Vsevolod Sanaev - biography, photo, personal life, filmography, death



Soviet cinema is fundamentally different from the modern Russian not only the quality of the film produced. TV viewers of the entire CIS and now continue to watch the "Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Ferry" every new year, and outside the holidays do not mind revising the film "Volga, Volga" director Grigory Aleksandrov, "Hearts of four" Konstantin Yudina and others.

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The secret of the success of the films of the Soviet Union period is associated not only with nostalgia, historical value and directed, a great contribution to their popularity is making an empowerment game.

Childhood and youth

Vsevolod Vasilyevich Sanaev was born in Russia (then the Russian Empire) on February 25, 1912 in a poor large-willed family of workers (12 children in the family). The boy grew on the outskirts of the industrial city of Tula. Studying at school was given to Vsevolod with difficulty, and he studied reluctantly. For this reason, Vasily Sanaev took the son from school and sent to master the working profession at the harmony factory.

Full Vsevolod Sanaev

So the future actor became an apprentice at the enterprise, where his father worked. The responsibilities of the young man included an assembly and setting up musical instruments. At 16, Vsevolod had already trained the profession of two apprentices. While working at the factory, the young man did not leave the idea that he did not do what the soul was lying.

Back in childhood, Vsevolod and Mother went to the theater, where the tour of the Moscow Art Theater showed a performance on the play A.P. Chekhov "Uncle Vanya". The boy was very impressed with the play of actors, the atmosphere of the theater, but not even dare about the theater career did not bother. However, Vsevolod became pleasure to attend an amateur theater in Tula "Sickle and Hammer" as a listener. Having reached positive results in the actor's game, a young man, though not the first time, but entered the dramatic studio.

Vsevolod Sanaev in youth

Already in 1930, Sanaev became an actor of the duplicate composition of the theater worked at OJSC Tula Patron Plant. Career his rapidly went up. A year later, Vsevolod had already worked as an actor in the Tula State Academic Drama Theater named after M. Gorky. For further professional development, a young man needed to get a profile education.

The Senior Mentor in the theater prepared Vsevolod to the entrance exams on theatrical work faculty in Moscow. Despite the censure of the family (the parents of the working specialties were not perceived seriously the hobbies of the adult son), Sanaev went to the capital to learn.

Vsevolod Sanaev in youth

After graduating from Rabafak, Vsevolod raised professionalism in theatrical technical school under the leadership of Nicholas Plotnikov. Given the acute lack of finance, the evenings of the young man had to work hard. The diligence of Vsevolod helped him at the end of the technical school to enter the State Institute of Theatrical Art, where the talented director Mikhail Tarkhanov became the mentor of the future actor.

Since 1943, Vsevolod has changed several other theaters, on the stage of which he played. In 1943, he worked in the State Order of Lenin and the Order of the Labor Red Banner of the Mossoveta Academic Theater, and in 1946 - at the State Theater of Film Actor. In 1952, Sanaev wanted to go to MCAT, but the proposed roles did not suit him: the actor's wife fell seriously, and the family was in dire needed money.


After graduating from the institute, Vsevolod Sanaev got an actor in the Moscow Art Theater. Despite the popularity of art in those times, the work was a bit, and the competition is high, so the novice actor drew the eye towards only the developing cinema.

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In 1938, a musical comedy with the participation of Vsevolod "Volga, Volga" came to Soviet televisions. The actor debuted into the cinema at once in two small roles: a young man played a musician and a logger. But after two years, Sanaeva had been waiting for the first big and serious role of Worker Dobryakov in the art film "Favorite Girl".

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In total, on the account of the actor 89 played roles in Soviet and Russian movies, 2 roles in television performances and one voiced cartoon.

Personal life

The biography of Vsevolod Sanaev in terms of the personal life of the actor until recently remained a white spot until the grandson of Vsevolod Sanaeva Paul did not release the biographical book "Bury me for the Plinth", telling about the family life of the famous grandfather.

With the future spouse Lydia Antonovna (in the Maiden Goncharenko), the actor met the on the eve of the Great Patriotic War, when, together with theatrical troupe, Mkat was on tour in Kiev. Almost from the very acquaintance from the then still a student of the philological faculty Lydia Vsevolod decided to marry a young beauty. All the relatives of the girl was against their marriage, but he would not order the heart - Lydia went to Moscow with Sanaev.

Vsevolod Sanaev and his wife Lydia

Lydia Antonovna was sincerely devoted to her husband and family, but suffered from a depressive disorder, which complicated the family life of Sanayev. After one rashly talked joke at the common kitchen (the family lived in a communal apartment), the personality of the girl was interested in the special services, as a result of which the impressionable Lydia was in a psychiatric department with an official diagnosis of persecution.

Wife and daughter of Vsevolod Sanaeva

With the beginning of the war, Vsevolod Vasilyevich went on tour to Borisoglebsk, leaving his wife with a little son in Moscow, and could not return back in connection with the fighting. Lydia with the baby in his arms was evacuated to the territory of Kazakhstan. There, two-year-old Alexey picked up Kor and diphtheria, which is why he died soon. The loss of the firstborn became a terrible blow for Lydia Sanaeva.

In 1943, Sanaev was born daughter Elena, who in early childhood suffered jaundice. Against the background of severe daughter's disease, Lydia Antonovna developed a sharp fear of losing and daughter after his son, who accompanied the woman all his life. This problem has greatly complicated the family life of spouses. As a result, according to the grandson of the artist, Vsevolod Ivanovich often did not want to return home, although he looked at his wife.

Vsevolod Sanaev with grandson Paul

The relationship with the daughter of Vsevolod Vasilyevich was also difficult for Vsevoloda: the domineering Lydia Antonovna did not want to take the choice of her daughter, and his father did not want to argue. Elena Vsevolodovna first married the engineer Vladimir Konzin, and the second husband was the director Rolan Bykov. From the first marriage Elena gave birth to Son Paul, who became a writer, director, actor.

Death of Vsevolod Sanaev

Vsevolod Vasilyevich with irrepressible vital energy worked on the set until the end of life, while the state of health allowed.

At 75, the actor suffered a serious heart attack, but survived, according to his daughter, solely for the sake of love for his wife - was afraid to leave her without support. In 1995, Lydia Antonovna died, and in ten months Vsevolod Antonovich died.

The cause of the death of the actor was a heavy oncological disease - lung cancer. Sanaeva's grave and his spouses are located at the Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow.

In memory of the actor's contribution to theatrical cinema in December 2011, the postal envelope was published with the photo of Vsevolod Sanaeva.


  • 1938 - "Volga, Volga"
  • 1941 - "Hearts of Four"
  • 1948 - "Young Guard"
  • 1959 - "Soldier Ballad"
  • 1963 - "Optimistic tragedy"
  • 1969 - "Strange People"
  • 1983 - "White dew"
  • 1987 - "Forgotten Melody for Flute"
  • 1995 - "Shirley Merly"

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