Galina Brezhnev - biography, photo, personal life, husbands, movies



Children of famous politicians are always under the closer attention to the public. From birth in their lives, there is not only material wealth and great opportunities, but also the mass of restrictions and prohibitions. Feeling a fishing bird in the "Golden Cage" they want to get out, but often "breaking wings." The fate of the daughter of the Secretary General of the Central Committee of the CPSU, Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev, Galina, was the same difficult.

Childhood and youth

On April 18, 1929, the firstborn was born in the family of Leonid and Victoria Brezhnev - Daughter Galya. The couple lived at that time in Sverdlovsk (current Ekaterinburg). The head of the family worked as Deputy Chairman of the Local Rain Executive Committee, and a young mother, in the formation of an obstetrician, was engaged in household. After 4 years, in 1933, Galina appeared Yuri's younger brother.

Galina Brezhnev and Leonid Brezhnev

Victoria completely devoted himself to care for two children, house and husband. Leonid Brezhnev already at that time closely took up the public service. True, the whole family, including Little Galina and Brother, often had to move after the Father.

Galina Brezhnev in childhood and youth

Youth years Gali fell for wartime. The Great Patriotic War began. With the end of this tragic period in 1945, Galina turned 16 years old, and it was time to be determined with a future profession.

Daughter Brezhnev

In June 1945, Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev became the head of the political enforcement of the fourth Ukrainian front. At the Victory Parade, the future Secretarycles walked together by the General of the Army Eremenko, heading the column. Leonid Brezhnev was a man serious, strict looks, successfully moved in his career. Therefore, when young Galina stated his father that he was going to become an actress and wants to enter Moscow at the acting department, Brezhnev took this news extremely negative.

Galina Brezhnev in youth

A girl who since childhood had an intense character, had to change his desires and dreams and obey the Father. As a result, Galya went on the right, from the point of view of parents, the literary faculty of the Pedagogical Institute in Orekhovo-Zuyevo.


Throughout the life, Galina first of all was the "daughter of Brezhnev". A certain career did not work out. While still a student, she once again moved with his family for the official affairs of the Father. This time in Moldova. In Chisina, the girl was transferred to the Philology Faculty of Local University. But it did not make it necessary.

Galina Brezhnev at Circus Wagon

At 22, Galya fell in love with a 42-year-old circuit and, throwing his studies, alternate parents, left the city with a future husband.

The first work of Galina was the profession of a circus costumeumer - the girl helped her husband. After she managed to work at the news agency "News", the Archive of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and some time in Moscow State University.

Personal life

Unlike career, Galina Brezhnev's personal life was stormy and saturated. Three times she was married officially, while the fleeting novels of the enviable Soviet bride decorated her life with different emotions.

The first beloved and her husband Galina became the artist of the circus Evgeny Milaev. Tours in Moldova, strongman holding 10 people on his shoulders, made such an impression on the young girl that she had acquired tickets for all his performances to the end of the tour.

Galina Brezhnev and the first husband Evgeny Milaev

Having become acquainted with Eugene personally, Galina gave himself to feelings, not paying attention to the 20-year difference at the age and two twin children from the first wife of the Beloved. Their mother died at birth, and little Sasha and Natasha soon became the receptions for Galina - the new Father's wife.

Coming out married, Galya followed her husband everywhere, as before the father. The family toured around the country. Evgeny performed in the arena, and the young wife engaged in his costumes.

Victoria, Daughter Galina Brezhnev

A year after the wedding, in 1952, the pair had a daughter, which was called in honor of the grandmother - Victoria. Galina and mother tied a warm relationship, besides, Mom was a model of his wife, parental and hostess for her.

Unfortunately, at least Galina and tried to create the perfect family did not happen. The husband was often fond of young circus artists and did not greatly appreciate the personal loyalty of Galina, as well as care not only about his native daughter, but also about two children of Eugene. 10 years later, the marriage collapsed. During this time, Milaev managed to fly through the career ladder. He became the director of the Moscow Circus and received the title of Hero of Socialist Labor.

