Jacob Black - Biography, Actor with photos, Renesmi, Bella


Character History

The athletic body of a young iswolf is one of the bright details of the Vampire Saga "Twilight", although the sports figure is not the only dignity of Jacob Blake. Reliable, fearless young man fights for his beloved, having spoiled on the laws of the flock. Charming smile, a solid look and steel press - most girls understand the throwing of Bella Swan.

History of creation

Stephanie Meyer - the author of the Vampire Saga - did not plan to introduce Jacob to Roman for a long time. Initially, the role of a young Indian was coming down to one: Black will reveal Belle the tight of the lover, and after dissolving in the sunset. But the resulting character was so captured by Mayer and liked the editor that the finished manuscript "Twilight" was subjected to serious refinement.

"From the very beginning, even when Jacob just appeared in the sixth chapter of the" Twilight ", he was so alive. He really loved me. More than it would be, for such a small part. "

Now Jacob Black took one of the main storylines. In subsequent novels, the biography of the young werewolf overgrown with new details. The hero gradually changes the role from each other on a beloved, enemy and a potential relative.

Taylor Lautner as Jacob Blake

In the adaptation of the love epic, the role of charming isogery played actor Taylor Lautner. A photo of an attractive guy and used to flasher on the pages of magazines, but after the release of the second film dedicated to the confrontation of vampires and iswolves, Lautner became a star.

The name of the actor did not go from the first stripes, the press was devoted to the personal life of the on-screen jacob extensive publications. And once even announced that Taylor died. Fortunately, the news was duck. Joker never caught. And after refuting this message, many girls all over the world drank the health of hot werewolf.

Image and nature

Jacob Billy Black was born in a remote Indian reservation. The mother of the boy died in a car accident, a father who survived the accident remained disabled. Jacob grew up with two senior sisters, who over time left their native house and moved closer to civilization.

Jacob lives in the closed Mirka Indians and is little involved in the life of a neighboring city. Education The boy receives at the boarding school, and in his free time it repairs a car. The teenager has a dream - to assemble a self-sports car.

Indian Jacob Black

The life of the young man proceeds calmly and predictably. Jacob communicates in friends-quileits, periodically swears with his father and despises vampires. Hate to blood bloodsuckers in a young man, but the future waswolf is not aware of the reason for this dislike.

Legends who are told by the fire of the elder of the Indians are not perceived by Jacob seriously. Incredible changes in the life and consciousness of the teenager occur with the advent of childhood girlfriend in the local town. For the sake of an attractive girl, Black violates a strict ban and tells unauthorized stories about "cold". This was the beginning of a series of changes that initially do not lead Jacob delight.

Jacob Black and Bella Swan

With the onset of majority, the guy notices changes in his own body. Over the summer, the young man grew up and matured. Suddenly, the Jacob opens true: it is not a simple indeca guy. Black is a carrier of an ancient gene, which is transmitted from his father to his son. At your own request, the guy turns into a tall wolf.

And Jacob is far from the only werewolf in the tribe. There is a whole pack designed to protect the Indians from the attacks of vampires. Such a curse lies on the descendants of ancient kind, the first victim of bloodthirsty creatures.

The transformation is given to Jacoba is not easy. Now the outside world, and including Bella, inseparable. The guy's environment is only a pack. In addition, brothers and sisters hear the thoughts of the teenager and are not shy to comment on them. The attitude in the flock is far from ideal, wolves and wolf are related to relatives and love connections. All inexpensive and complaints are immediately taken for general discussion.

Jacob's feelings tear the guy on the part. On the one hand, such a lightness and freedom did not feel the newlywolf before, on the other - the life of a normal person is no longer possible. Black is not ready to give up the beloved, so often neglects the forbids of the leader. Such behavior is fraught with consequences. A large-scale battle with vampires will certainly happen. But instead of hated calm, the enemy number 1 was the bloodsuckers who came from afar.

Jacob Black

Realizing that Bella gave the heart to another, Jacob goes on a long journey. The waswolf is in the forest in the form of a huge wolf, scattering hunters and animals. Return to the homeland of Black makes the debt before the pack.

The spirit of war is in the air. Werewolves for too long tolerated vampires on their own territory and are waiting for only the reason to attack. Jacob is a true alpha-male flock, but the guy easily gives the championship to a more experienced friend. The status of the guy Jacob decides to return after meeting with the love of life. If the young waswolf does not take responsibility, the lover wolf is confused by fellow.

Saves the life of former enemies, Jacob acquires a balance and peace. The world is restored, beloved nearby. Immortal waswolf finds his own place in the rebellious world.

Personal life

Bella Swan became the first love of the young werewolf. Young people met in childhood, when a local sheriff - Father Belah - came to visit to the father of Jacob. In the younger age, the guys communicated little and did not support contact outside the reservation.

Jacob Black and Bella Swan

Contact closer young people began after moving Bella to Father. The fifteen-year-old guy gladly communicated with the older girlfriend. The inept girl flirting had an effect - Jacob, who did not consider Bella as a girl, became interested in a long-time friend.

Until a certain point, the young people love had one-sided character. A hint of the reciprocity of Jacob noted after the bell of Bella with a boyfriend. The girl found consolation in a calm and confident black. The difference in age in a couple of years did not play roles. In addition, the guy supported a variety of girlfriend madness.

Love triangle: Jacob, Bella and Edward Callen

The situation became complicated when Edward Cullen returned to Bella. Jacob, confident that the girl is experiencing strong feelings to him, does not retreat. The love triangle takes dangerous circulation for both young men. Until the last moment, it is not clear that the revolutions frustrates more: the fact that he chose a vampire, or that the girl is not in love with a friend of childhood at all.

The wedding beloved became a heavy blow for an emotional guy. Jacob takes a wolf larva and goes into the forest to distract from spiritual pain. But everything changes when Bella and Edward's daughter is born.

Jacob Black and Renesmi Callen

Among the streets walks believes about imprinvention. If the werewolf meets his own destiny, then at first glance falls in love with man. Neither age nor the status or appearance is not important for feelings. Such love is a werewolf after life.

As a faithful dog, Jacob follows the beloved everywhere. For the sake of the girl, a man turns away from the fellow and adjoins the blood enemies. Now the personal life of the hero is devoted to Renesmi Cullen to the last breath.

Interesting Facts

  • At the meeting with Fans Stefani, Meyer stated that he would write a continuation of Jacob and Renesmi Callen. Accurate books of books are unknown.
  • Creativity Mayer inspired a large number of people to create their own works. For example, initially "fifty shades of gray" - the fan fiction of the vampire saga. Only a few years later, the novel became an independent work.
  • Unusual Hairstyle Jacob in the film "Twilight" - a wig.
  • The book "Eclipse" was released in two varieties: on the cover the first depicted Edward and Bella, the second - Jacob and Bella. Fans themselves solved what book to buy.
  • The film "Twilight" is shot by references to the author's personal life. Own name Jacob received in honor of the former guy Stephanie Myers.

Books and films

The story of Jacob Blake is set out in the novels Stephanie Meyer:

  • "Twilight" (2005)
  • "New Moon" (2006)
  • "Eclipse" (2007)
  • "Dawn" (2008)

Later, the "Summit Entertainment" film company was shielded by a series of books:

  • "Twilight" (2008)
  • "Dust. Saga. New Moon "(2009)
  • "Dust. Saga. Eclipse »(2010)
  • "Dust. Saga: Dawn - 1 part "(2011)
  • "Dust. Saga: Dawn - 2 part "(2012)

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