Adrian Brouda - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Films, Filmography, "Acute Visrats", Actor, Nationality 2021



Non-standard appearance of individual actors allows them to stand out profitably against the background of their colleagues on the workshop, which is undoubtedly a plus. But this medal has a reverse side: such actors often become the hostages of the image. Ron Perlman, Tilda Suinton, Benedict Cumberbatch, Peter Dinklage and a pleasant of Chopra - all of them more or less managed to go beyond one of the role, however, to the results of Adrian Broets, these celebrities are still far away.

Childhood and youth

A future actor was born in Woodhavensky district, located in Queens - District of New York. It happened on April 14, 1973 in the family of the historian Elliot Brody and his spouse, photojournalist of Silvia Crying. Both parents by nationality Jews.

Edrian since childhood showed acting talent: At the age of 12, the boy had already performed at the children's events, showing the tricks, and a little later began to pose for the photographs of the mother - then the Brody and learned how to behave competently before the camera.

After graduating from school, the young man entered the highest school of music, art and performing skills named after Fiorello La Guardia, and then to the American Academy of Cinematographic Arts and Sciences.


Debuted on the screen Adrian still aged 15, starring in the television drama David de "Finally at home."

Already next year, Brody managed to get into the New York Story Filmalman, filmed in the comedy melodrama genre. This film is notable for the fact that Martin Scorsese, Woody Allen and a number of other no less famous masters worked over him.

Brody attracted the attention of the creators of the criminal militant "bullet" - a cult film with Mickey Rourke and Raper Tupak Shakur, where he managed to fulfill one of the main roles. The author of the painting was popular in those years Clipmaker Julien Temple. During filming, the artist became close to the musician and supported friendly relations with him.

Adrian Brody's Long Hair Brody in the film "Mysterious Forest"

Together with Thomas Jane and Keanu Rivz, Adrian played in the drama "suicide", staged by Stephen T. CEE based on the biography of Nile Cassidy, an outstanding representative of the culture of Hipsters and Comrade Allen Ginzberg, Jack Kerouak and William Berrowza.

At the same time, together with Norman Ridus and Deborah Harry, Brody starred in the criminal drama "Blood with Milk", shot by Adam Bernstein, who later reached the individual episodes of the TV series series, "crop california" and "in all serious".

The actor was lucky to play in the Military Drama "Thin Red Line". The film was delivered to Terrence Malik based on James Jones book. The film in the film was performed by Sean Penn, Nick Nolti, James Cavizel, John Cusac, Ben Chaplin and Woody Harrelson. After this tape about Brody spoke seriously. However, it was still far from star roles.

1999 I remember the actor in the criminal thriller Spike Lee "Bloody Summer Sam". The film was based on a series of crimes of Manyak on nicknamed Son Sam, and the main roles in addition to Brody performed John Leuyuizamo and the world of Torvino. Removing in the picture, the artist during one of the scenes damaged the nose. The pictures showed a fracture, but Adrian abandoned the operation. In his opinion, the uneven nose gave him more charm.

Adrian Brouda - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Films, Filmography,

The year later Roman Polansky put the film "Pianist", in which Brody had a chance to fulfill the main role. The picture told about the life of the really existed Polish Jew-pianist Vladislav Spielman. Pianist received a number of awards, including "Cesar", "Golden Palm Branch" and 3 Oscar (one of which was awarded directly to Edriana).

To play in the film, the artist refused the leading role in the Military Dram "Pearl Harbor". In addition, for 2 weeks he managed to lose weight by 12 kg. The artist was fed once a day with a small piece of chicken with lettuce leaves. It was not without injury: in the stage, the jump from the BRODAULT window badly damaged his face and risen the ribs.

The next loud role of the actor took place in dramatic horror "Mysterious Forest". In addition to an unexpected ending, the film was remembered by the audience a qualitatively selected cast, which included Joaquin Phoenix, Sigurnie Weaver, Brendan Gleason, William Hurt and others.

In the film, Brodya appeared in the form of oborudy percy. From this role, Eshton Cutcher was previously refused. During filming, the entire acting group lived in a training camp, where the life of the 19th century was recreated. The terrible atmosphere was pursued by artists and after the end of work - so, Sigurni Waiter confessed that nightmares had long died.

At the same time, the screens came out and a fantastic detective "Jacket", shot by John Maiberi, the screenwriter of the TV series Rome, "Bordjia" and "Marco Polo". In addition to Edrian, Keira Knightley, Daniel Craig and Chris Cristofferson, were noted in the roles. And again the artist surprised his colleagues with his professionalism. For a role, he spent several days in the prison cell, and during the filming of the scene in the retractable box, asked him to leave it inside even during a lunch break.

