George Bayron - biography, photo, personal life, poems, poems, works



George Byron is an English poet, whose name is called a whole direction in world literature. The poetic works, complete despair due to the cruelty and cynicity of the world, broken romantic ideals and unfulfilled dreams about the beautiful, impressed not one torture heart.

Portrait of George Bairon.

Suffering and painful romanticism of Bairon were not pretending: this man really very acutely perceived the real world and worried about the imperfection of life and people. However, not everyone knows that in addition to the torments of the spiritual biography, George Bairon is also filled with thickens of everyday life and bodily.

Childhood and youth

George Gordon Byron was born in London on January 22, 1788. Family of the future poet, despite the knowledge, was quite poor. The mother of the boy became the second wife of Lord Byrona Sr. As soon as little George passed three years, as his father died, leaving his wife with a child in her arms and practically without livelihood.

Parents of George Bairon.

A woman with the child returned to the family estate of New Sext Abby, which under Nottingham, which later inherited Byron. Life in the castle was not royal at all: the old building was collapsed, constantly reminding about the benchmark of bills. George's mother eventually elapsed because of constant difficulties and constantly quit to his son, counting that was not perfect.

In addition, Bayron suffered because of congenital chromotype, which often became the subject of peer rides. The boy was so worried that one day seriously asked the family doctor amputating a sore limb. We laughed at the future poet and because of the weight - it is known that by 17 years George weighed 102 kilograms. At the same time, the growth of a young man was only 1.72 meters.

George Byron in childhood and youth

Such circumstances influenced the nature of the young Bairon, which turned into a closed and shy teenager, who felt in his plate only alone, alone with books and her own dreams. It is a feeling - one's own closer, no disathum on others - Bayron will sweat a red thread through all the works.

Primary education Little George got at home, doing a coming teacher. In the future, Bayron studied in the Davich private school. In 1801, George joined the ranks of the student closed school for aristocrats in the town of Harrow, and four years later he entered Trinity College at the University of Cambridge. It is known that the study was given to young Bayron with difficulty, but interest in books arose from an early age.


The first book of Bairon, called "poems in case," came out in 1806. A year later, the poet printed another collection of poems - "Leisure Watch". Unlike everyday life, creativity allowed Bairon to feel confidence in their own forces. However, the public has rather critically reacted to a new poet, having made a preface written by Byron for the second book. The poet was not confused and dedicated to critics to the caustic Satire "English Bards and Scottish Observers", which became hardly more popular for the lyrical works themselves.

George Byron in the East

In 1809, the poet was forced to leave his native United Kingdom. The fact is that, while still a student, Bayron was addicted to card games and alcohol. It is easy to guess that such hobbies have constantly performed substantial cutters in the scarce budget of George Bairon. He ended all the fact that the poet decided to simply escape from the lender and lenders who had lost patience.

Together with his friend John Hobhaus Byron went on a journey. Friends were seeing Greece, Spain, Portugal and other countries. The main result of the trip was the Poem "Pilombia Child Harold". This is a romantic narrative of the traveler, who passed through the disappointment in the surrounding world and survived the complete wreck of youth ideas about the world. Of course, the main hero of the poem is the reflection of the author, his feelings and the peoples.

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The first two parts of Child-Harold came out in 1812 and instantly presented the poet the popularity and interest of the intelligent public. The next two years by Bayron worked on the so-called Eastern poems - "Lara", "Gyur", "Abido Bride". These works also discarded the love of readers and actively reprinted.

In 1816, George Byron left England finally. By this time, the poet managed not only to release the third part of Child Harold and a dozen poems, but also to divorce his wife, earn an unflattering reputation and cause an envy of everyone who considered themselves a poet, but did not reach the glory of Bairon.

Illustration to the poem of George Bairon Don Juan

George Bairon's mother has already left life by that time. Therefore, the poet was able to quietly sell the generic estate of New Sext, which allowed him for a while to forget about the material difficulties. Byron settled in a quiet Swiss village, from which occasionally was chosen on excursions around the country.

