Taylor Kitch - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Taylor Kitch is a talented Canadian actor who has a cinema, on his own confession, got completely unexpected. The fact is that Taylor did not plan to work in a movie, Kitcha's dream was a professional sport. However, fate ordered otherwise, and now we know Taylor Kitcha not as a professional hockey player, but, for example, like John Carter or Taylor from "X-Men".

Childhood and youth

Taylor Kitch was born on April 8, 1981 in the city of Kelown, which is in Canada. Parents of the future star had nothing to do with the show business: the mother of the boy worked at the factory, and his father is at a construction site. Kitchi family is large: Taylor has two older brothers and two younger sisters.

Actor since childhood began to dream of an athlete's career. Taylor was seriously engaged in hockey and planned to win the main victories in life on ice. For five years, the boy was part of one of the junior teams of his native Kelown. It seemed that this was a serious application for success. But, unfortunately, in training, Taylor seriously damaged his knee, and with a dream about sports had to say goodbye.

Actor Taylor Kitch

Then Taylor decided to go on another way. The young man graduated from the courses of fitness coaches and seriously became interested in nutrition, planning to help train other people. Gradually, the idea of ​​the model's career was crying.

After graduating from school, Taylor Kitch moved to New York, rightly believing that in such a big city would get more chances to succeed. However, the path to glory was not so simple. And although the young man managed to draw the attention of leading model companies, the first time of earning Taylor left much to be desired. It was even several times to spend the young time to spend the night on the street, since I simply did not have enough money to pay for housing.

Taylor Kitch in youth

After two years of struggle over the place under the sun, Taylor Kitch moved to Los Angeles, deciding to try his own strength and conquer Hollywood. There, the young man immediately found the work of the model and began to cooperate with the two companies. Photographers and producers noticed Taylor, Kitcha had the first serious contracts for the photo shoot.

Parallel, Taylor began to study the fineness of acting skills and participate in the castings of eminent directors.


Creative biography of Kitcha began in 2006. Then Taylor was invited to the first shooting. The actor got insignificant roles in the television series "Night Friday Lights" with Mint Kelly and Scott Porter, as well as in the films "Snake Flight" and "Sdokhni, John Tucker!". For two years, Taylor Kitch was content with secondary and episodic roles, honing his own skill. And efforts were not in vain.

Taylor Kitch as Gambit

In 2008, the actor received the first prominent role. The hero of Taylor Kitcha became a mutant Gambit in the picture "X-People: Beginning. Wolverine". Here Kitcha's partner on the set became Hugh Jackman. The role of a character who endowed with the ability to blow up the items inspired Taylor Kitcha, who still remembers the work on this film and admits that it is looking forward to continuing history.

Following the first work, Taylor Kitcha filmography replenished another bright picture. The actor starred for the Walt Disney studio in the film "John Carter", in which the main character played. The touching story of a veteran of the Civil War, the will of the fate of the destinies of local tribes for independence, conquered the audience. The picture was loved by both children and adults. Here, Lynn Collins, Willem Defo, Dominic West, became partners of the actor on shooting.

The next bright work of the actor was the picture called "Ordinary Heart". This drama that attracts public attention to the problems of AIDS and oppression of homosexuals has earned the flight assessments of critics, but did not become popular with the audience. Here Taylor Kitch went to the shooting platform along with Julia Roberts, Jim Parsons, Mark Ruffolo.

In 2012, the actors fans saw the picture "Particularly dangerous." Oliver Stone is a witness about the adventures of two millionaires selling marijuana, caught the attention of viewers worldwide to the screens. About the illegal, but incredibly profitable business of two friends recognize thugs from Mexico. Of course, the gangsters want to divide the income with friends, threatening a terrible violence.

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The situation is complicated by the fact that the favorite girl of both friends is captured by the head of Mexican mafia. In this film, John Travolta, Salma Hayek, Blake Lively, Benicio del Toro played with Taylor Kitch.

In 2013, the military drama "surviving" came out, where Taylor was able to work with Mark Wahlberg, Ben Foster, Eric Banoe. This picture is based on real events. The plot about the American military who fell into an ambush in Afghanistan, the book of memories of Marine Marcus Latrell lay down. The horror and injustice of the war are plausible reflected in this picture.

2014 is marked in the career of Taylor Kitcha with a short film "pieces". In this picture, Taylor spoke not only in the usual role of the actor, but also independently compressed the main points of the picture. In 2015, Taylor fans saw the cartoon "almost heroes", one of whose characters spoke to the voice of Kitcha. Also this year, the actor starred in the series "This Detective".

Personal life

An attractive actuator with a model appearance (the growth of Taylor Kitcha - 1.81 m) never suffered due to the lack of female attention. However, in contrast to many men, Taylor does not intend to share his own victories on the love front with others. Kitch does not apply to personal life, it was not possible to find out journalists, whether Taylor is a girl or a handsome heart freely. Fans remain monitored by "Instagram" in the hope of finding out the details of the actor's personal life.

Free time, Taylor loves to devote a family, constantly visiting younger sisters and mother in his native Canada. Kitch admits that the best rest for him is a couple of clocks of your favorite music style, which helps to distract from trouble.

Taylor Kitch now

Now the actor continues to work on the set. In 2017, Taylor pleased the fans with two novelties: "Mercenary" and "Brave" paintings, which promise to become real hits came to the rental.


  • 2006 - "Bistro" Y Godiva "
  • 2006 - "Sdokhni, John Tucker!"
  • 2006 - "Snake Flight"
  • 2006 - "Deal with the Devil"
  • 2008 - "Moschess Hill"
  • 2009 - "Xu People: Beginning. Wolverine"
  • 2010 - Clamp Club "
  • 2012 - "John Carter"
  • 2012 - "Particularly dangerous"
  • 2013 - "Big Scam"
  • 2013 - "Survived"
  • 2014 - "Normal Heart"
  • 2015 - "This Detective"
  • 2017 - "Mercenary"
  • 2017 - "Case Brave"

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