Adrian Brouda - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Films, Filmography,

In the filmography of the artist, another fantastic horrorist is highlighted - "Predators" Nimrod Antala. In order to play a decent replacement by Arnold Schwarzenegger, thin and high Edriana (an actor's height of 185 cm) had to gain more than 10 kg of muscle mass. This allowed the BRODADI spectacularly on the background of no less colorful Grace Toris, Oleg Taktarov and others.

In addition, in 2010, Brody, together with Cam Gigand, Clifton Collins and Forest Whitaker starred in the psychological thriller "Experiment". Tape Paul Shoirring became the remake of the German film of the same name, which was released based on Mario Jordano "Black Box" book. The fact that both the book itself was written on the basis of the prison experiment really happened in California.

In 2011, Adrian fulfilled the main role in the Drama "Teacher for Replacement", filmed by the director of "American history X" Tony Came. The film claims the philosophical sketch about the meaning of life. The artist was interesting to participate in a similar experiment, and with his role he coped brilliantly.

Later, Michael Petrondon, the scenario of the "Queen of the Damned" and "Rite", was released later, in which Adrian fulfilled the role of psychologist Peter Bowers, who accidentally discovered that his customers were not those who were issued for whom. The premiere of the film was held at the Trabek festival.

Adrian Brouda - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Films, Filmography,

The main work in the repertoire of the artist was the main role in the mini-series "Gudini", dedicated to the life and creativity of the famous magician and the wizard of shoots. The film was filmed in Budapest, at home of the magician. The artist admitted that since childhood he dreamed of reincarnation in the famous illusionist. Due to the great experience in youth on the stage platform, the actor himself could show all the tricks. The role brought a bridal nomination for the awards of the guild of actors and Emmy.

One of the bright pages in the artist filmography was his work in the 4th season of the series "Acute Visrats". According to the director of the project, Stephen Knight, the participation of Brody, he planned, still removing the first series, therefore, the role of the head of the heading clan Luke Chingretto, he wrote specially under Adrian.

Together with Bruce Willis Brody, in the creation of the Chinese military drama "Air strike". The film is dedicated to one of the most tragic pages in the history of modern China. For work, artists flew out to Shanghai.

Personal life

In the youth, Brody met with the Sky Nellor model, from which later went to the actress and singer Monet Heppi Mazur. But with her, the relationship was not delayed for a long time.

In 2007, Adrian met the actress Elsa Pataka and began to meet with her. Their relationship reached the engagement, but not before the wedding. As a result, the Pataka married the actor of Chris Hemsworth, and the Girl of Brody became the model Lara Lieto, the Russian woman, the real name of which is Larisa True.

Adrian was never married and does not have children, his personal life prefers not to spread. Free from work Time Actor loves to hold at home, playing with dogs. In his account in "Instagram", Brody often lays out photos and short videos illuminating his life outside the shooting sites.

The next novel of the Hollywood actor was spoken in 2020. The official named Brody became the former wife of the producer Harvey Weinstein Georgina Chapman. The first time on their relationship could be made guesses, but in 2021 the couple appeared together at the Film Festival in New York, and then visited the premiere of the film "French Bulletin. Annex to the newspaper "Liberty. Kansas Ivning San "" in Cannes. On the red carpet of the film festival, the actor not only hugged the companion, but also kissed her on the camera.

Adrian Brody Now

The main premiere of 2021 in the repertoire of Brody began to show the film "French Bulletin. Annex to the newspaper "Liberty. Kansas Ivning San "" Directed by Wes Anderson, whose account "Hotel Grand Budapest", which received 9 nominations for Oscar. The new film was announced by one of the main applicants for the title of the best film of 2022. Adrian Brody played in the drama art dealer Julian Cadazio, whose prototype was Joseph Duvin.

Now the artist continues to replenish the piggy bank with interesting characters. Thus, the list of the most anticipated serials of the summer was hit by Tiller "Chepeluit" based on the story of Stephen King "The settlement of Jerusalem", in which Adrian played the main character of Charles Bun.


  • 1998 - "Thin Red Line"
  • 2002 - "Pianist"
  • 2004 - "Mysterious Forest"
  • 2005 - "Jacket"
  • 2005 - King Kong
  • 2009 - "Chimera"
  • 2009 - "Jalo"
  • 2010 - "Predators"
  • 2011 - "Midnight in Paris"
  • 2014 - "Hotel" Grand Budapest "»
  • 2014 - "Gudini"
  • 2017 - "Acute Visrats"
  • 2017 - "Chain Dog"
  • 2018 - "Unbending Spirit"
  • 2021 - "French Bulletin"
  • 2021 - "Chepeluit"
  • 2022 - "Emperor"

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