Irina Old - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Biathlon, News 2021



Irina Older does not like to give interviews, and on this occasion is sharp in the language of the "Voice of the Russian Biathlon" - Telecommate Dmitry Guberniev - even noticed that it was necessary to "be open in terms of responsiveness to those people who pay taxes so that the team fell into the World Cup Stages "

Irina Older

But biathlete is limited only by a pair of phrases, evaluating its own performances, well-being or state of the track. Even without hitting two Olympics, including homemade, old stated that she was not going to prove anything to anyone, but simply return to the ski. And there, let the fans judge.

Childhood and youth

Irina Aleksandrovna Starah (in Maksimov's Majmik) was born on August 26, 1987 in the Urals, in the provincial city of Kurgan. About the parents of the girl biography is silent.

The girl studied in secondary school №23 Kurgan together with another famous biathlete of Jan Romanova. In 1998, Irina became interested in biathlon. It was at the training sersections Maksimov met Romanova - Girls were engaged in one coach. V. S. Kondakov and A. M. Kacichkov admitted Irina Love for Sports and Passion for Victory.

Irina Older

After graduating from school, the girl succumbed to the persons of the parents that even athletes should have a higher education, and entered the Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Tyumen. But with the beginning of the student life, Irina did not abandon biathlon. The girl continued his workout in Tyumen. Sports heights helped to seek L. A. Guriev and E. A. Dwalle.


Leonid Alexandrovich Guriev seriously approached his new ward, prepared it for competitions in the winter of 2012-2013. The first victory of Irina won in the 2013th in Bulgaria. In the south-west of the country, in the city of Bansko, the European Championship was held, where the old took a prize room in short distances - sprint. After the well-deserved victory, the novice athlete was summoned to the national team of the Russian Federation. The team of Irina participated in the World Cup race in the capital of Norway Oslo (Holmencollen District).

By the beginning of the 2013/2014 season, Irina Starah was preparing a full-fledged participant in the Russian national team. In a small picturesque village in the mountains of Austria, Hochfilzen, the girl showed a great result, for which the first personal medal as part of the team team received as a reward. Despite the fact that Irina won the 3rd place, this bronze medal became the most important athlete in the life.

Biathlete Irina Older

At the next stage, held in the town in the east of France, Annecy, the girl showed himself even better, having received a silver medal in the race. It would seem that the career is rapidly going up, sporting achievements grow from the season for the season, but in January 2014 there was an unpleasant incident, which imposed a negative imprint on the entire international sports career of the old.

The girl was subjected to disqualification for a period of 3 years, and therefore it was excluded from the team. The reason for such a strict solution of the International Union of Biathlonists was the use of prohibited chemicals athlete. The first doping control Irina passed safely, but then the controlling authorities decided to re-analyze the samples that seemed suspicious. The sample of old ones entered their number. In the blood of the girl, traces of the prohibited preparation of recombinant erythropoietin were discovered.

Irina Old on the highway

This substance stimulates the formation of erythrocytes in the blood, which in turn increases the stability of tissues to oxygen starvation. The main result of the use of erythropoietin injections is to increase the endurance of the body.

According to the decision of the International Union of Biathlonists, the disqualification period of Irina Older was 3 years - the girl was allowed only after December 23, 2016. The Union of Russia's biathlonists represented by President Alexander Kravtsov supported the decision of the International Union. Biathlonist itself did not comment on the situation.

Irina old with a rifle

Even before the expiration of the official period of disqualification, Irina Older received the prestigious title of Honored Master of Sports of Russia. The period of the forced sports pause of the old ones spent with benefit - during this time the girl gave birth to the second son, recovered after childbirth and began training with the solid intention to return to a big sport.

In February 2017, Irina participated in the first stage of the World Biathlon Championship, which was held in Hochfilzen, where she showed a good result, taking the 4th place. At the championship of the continent of the old ones with interest was rehabilitated. In an individual race, the girl did not allow any mishai over the target, showed a confident move on the ski access and won gold.