After some time, the poet again moved, this time in Venice. This city invoking Bairon so much that he wrote several poems dedicated to Venice. Here he graduated from the fourth song of Childe Harold, and in 1818 he began writing a poem called Don Juan, which later calls and literary critics will definitely be called the best in the work of Lord Bairon. This work includes 16 songs.

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In parallel with the Don Juan, Bayron continued to work on Child-Harold, and also wrote Mazepa's poem and many poems. In general, this period, which coincided in the biography of Byron with relations with his beloved woman, became the most fruitful in creative terms.

Unfortunately, "Don Juan", conceived as a certain almanac of 50 songs, remained unfinished. The readers did not know what the travels and the adventures of the Sweet Jew had led, because the life journey of Lord Bayron himself came to an end.

Personal life

Personal life of the poet and in life, and after the death was surrounded by speculation, exaggerations and rumors. However, even those moments that are known to be known, allow you to judge Lord Bairon as a sufficiently brave experimentator in terms of the matters of heart, as well as about a person who despises the Hanging morality.

George Byron and his Summary Sister August

It is known that his summary sister of August (daughter of his father from the first marriage) became the first choices of the poet. A year later, in 1814, Bayron made an offer to the new Beloved Anna Isabelle Milbank. The girl did not agree to marry a poet, but he was happy to communicate with George in letters. A year later, Bayron decided to re-ask the hands and hearts of the beautiful Anna. This time the girl accepted this sentence, becoming the first wife of the poet.

George Byron and his wife Anna

After some time, the spouse gave Bayrona Perennez - the daughter of hell. Unfortunately, by the time the pair relationship was already cracking on the seams. And after a few months, Anna Milbank took the child and returned to the parental house. The woman explained his decision with the infidelity of her husband and his strange habits, as well as constant poverty and drunkenness of Bairon.

Under the strange habits, Anna meant homosexual relations of her husband, which in the then England was punished with death. Immediately after the departure of his wife, Lord Byron left the country, going on a journey.

It is noteworthy that the daughter of Byrona hell is called the first programmer in the world. It's amazing that such a lesson attracted a woman of that time, but the fact remains the fact, hell Lovelace (who took the surname of her husband) was the first program for a computing machine created by Charles Babbird.

In 1817, Bairon had a short affair with a girl named Claire Clairmont, the Soviet sister of the writer Mary Shelley. Claire presented the poet the second daughter. The girl called by Allegre died at a five-year-old age.

1819 gave Bairon new relationships that became really happy for the poet. Choices of George became Teresa Guichchii. At the time of dating with Byron, the woman was married, but soon divided with his spouse and began to live openly with the poet, not afraid of public opinion. Time spent with Teresa was fruitful for Bairon in terms of creativity. Up to departure to Greece, the poet will live with a beloved.


In 1824, George Byron went to Greece to support an uprising, organized against the reign of Turks. The poet lived in barracks and dugouts together with the rebels. Such conditions did not slow down to affect the health of Bairon. The poet picked up a terrible fever and a few days later, April 19, 1924, died.

Monument to George Byron in Italy

Doctors opened the poet's body. It is known that some of the bodies were decided to enjoy and leave in the local church, which was done. However, soon these urns were stolen. The body of Lord Bairon was sent to the homeland of the poet and buried near the estates of New Sext, who had previously belonged to his family.

There are 4 monuments to the poet in the world: two of them are located in Italy, one in Greece and one - in the Danish Museum. Perhaps every fan of the poems of Bayron seeks to take a photo next to the stone embodiment of the beloved poet.


  • 1806 - "Poems in case"
  • 1813 - "Giaur"
  • 1813 - "ABIDOS Bride"
  • 1814 - "Corsair"
  • 1814 - "Lara"
  • 1818 - "Pilgrimage of Childe Harold"
  • 1819-1824 - "Don Juan"
  • 1819 - "Mazepa"
  • 1821 - "Cain"
  • 1821 - "Heaven and Earth"
  • 1822 - "Werner, or Legacy"
  • 1823 - "Bronze Age"
  • 1823 - "Island, or Christians and his comrades"

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