Galina Brezhnev and the second husband Igor Kio

After recovering the divorce in 1962, 33-year-old Galina fell in love with the young illusionist Igor Kio. At that time, the young man was only 18 years old. Not telling parents, the pair registered the marriage and left in Sochi. To soften the response of the Father, the daughter "added" the groom 7 years. The news Leonid and Victoria Brezhnev learned from the note containing the text:

"Dad, I fell in love. He is 25. "

Officially, Galina's second marriage launched only 10 days. An angry father sent to the pair of state security staff. As a result, a naughty daughter was returned to Moscow, and the young illusionist "showed focus" - took a passport with a marriage mark, and returned without a stamp.

In which time, Galina obeyed the will of the Father, but he will not order the heart. Lovers continued secret meetings. For three years, the couple crossed the seats for dates: in hotels and on the apartments of acquaintances. When Brezhnev in 1966 became the Secretary General of the Central Committee of the CSPP, it was impossible to go to the Father in advance, and the relationship stopped.

Galina Brezhnev and Third husband Yuri Churbanov

The third marriage of Galina Leonidovna finally came to her high-ranking father. The era of "circuscripts and magicians" ended. In January 1971, Galina, who at that time was 41 years old, met 34-year-old Yuri Churbanova at the evening. Static Military, Major impressed the daughter of the Secretary General.

It was impossible to refuse such a bride - Yuri divorced his wife and without regret entered into a new marriage, which he entered him not only the home focus in prosperity, but also a promotion. Expectations were justified - soon Major became a lieutenant-General and took the position of Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR. After the Churbans, the Colonel-General rank. After 20 years of marriage, Yuri was arrested, and Galina filed for divorce.

Galina Brezhnev and Maris Liepa

In addition to official marriages, Galina was passionate about both other men, one of whom was the famous ballet artist Maris Liepa. 5 years have lasted their dates, and this is despite the fact that Maris was officially married. The promise of the divorce was not fulfilled, so the novel over time ceased.

Especially contemporaries of the Samsen daughter remember her novel with another creative person. Being in marriage with Yuri Churbanov, Galina, who oversail a 50-year-old frontier, was fond of the Gypsy singer Boris Buryaca.

Galina Brezhnev and Boris Burya

The artist's career also promoted an amazing way. From the ordinary member of the "Roman" theater, he turned into a soloist of the Bolshoi Theater. Soon Boris accused of involvement in the stealing of diamonds. The loss was not found, but female fur coats found in his apartment. Then not without the help of Curbanova, the legitimate husband of Galina, Boris convicted for 5 years in prison.


On November 10, 1982, her father and head of state Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev died. With the arrival of Andropov Galina moved to power, she moved to the family-run Dacha family Moscow region and was actually under house arrest. Later, during the reign of Gorbachev, she was trying to confiscate property, but the daughter of the former Secretary General won the court, and housing, cars, antiques and other values ​​remained with it. Everything else, the new government accused a woman in theft of jewels, but the attempt was not crowned with success.

Galina Brezhnev in old age and her grave

Under the lifetime of an influential father, her life was not simple, and after death he was not difficult at all. Galina strongly washed and after time he fell into a psychiatric hospital number 2 in the village of Dobrynich Moscow region. On June 29, 1998, Galina Leonidovna Brezhneva did not. She was buried at the Novodevichy Cemetery next to the Mother's Grate.

Her native daughter Victoria in 1973 gave birth to a daughter, which was named after his mother - Galina.


  • 1993 - Book Yu.M. Churbanova "I will tell everything as it was"
  • 2013 - E. Dodolova's book "Case Galina Brezhneva. Diamonds for Princess "
  • 2013 - Book E. Dodolova "Galina Brezhnev. Life of the Soviet princess "
  • 2013 - film L. Mlechin "Galina Brezhnev. Exile from Paradise

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