Sersa Lannister - Character Character, Actress, Photo, Quotes


Character History

One of the key characters of the novels cycle "Song of Ice and Flame" and the series "Game of Thrones" shot on them. The novels are written in the genre of fantasy. The author is American Writer and Writer George Martin. Sersa about forty years. The heroine belongs to the clan of the Lannister, she has two brothers - Handsome Jame and Dwarf Tyrion. With the first heroine in the heroine, an incestuous novel, with the second - a bad relationship. Heroine Father - Head of Clan Taiwin Lannister.

"Game of Thrones"

In the series "Game of Thrones", the role of Sernei is performed by Lina Hidi, British actress. In 1998, he starred in the mini-series "Great Merlin" in the role of Guinea, the spouses of King Arthur. In 2005, Terry Gilliam Brothers "Brothers Grimm" appeared in the fabulous thriller in the role of Angelica Hunters.

Lina Hidi as Sernei Lannister

And in 2016, starred in the film "Pride and Prejudice and Zombie", where the events of the classic novel Jane Austin are unfolding against the background of a zombie apocalypse. Actress began to be filmed in the game of Thrones in 2011, and still the role of Serneus Lannister is the most recognizable work Lina. For this role, the actress nominated for the AMMI.

In the fifth season of the series (2015) there is a flashback that refers to young heroine. In this episode, a young actress Nell Williams plays Serne.

Nell Williams as Sernei Lannister

The first five seasons The Serne's line in the series corresponded to the book. Starting from the sixth season, the scene line of the series began to be ahead of the book. In the sixth season, Sressey bury the daughter of Moleclo, who returned home from Dorna poisoned. It seeks to find out more about the enemies of the crown, squeezing the beggar in neighboring lands.

It is understood from the army of religious fanatics who captured the capital, and with their leadership by his sparrow, and at the same time with the house of Tirellov, blowing up the Septu of Beilor (Temple), at the moment when fanatics and young heirs of the House of Tyrells were gathered. The meeting was held about the court over the Serne itself, which, of course, did not appear on the court. The joy of the celebration of the heroine overshadowed the suicide of the son of Tommen, for whom the death of a young wife Marghery Tyrell became the last straw.

Sersa Lannister.

In the seventh season, Sressey gave the promise of Deeeneris Targaryen and John Snow, which will support those in the fight against the white walkers (the dead), whose army comes from the north. In fact, the heroine does not intend to keep the word, but is going to reset the war with the dead in Westeros. Actress Lina Hidi will play Serne and in the eighth, last season of the series.

Image and nature

Was his wife Robert Baraton, King Westeros, who deceased because of the wound received on the hunt. Children Serne - Bantards, born on touch with Brother Jame Lannister. Son Serne Joffrey became the new King of Westeros and Rules until the young man was poisoned at his own wedding. After that, SERSEY put on the tone of the second son, Tommen, who also died, having thrown out of the window.

Jame and Sressey Lannister

Another relative Serne, and at the same time the former lover, - Lansel Lannister. Lancel is a cousin of the heroine, who in collusion with her ate the death of King Robert on the hunt, which was supposedly accidentally due to the wound caused by Veprem. Later, Lancel becomes fanatically delicious, joins the sect of his sparrow and applies his hand to the arrest of Tirellov's fanatics and the Serne itself.

The heroine is in a state of conflict with the house of Starks, as the head of the house Eddard Stark, Lord Winterfella, knows the main secret of Sernei: that the children of the heroine - Bantards from the connection with her own brother Jame, not the native children of King Robert and cannot claim the throne . Eddard also tries to find out about the extramarital children of the king himself, which are of greater right to the throne along the baratonov line. The conflict ends out the execution of an inexperienced in the intrigues of the Ned Stark and the celebration of Serne.

Tyrion and Sersa Lannister

SERSEY - Sunnaya and ambitious woman, skillful intrigan. The heroine easily manipulates others and achieves great power, but as the ruler shows itself incompetent and short-sighted. The further, the less the heroine trusts anyone, including the nearest environment, and over time, begins to demonstrate the signs of paranoia and mental instability.

He hates the younger brother Tyrion, because in his youth received the prophecy, which stars that he would become a source of misfortunes for her. Constantly and unreasonably accuses that in misfortunes, to which Tyrion did not attach hands, for example, in Joffrey Poison.

Sersa Lannister.

The heroine demonstrates the resistance of the Spirit and the power of character during a shameful procession, when his sparrow forced the Serne to go bare along the streets of the capital. Such a punishment leader Fanatikov appointed heroine into the atonement of sins, in which she had to repent.

The fact that fanatics came to power are the result of the political miscalculation of the Serne itself, which decided that the revived religious military order would be a tool against the enemies of the heroine. However, this rapid solution led only to the conflict with the allies and to the fact that the influence of the Church overly increased, and Sersi itself was in the hands of fanatics.

Interesting Facts

  • The popularity of the series "The Game of Thrones" is so great in the UK that Royal Mail (Royal Mail) in January of the new 2018 released 15 thematic postage stamps, which depict the main heroes of the epic. Sersa is present on one of them.
Sersa Lannister on the postage stamp
  • In the pilot series of the serial SERSYEY and Jame came out so much like each other, that none of the audience, who looked at this trial version, did not guessed that the heroes were a brother and sister. I had to move the pilot completely.
  • The atoning walk of the naked, which heroine accomplished, George Martin created, relying on the real historical events that took place in Britain in the Middle Ages. The same punishment suffered the former lover of King Eduard IV named Jane Shore.


"Everything has changed. You returned after so much time without an apology and decided and decided that everything would be like before? "" We will fight, or die, or let's go and die - I know my choice, the warrior must know his choice. "" People will whisper and mock. Let. They are so insignificant that I do not notice them. I see what is important to me. "" We kill our horses when they break legs, and dogs, when they are blinded, but we have the same mercy of the crushed children with our spirit. "" If someone uses our In deprivation of yourself in good, I want to know about it. If someone laughs at the queen, which went down the street Nagaya and all in shit, I want to hear it. I want to know who these people are. And where to find them. "" Be there anyone else's goal there, I would give hope to seduce it. But there Stannis Barateon - Rather, I can seduce his horse. "


From the face of Serne, there is a narrative in terms of the heads of the Romans of the "Song of Ice and Flame" cycle. The heroine appears in the six books of the cycle:

  • "Game of Thrones" (1996)
  • "Battle of Kings" (1998)
  • "Storm of Swords" (2000)
  • "Pir of Vultures" (2005)
  • "Dance with dragons" (2011)
  • "Winter Wind" (2019)

In the last three Sersa - the central character. The penultimate romance of the cycle, "wind wind" is not yet completed and allegedly will be published in the summer of 2019.

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