Irina Old in Hochfilzen

Another medal of the highest sample decorated the chest of Irina after the chase race, and the sprint ended for biathletes on the third stage of the podium pedestal. In the mixed relay of the old fled at the first stage, providing Svetlana Sleptsova, Alexey Volkov and Alexander Loginov's nursing to receive the Golden Award.

Shortly before the start of preparations for the 2017 Olympics, Irina suffered a planned operational intervention to remove GRAND, since they served as a latent source of infection in the body of an athlete, which prevented her to fully work fully.

Biathlete Irina Older

On November 14, 2017, the old went to Norway (the city of Bateshtolen), where the composition of the Russian national team began preparations for the Olympic Games. However, the news that on December 6, 2017, the International Olympic Committee said that the discarded period of disqualification for the use of Doping Irina older would not be able to participate in the 2018 Olympiad, seriously upset the Russian woman. Sports arbitration of Switzerland, where the athlete turned together with Alexander Loginov, Pavel Kulizhnikov and Denis Yuskov in order to challenge the removal, left the solution of the IOC in force.

Personal life

Irina does not like to talk about personal life, so limited by dry facts. The girl is married to a biathlon colleague by Alexander Older.

Irina's husband is a little inferior to her by the number of sports awards, but this does not prevent them from being a happy family. In marriage, they have two children: Zakhara (born in 2012) and Maxim (2015 birth).

Irina old with her husband and son

In social networks, Irina is not present, but the photo of the athlete is periodically published on the page of the Union of Biathlete of Russia in "Instagram" and in the profiles of sports publications. The Internet is a place where it is not clear to what time is spent, says old.

Irina is a fan of Russian pop music and comedy. Previously, I liked the militants and horror, but after the birth of the first child, the tastes changed: "Blood and dirt is not mine." Among the colleagues in winter sports, Magdalene Neuner stands out, one time even dreamed of coming with the German legend. And watch Ira prefers a male biathlon where Martin Fourcade or Taria Boy.

Irina Old on vacation

The family loves to relax in places that you do not need to fly long, where there are comfortable hotels and the main thing - peace for children.

Irina Older now

The feeling of unrealizations, "undocessing", according to his own confession, does not give Irina old workers, although the season 2018/2019 began to be difficult for biathletes. The athlete did not take any team for centralized workouts, and in the national team, it made his way through the sporting principle by defeating the qualifying starts in Finland. Before that, as part of the team of the Tyumen region, successfully performed in the Russian Biathlon Championship.

Irina Older returned to the national team

In mid-December 2018, old old became the best of the Russian biathletes in the overall standings of the World Cup, while taking only the 8th line in the standings. In the individual race, one-only promah in shooting dropped the IRU from a possible place on the pedestal to the offensive 12th.

Later, the athlete will say that the reason for the missed was that she mentally ahead of time "ran into the distance", instead of focusing on the defeat of the targets. On the other hand, Irina was pleased that there was enough strength for the entire distance, which means that it was correctly decomposed.

Irina Old on qualifying competitions to the 2018 World Cup in the Czech Republic

In the mixed relay, the company's company again compiled Alexander Loginov, as well as Dmitry Malyshko and Ekaterina Yurlova-Perht. The Russian team did not reach medals, stopping at the 4th position. Favorite persecution racing left a mixed feeling at the shooting skiing. The first kilometers of Irina just endured - the highlands affected, then "hooked behind the girls who went ahead" and saved the position. Even a collision with other athletes on a firing light, which led to a drop, did not knocked out old of equilibrium - she once again made sure that he was now psychologically stable.

Awards and achievements

  • Honored Master of Sports of Russia
  • 2008 - Golden and Bronze Medals of the Junior Championships
  • 2009 - Gold Medal of the Universiade
  • 2013 - Gold Medal of the European Championship
  • 2017 - 3 gold and 1 bronze medals of the European Championship

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