to increase this part of the person, but the woman has convincing a blogger and offered to start with the correction of cheekbank.

Tereshin with the doctor agreed and out of her cabinet with increased cheekbones, however, it was early to rely on the similarity with the actress. However, on this, he stopped at least in the following days, the blogger's subscribers no longer heard of his transformations regarding the person. Although Kirill himself later stated that he began to reincarnate from Frca to man.

Kirill never ceases to surprise her fans with new performances. In October 2019, he spent a fight with the video unit Oleg Mongol. The fight was held according to the alternative rules of MMA. The victory won the opponent of the synthol "pitching", which applied against the terrosh who defending the elbow.

In the summer of the same year, Tereshin appeared in the roller on the Amiran Sardarov Channel, where he participated in the tournament on sits. Vasily Komotsky spoke against him, more famous under the nickname dumplings. He received his man for the impressive dimensions, which many times exceeded the parameters of Kirill.

As it should be expected, the meeting of men ended with the victory of the dumplings, the first slap Tereshin was first, but missed and got an opponent in the ear. In the retaliatory blow, Komotsky has invested a lot of strength and in the literal sense of the word brought the opponent from equilibrium. On the pick of the blogger stood men, only therefore he did not fall on the floor. To bring Cyril to feelings, the organizers of the show had to use the ammonia alcohol.

Kirill Tereshin now

Cyril and now does not cease to piano, regularly publishing new rollers in "Instagram", under which there are a lot of comments. Most of them are negative, but it does not stop the synth columns.

In early February 2020, he was tested posted a new video, in which she demonstrated his branded "twelve" but this video did not have a smile. Residents of Kabardino-Balkaria were outraged and were in bewilderment.

Cyril and now does not cease to piano, regularly publishing new rollers in "Instagram", under which there are a lot of comments. Most of them are negative, but it does not stop the synth columns.

In early February 2020, he was tested posted a new video, in which she demonstrated his branded "twelve" but this video did not have a smile. Residents of Kabardino-Balkaria were outraged and were in bewilderment.

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