Francis Scott Fitzgerald - biography, photos, personal life, books, novels



For a relatively small literary history, America managed to leave a huge heritage. Mark Twain, Jack London, Margaret Mitchell, Edgar by, Harper Lee, Stephen King, Theodore Driver ... They lived and worked at different times, but in the books of these writers it is felt the same spirit, national flavor and something else elusive, but uniting. Perhaps the most strongly described feelings cause works by the recognized American classic Francis Scott Fitzgerald.

Childhood and youth

Francis was born in the family of immigrants from Ireland. His grandfather on the maternal line Philip McKilllan, emigrating to the United States, managed to stand on his feet in a new country and get rich. But Eduard Fitzgerald, who fucked from the same Ireland - the father of the future writer, failed to achieve the same results. Eduard barely reduced ends with the ends, so when Molly McKilan led to the parents of the future husband, they were trying to dissuade the girl from such an unreliable cavaller.

Francis Scott Fitzgerald

In the end, Edward and Molly played a wedding, because the old man Mcquill had to put up with this and at first to help the newly made family. Later, Chet Fitzgeralds started a business and could provide himself.

The only problem tormented by a young family was the death of the first two children. Therefore, the pair was incomprehensible, when a long-awaited son appeared on September 24, 1896. The boy was decided to call Francis Scott.

Since Francis and his sister Louise were members of the Catholic family, then the primary education children received in Catholic schools. The boy graduated from the Academy of St. Paul (Saint Paul Academy), located in the native state of Minnesota.

Francis Scott Fitzgerald as a child

The young Fitzgerald in the NEWMAN School), located in Massachusetts continued to study. Studying at the Newman School, Francis spent his self-education free time.

After graduating from a private school, the guy moved to New Jersey to enter Princeton University. As a student of a prestigious university, Fitzgerald thought about the career of the writer and the scenario of comedy musicals. Francis participated in the literary contests, but did not forget about physical form to follow: Fitzgerald also got into the camp football team.

However, the university did not turn the university. Instead, in 1917, he went to the army in 1917, where, by the way, he managed to build a career, having reached the title of adjutant commander of the infantry brigade.

Francis Scott Fitzgerald in youth

In 1919, Fitzgerald left military ranks. The guy's plans were a wedding with Zelda Seyra, an excellent girl from a respected family from Alabama. But this marriage was prevented by the parents of the zelda, having considered that he should not give out her daughter for the guy, who had just returned from the army and had no stable income. That's certainly the spiral of fate - repeat the episode from the fate of the Father and Mother!

Francis Scott decided that if he became a famous writer, then the parents of the girl would change their mind. Fitzgerald moved to New York, where he began to make a living, working as an advertising agent, and in his free time - writing a debut novel.


The finished manuscript of the work of the "Romantic Egoist" Francis sent out the main publishing houses of New York, but in response he received only failures. It became a strong blow to the guy. He began drinking, and then drove the job. Left without means of existence, he returned to the parent house.

Writer Francis Scott Fitzgerald

Calling a little, Fitzgerald decides to correct the manuscript, which leads to its rewriting from scratch. The new copy of the novice novelist sends the publishers again. From Charles Scribner`s Son comes a letter signed by the chief editor Maxwell Perkins. In it, the chief reports that the work of Francis is very different from all that is published now. But the publisher is ready to take a chance and release a book, as it believes in her success.

On March 26, 1920, the rewritten "Romantic Egoist" goes to Charles Scribner`s Son called "on this side of Paradise". The book becomes a bestseller (in those years it was not yet used this word, but today the effect of the sale of the novel would be called this way), the author is famous, and Zelda Seyir - Bride Fitzgerald.

Further Francis writes stories for almanacs and popular magazines, these stories will be published in his first collection "Emancipated and deep". In May 1922, the story of the "Mysterious History of Benjamin Batton" is published in Collier`s Weekly, who even stronger Fitzgerald at the position of the author of the new generation - generation of jazz.

