Ramsey Bolton - biography, actor, height and weight, Sansa Stark


Character History

Ramsey Bolton - character special. In the cycle of the novels of George Martin "Song of Ice and Flame", there are almost no heroes completely positive or completely negative. The author talentedly depicted actors and from the dark side, and with bright. Among them is a mansion of Ramsey - readers are unable to find excuses with a cruel sadist. On the screens, the image of the antagonist became more brighter: from the nasty habits and the tricks of a young man, and simply from the expression of his face the blood is blocked at the audience the series "Game of Thrones".

George Martin

The biography of the Hero in the book began with the fact that his father in his youth raped a young peasant woman, which for the next year threw the baby to the goal of the dreadmaker - a tribal castle of Bolton. Bastard Lord Russa Bolton, a representative of an extinct great house, which once ruled the North of the Seven Kingdoms, appears only in the third season of the series, but is already mentioned in the second part.

Until a certain moment, Ramsi wore Snow surname, traditional for illegitimate children of the North. But after the successful fulfillment of the military assignment, the father called, finally, the sibling by a legitimate son and gave the surname Bolton.

"Game of Thrones"

When the head of the Bolton house learned that the castle of the rulers of the North Winterfell was captured by the Son of the Lord of the Iron Islands Theon Griad, he immediately sent to disintegrate this territory of troops led by his illegitimate sibling of Ramsi. In the second season of the series, the audience only hears the annoying horn of a character, whose sounds did not stop during the day nor at night and drove the new inhabitants of Winterfella.

Ramsi Bolton

Ramsey still captured the castle, burned him and removed the skin from a handful of opponents, and the captured theone took with him to the dreadnut. Rumblebery experienced sophisticated bolton bastard torture hiding under the appearance of a boy-cleaner. It helps the theon to escape, it catches it, cries the part of the body, as a result, it looks over and makes the smelter with his slave. Even when the sister of Yar G Grage came to salvation, the theon remains faithful to her cruel owner - so much Ramsey managed to break the spirit of the hostage.

Ramsi for the resolution of the Father was settled in Winterfelle and tried to establish domination in the north. The rare house agreed to obey the new power, but the character had its own methods of struggle - the number of dismissed rapidly decreased after the young man had a worm of terrible executions with removal of the skin.

Ramsey Bolton and Sansa Stark

Ramsi Bolton advised to strengthen the power, marry Sanas Stark, the daughter of the executed keeper of the North and the former head of the house Winterfell. A young man met a girl welcomingly, skillfully hiding behind the mask of frivotes and courtesy, leaving a positive impression. However, after the wedding, a young wife had discovered with horror, for which monster it was lit up, and soon fled along with the theone.

An enterprising Ramsey reached the top of power by killing his father and proclaiming himself with Lord Winterfella and the new keeper of the North. But the triumph turned out to be a speed. The escaped wife led to the castle of troops led by Brother John Snow.

Ramsey Bolton and John Snow

The sixth season became the last for the character and remembered fans of the saga in the fight of the Bastardov - John Snow against Ramsa Bolton. The latter woke up in a dark psarn tightly tied to the chair. Ramsey died in the same way as many of his victims - from the teeth of their own hungry dogs.

Image and nature

Sociopath Ramsey Bolton is experiencing a frightening passion for human pain and completely devoid of sympathy for people. Mustache and sadistic inclinations progress over time. Favorite entertainment Hero - hunt in the forest on girls. And in general, he is a master to arrange brutal games with chains and murders. The character contained a big dog: the dogs of Ramsey Bolton were starved for several days, so they were thrown into the next victim of the owner.

Ramsi Bolton

On Ramsi Bolton's account, dozens of bloodthirsty crimes. Fearing to lose power and again become nobody, he ruthlessly kills his father, and then a stepmother with a newborn brother. He feeds his killed mistress to dogs, although this is the only creature to which the young man treated with warmth.

The hero was ashamed of low origin and the offensive status "Bastard", so at any convenient case tried to establish himself in the eyes of others, recalling that he was "True Bolton."

Ramsey Bolton - Art

In novels, George Martin described Ramsi as a low young man dressed in beautiful and rich outfits. However, the clothes did not manage to hide the natural urgency - lower shoulders, wide bone, loosen in rash skin. Remarkable parts were earrings in the form of a blood droplet in the right ear and cold faded eyes, resembling fragments of dirty ice.

Ramsey - the character is ambiguous. On the one hand, the young man was smart, easily solves tactical tasks and is able to make bold actions. In the film Victory Bastarda: the liberation of the Rib Kalein from rail-born, the defeat of the armion of the Baratheon Stannis, the capture of the Winterfelle castle. On the other hand, Ramsi Bolton was calculated in strategies: in favor of the sadistic predilections did not want to win the location of Sansa to strengthen power, and quarreled with the inhabitants of the Iron Islands, dishonoring the theon.

Actors and roles

The audience met the main sadist of fantastic saga in 2013, when the third season of the "Games of Thrones" came to the screens. The British actor Ivan Reon came to the role of Ramsoy Bolton, who had already deserved popularity in the image of Simon from the "Bad" series.

In the "Game of Thrones" a low (Ivan's growth is 173 cm) a young man first tried to the role of John Snow, which in the end they gave by China Harington. At the time of filming, Reon turned 28 years old.

Ivan Reon as Ramsi Bolton

The man confessed in an interview that the rape of Sansu Stark was the most exciting scene (the girl was played by Sophie Turner). In an interview, Reon said:

"It was terrible. At night, I could not sleep for a second on the day before, although I usually manage to remove it well from the image of Ramsi. And Sophie Turner, playing Sansu, is such a beautiful young girl ... "

And the most terrible act who performed the hero, the actor believes burning the child alive.

Interesting Facts

The series is straightely different from George Martina's books with events and a set of characters. So, in the film there is no girl named Jane bullets. In the book, this is the daughter of the deceased manager of Winterfelle, which, under the mask, Stark is issued to marry the Ramsi Bolton.

Ramsi Bolton

In 2016, the Cinema "Georges" recognized Ramsi Bolton at random year. At the same time, the "New York Times" proclaimed him the most disgusting telepersonge, which causes only hatred. So the results of the audience voting were. Ramsey managed to pursue a dubious title behind even Hannibal Lecter.

After the end of the "career" of the villain in the River's television saga, no less than colorful image in the cinema was waiting - in the film "City Legends" Actor played young Hitler. Fans have joked that Ivan took Jack-sweat on all "crazy roles."


"SANSA ... Hello, Sansa. Now I will live here? .. No. Our time together will soon come to an end. It's nothing. You can't kill me, I'm part of you. "" At a naked person of secrets a little - and there is no one at all. "" "Apologies mean nothing, if you don't look into the eyes." The theon Griad is the name of Lord. And you are not a lord. You are meat. "" If you count on a happy end, it means that you listened not carefully. "" Dogs I love more than knights. The dog will give life for you and never satisfying you. "

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