Tyrion Lannister - character history, actor, photo, quotes, growth


Character History

The cult series "The Game of Thrones" gathered at the screens of fans fans, outstanding plots and original heroes. Tirion Lannister became a favorite character of the public, whose role was performed by the actor Peter Dinklage. The growth of the artist corresponded to the description of the hero in a literary basis, and his talent relieved all kinds of questions about the appointment to the role. Despite the unattractive appearance, the character has gained fans in many countries. The reason for this was witty, resourcefulness, erudition, self-confidence and courage of the hero.

"Game of Thrones"

Through the plot of the series Tyrion Lannister enters the Speat of Robert Barateon. Together with representatives, it is a visit to Winterfelle, and then takes a trip to the wall, during which John Snow becomes his friend. In acquaintance, the deva showed himself as an honest person, having told the true course of the events of the night watch.

John Snow and Tyrion Lannister

Returning to the royal harbor, the hero was captured to Camelin Stark, who later went to the eagle nest and gained freedom. After some time, Tyrion becomes one of the main suspects in the murder of John Arrena. The vertex court demanded a fight, in which instead of the demon, a mercenary of Bronn participated as a representative of the family. Death passed dwarf.

Returning to the native land, the hero sets up relations with the tribe of savages, whose place of residence is the lunar mountains. Tyrion's life is full of adventure. Despite the hardest destiny, he manifest himself a real brave, participating in the battle on the green tooth and trying to overtake Robb. Father sends him instead of an older brother who has captured, to the place of the royal harbor.

Image and nature

In the narration Tyrion Lannister has several names. Among them - the demon and twilight, the data is due to congenital pathology. The representative of the genus Lannister, he was the Third Son of Lord Tywin.

Tyrion Lannister.

The boy was born special. The mature dwarf with multicolored eyes barely reached the growth of the ten-year-old Yunz. He is angry, educated and smart, has an oratory talent and understands well in people. The main disadvantages of the hero are welded and sarcastic, which can be justified by the peripets of fate.

A person of a specific outfit is difficult to achieve anything, so Tyrion could not build a knight career and create a family. A rich loafer quickly fucked that the mind is his main heritage.

Father Tyrion Lannerner

Relationships in the family of Lannister are complex. Tyrion's mother died in childbirth, so the father hates his son. The offspring responds to him with reciprocity, but in every way he is trying to prove his goodness, counting after the death of the parent to get the Rock of Caster and the title. Sister Sersi Lannister despises Tyrion, and Brother Jame Lannister belongs to him good-naturedly. Neglecting imposes a serious imprint on the hero's worldview.

One of the key moments in his life is the wedding with a simple girl named Tisch. Related by marriage, Lord Tywin cruelly punished his son, putting his spouse with a prostitute. Having learned that Tyrion's wife from the lowest class, Senior Lannister ordered the girl in front of his son. This case struck the demise of a serious psychological trauma, made clinging and believe that he was not worthy of love.

Tyrion Lannister and Sansa Stark

But one day, the secret becomes clear - Tyrion will find out about the secret of the Father. He ruthlessly kills the parent as a sign of revenge for his beloved.

During the narration, a lonely dwarf acquires reliable support in the face of the bodyguard, who became a brunn mercenary, and prostitutes by name. From these people, he does not wait for betrayal, trusts its satellites. Among the heroes, with whom Tyrion managed to blame - Sansa Stark and Deeeneris, who foreshadowed, implying demon, which will appear "Puppet Dragon".

Interesting Facts

  • The role of Tyrion Lannerner was performed by Peter Dinklage. "The game of Thrones" became a project that brought the artist glory and recognition. His photo appeared on the covers of glossy magazines and poster with enviable regularity. For the embodiment of the Character of the Second Plan, Dinklage received two AMMI premiums in 2011 and 2015. Like his hero, Peter is distinguished by wit, education and faith in their own strength, which brought him to a number of famous actors of modernity.
  • Fans celebrate the similarity of the artist with the character. Dinklajah even has a scar on the face that Martin tells about, describing Tyrion in the book. The actor was injured in an emergency, but over time, an unpleasant scar was delayed and became invisible.
Peter Dinklage in the role of Tyrion Lannerner
  • When creating a scenario of the series by the author of the literary framework George R.R. Martin preliminarily approved on the role of two actors. They were Sean Bin, embodied Eddard Stark, and Peter Dinklage, who created the image of Tyrion on the screen.
  • Speaking of statistics, it is worth noting that Tirion Lanner is considered the main hero of the series. According to analyst estimates, viewers observe it in 46 episodes of 50 filmed, which takes 89% of the airtime.


The wit and the resourcefulness of Tyrion Lanner is striking. We have hardened with other people's ridicule and rejection from loved ones, he is not afraid of the attacks of others and with the case is ready to give a worthy back. In a conversation with Yanos, the hero notes:"I do not hurt your honor, Lord Yanos. I deny her presence. "

This characterizes it as a straightforward man, soberly evaluating opponent. An erudite hero, understanding his physical inferiority, compensates for her deep knowledge, noticing:

"The mind is sharpened from books, like a sword."

Therefore, in eloquence, he is not equal. Responding to Joffrey attacks regarding appearance, Tyrion objects to insult:

"Oh, monster! Maybe then you should be mature? The monsters are dangerous, and the kings are Mrut, like flies, "a bold course for a person who can declare himself.

Tyrion is armed with impenetrable shell protecting against society:

"Never forget who you are, - after all, others will not forget. Wash it as armor, and then they will not be able to hurt you. "

The protective reaction allows him to survive and challenge the hated father:

"Jame and Jame are different. He is brave, and I am a pretty, "the hero, defending the hero, silently.


Tyrion Lannister turned out to be a key acting face of the "Song of Ice and Flame" cycle and the central character of the series "Game of Thrones". The "Game of Thrones" - the first book in which the mention of him appeared. Then the character moved to the "Battle of Kings", but was excluded from the Pir of Vultures. The peripetics of his fate and extraordinary adventures are described in the "Bure Swords", "Dance with Dragons" and "Wise Winter".

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