Books Francis Scott Fitzgerald

Despite the birth of her daughter, Francis and Zolda begin to lead a chic lifestyle and become heroes of secular chronicles. All their performances are truly distinguished by a scope and causticity. In 1922, Fitzgeralds acquire a new-built mansion in Manhattan. It is there that the writer begins to work on the "Great Gatsby".

At the same time, Francis publishes his second novel - "Beautiful and damned", sells the rights to his film release by William A to the site, and then releases a collection of "Stories about the century of jazz" and the smear "Mind".

In 1924, Fitzgerald decides to go to Europe. During his trip, he has time to acquire new acquaintances, as well as make friends with Ernest Hemingway, who lived at the time in Paris. In America, at this time, the Third Roman Francis is coming out - "Great Gatsby", as well as his film storing, shot by Herbert Benon.

Writer Francis Scott Fitzgerald

Returning to the Motherland, the writer published another collection, which was called "All these sad young people", after which the black band begins in the life of Fitzgerald. Benefits are considered to be clouding reason from his wife and the beginning of the development of her schizophrenia. Cerencing Zelda fails. Francis again addicted to alcohol, which leads to a creative crisis.

In 1934, an unexpectedly, a new novel of the writer is coming out - "Night", based on his biographies.

Later Fitzgerald decides to change the vector of action and becomes a Hollywood director. With his participation, there was a lot of tapes of those years, but the very loud successes were "Three Comrade" Frank Barruseigi on the novel of Erich Mary Remarik and "Women" of George Kickor. Ironically, in any of these films in titers, the writer's name is not specified.

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In 1939, Fitzgerald begins work on the "last magnate" - a novel about the stoken of Hollywood. This novel will be released already posthumously, as well as the collections "Werewood" and "costs of good upbringing."

Fitzgerald could most possibly transfer the spirit of that time. This led to the emergence of numerous shields of his books. The commemorated "Great Gatsby" (1974) of Jack Clayton with Robert Redford and Mii Farrow, "Last Magnate" (1976) Elia Kazan with Robert De Niro, "Mysterious History of Benjamin Batton" (2008) David Fincher with Brad Pitt and Kate Blanchetta, as well as the "Great Gatsby" (2013) LURMAN base with a whole pleate outstanding actors - Leonardo di Caprio, Toby Maguire, Cary Malligan, Joel Edgeon, Elizabeth Debiki and Jason Clark.

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Also in 2016, the "Last Magnate" series came out on the screens. Matt Bomer and Lily Collins were fulfilled in the new screenplay. This is not the only television formulation of the works of Fitzgerald - on TV, both independently screening works of the writer and the adaptation of individual stories for the TV shows like "Suspantly" and "Culmination".

Personal life

From 1920 to 1940, Fitzgerald was married to Syer. On October 26, 1921, a pair had a daughter Frances.

Zelda Seyir and Francis Scott Fitzgerald with daughter

After a divorce with Zelda Fitzgerald, many times met with a journalist writing about Hollywood news for large editions. Francis's new choices called Sheila Graham. Together they lived little, the death of the writer served as the death.

Death Francis Scott Fitzgerald

The writer died on December 21, 1940.

Monument to Francis Scott Fitzgerald

The official cause of death is a heart attack, however, friends and acquaintances assured that in fact Francis did not become due to the excessive use of alcohol, which he betrayed after a divorce with Zelda.


  • 1920 - "By this way of paradise"
  • 1922 - "Mysterious History of Benjamin Batton"
  • 1922 - "Beautiful and damned"
  • 1923 - "Stories about the century of jazz"
  • 1925 - "Great Gatsby"
  • 1926 - "All these sad young people"
  • 1934 - "Night" night "
  • 1935 - "Wake-up signals"
  • 1941 - "Last Magnat"
  • 1945 - "Wrecker"

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