Valery Solovya - biography, photo, personal life, news 2021



In estimates, the figures of the political scientist Valery Solovya present a bright palette - he and a spy, and a Russian nationalist, and an expert on suggestion. The incredible accuracy of its predictions of those or events in the life of the country will freely or involuntarily seizes the idea of ​​the presence of the professor of his own network of informants in the vertical of power. The wide public found out Valery Solovya after resonant performances on Manezh Square in December 2010 and on the RBC TV channel.

Childhood and youth

Available in sources of the life of the political scientist are not rich in facts. Valery Dmitrievich Solovyi was born on August 19, 1960 in the Lugansk region of Ukraine, in the city with a promising name - happiness. There is no childhood nightingale information.

Historian Valery Solovya

After high school, Valery became a student of the historical faculty of Moscow State University. At the end of the university in 1983, for ten years he worked at the Institute of History of the USSR Academy of Sciences. In 1987, successfully defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of historical sciences.

Further labor biography Valery Solovya continued in the International Fund of Socio-Economic and Political Studies Gorbachev- Foundation. According to some information, Nightingale worked in the Foundation until 2008. During this time, he prepared several reports for international organizations, including for the UN, was a guest researcher in the London School of Economics and Political Sciences, defended his doctoral dissertation.

Political analyst Valery Solovey

By the way, some observers and political scientists will try to Valery with the relations with the Fund and the London School of Economics, believing that both of these institutes a priori cannot be carriers of the ideas of creating a strong Russian state. Simultaneously with the work in these organizations, Valery Solovey served in the editorial board and wrote articles in the magazine "Free Thought".

Since 2009, the political analyst consists in the expert council of the International Analytical Journal "Geopolitics". The magazine promotes the ideas of preserving Russian identity, statehood, the dissemination of Russian language and culture. Famous media personality is working as amended - Oleg Poptsov, Anatoly Gromyko, Juliette Childe. In addition, Valery Solovey is headed by the Department of Advertising and Public Relations of the University of MGIMO.

Science and social activities

In 2012, Professor Solovyi attempted louder to declare himself on a political arena, creating and heading the "New Power" party, as reported in January of the same year on the Echo of Moskvi radio station. Nationalism, according to Professor, underlies the worldview of normal people, because only due to such attitude to life there will be a chance to keep the country.

Valery Solovyov openly expresses his views

Despite the fact that the ideas promoted by the party found an understanding of people, registration in the Ministry of Justice "New Power" did not pass. The official site of the party is blocked, pages in Twitter and in VKontakte are abandoned. This is not surprising, given the right-bully position of Valery Solovya: he does not see the nationalism of the threat to society, does not consider it an ideology.

Nevertheless, Valery Solovyus continues to active activities. Today, he is the author and co-author of 7 books and more than 70 scientific articles, and the number of Internet publications and articles in the media is calculated by thousands. In the journalistic environment, it has long been a tradition to take interviews for each little much significant occasion from one of the most famous political scientists of the country.

Books Valery Solovya

Frank, without embellishment notes of nightingale in its own blog on the Echo Moscow site, on the personal pages in Facebook and Vkontakte collect a lot of comments. Quotes from speeches, forecasts of the professor (by the way, surprisingly accurate) become the subject of discussions, are taken as a basis in the expression on the pages of the living magazine of the personal position of non-indulgered citizens.

Personal life

Everything that Valery Solovya's personal life is known is that Professor is married and has a son Paul. Svetlana Anashkova named after St. Petersburg, graduated from the Faculty of Psychology of St. Petersburg State University, is engaged in the publication of children's literature, tutorials.

Valery Solovy and his son Paul

In 2009, together with Sister Tatiana, also a doctor of historical sciences, nightingale released the book "The failed revolution. The historical meanings of Russian nationalism, "which the authors dedicated to their children - Paul and Fyodor.

Valery Solovyi now

The latter is still the book Valery Solovya - "Revolution! The foundations of the revolutionary struggle in the modern era, "published in 2016.

In the fall of 2017, it became known that in the elections of the Russian President of Russia in 2018 will participate the leader of the growth party, billionaire and authorized to protect the rights of entrepreneurs Boris Titov. In the election headquarters of the Party, Valery Solovyi was appointed responsible for the ideology. The professor believes that from the point of view of the campaign propaganda, Vladimir Putin has already been won, and the goal of nomination of Titov is to influence the economic strategy.

Valery Solovyov speaks Vladimir Putin

Among the last "prophecies" of the Nightingale - the rapid aging of the political crisis, the loss of manageability by society, aggravation of the crisis in the economy. In addition, on the village in Facebook, Valery Dmitrievich outlined the view that allegedly expect the emergence of Russian volunteers in military conflicts in Yemen, as happened to Libya and Sudan. In other words, Russia will turn into another conflict, which will again entail multi-billion expenses and the rejection of the country in the international arena.

The next president of Putin Nightingale is predicts a rapid end, after two or three years, and the reason is not even in the years of Vladimir Vladimirovich (leads the heads of state to the older), and in the fact that the "Russian people from Putin are tired." And then there will be a series of serious change.

Valery Solovey in 2017

Speaking of a possible successor, Solovyov does not consider such a minister of defense of Sergei Shoigu, whose candidature is not directly, but is discussed in narrow circles. The political analyst drew attention to the former deputy shoigu, Lieutenant General Alexei Dumin, Governor of the Tula region.

According to the Ukrainian issue and the topic of Russia's intervention in the US Presidential elections, Valery Nightingale is also straightforward. According to the political scientist, relations with Ukraine will not be formerly, and the Crimea will remain Russian. And Russia, albeit long before the elections, made attacks, but the victory of Trump is due to the successful political strategy, the role of the guy from the neighboring courtyard and mistakes Hillary Clinton.


  • 2007 - "Meaning, Logic and Form of Russian Revolutions"
  • 2008 - "Blood and the soil of Russian history"
  • 2009 - "The failed revolution. The historical meanings of Russian nationalism "
  • 2015 - "Absolute Weapon. Fundamentals of psychological war and mediaman boulations. "
  • 2016 - "Revolution! Fundamentals of the revolutionary struggle in the modern era »

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