Alexander Zakharchenko - biography, photo, personal life, cause of death, news



Alexander Zakharchenko - Leader born in 2014 in the south-east of Ukraine Donetsk People's Republic, Commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of the DPR, State and Military Worker.

Childhood and youth

The future head of the republic was born in the East of Ukraine in June 1976 in Donetsk in the Russian-Ukrainian family. The head of the family was born in Ukraine and 35 years worked at the coal mine. Mom Alexandra - Russian. According to the Minister of Social Policy of Ukraine, Parents Zakharchenko live in the city of Artemovsk, controlled by the Ukrainian authorities. Pension is obtained from Ukraine.

Alexander Zakharchenko

In his youth, Alexander Zakharchenko studied in the secondary school of Donetsk. After the certificate of maturity, he became a student of a local industrial automation technical school and received a specialty mountain electromechanics. She studied Zakharchenko diligently - received a diploma with honors.

Labor biography Politics began at the Donetsk coal mine, where a young electric electrician received the 6th qualifying discharge. Attempting Zakharchenko to receive higher education was not realized: Alexander entered the legal admission of the University in Donetsk, but for an unknown reason left his studies.


At the beginning of zero years, the former electromechanik took up entrepreneurship. The official version - Business Alexander Zakharchenko was associated with coal mining. In 2006, the future leader of the DNR was headed by a firm that was part of an extensive business of the Ukrainian financial magnate Rinat Akhmetov.

Businessman Alexander Zakharchenko

In the register of legal entities, the information was preserved that Alexander Zakharchenko stood at the origins of Delta-Fort as one of the two co-founders. The field of interests of the company is extensive: Limited Liability Company "Delta Fort" is engaged in the publishing house of books, performs wholesale trade in food, tobacco and alcoholic beverages. Ltd. exists today, but Zakharchenko came out of co-founders.

Military service

In 2010, the Branch of the Optot Organization, previously created in Kharkov, was opened in Donetsk, previously created in Kharkov by the Pensioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Evgeny Zhilin. The scope of the "Otlota" is to assist the Warriors with disabilities, the families of law enforcement officers who gave life to the service.

Alexander Zakharchenko in military uniform

In December 2013, the Donetsk Office of the Organization was headed by Alexander Zakharchenko. "Plotovtsy" are known to both the socio-political position: they oppose the heroization of the nationalist formations of the OUN-UPA, which operated on the territory of Ukraine during the Second World War, against the displacement of the Russian language, for the safety of monuments of the Soviet period.

Busy Zakharchenko, the position of Antimaydan led him to the ranks of the militia, speaking against the state coup in Ukraine. Alexander Vladimirovich declares that the purpose of His and associates was the return of Donbass the right to self-determination and the ability to build a future.

Alexander Zakharchenko at the head of the DPR

After the uprising of the south-east in mid-April 2014, Alexander Zakharchenko took a weapon and headed a group of like-minded people who took the city administration of Donetsk. In May of the same year, after the referendum, Alexander Vladimirovich became the commandant of the city.

Alexander Zakharchenko fought in the south-east of the country. In May, in the battles for the Donetsk Airport, the fragmentation fell back, and in July 2014, during an attack on the village of Kozhevny, the bullet was silent by the hand of the militia. Soon the defender of Donbass received Major stars, Zakharchenko was appointed Deputy Minister of the Republican Ministry of Internal Affairs.


In early August 2014, the resignation announced the chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Alexander Boroday. The liberated chair went to Alexander Zakharchenko. The preference of his candidacy gave 5 tens of folk elects against six abstained and one vote against. The new chairman jumped into loyalty to the Donongs.

At the end of the summer, Alexander Zakharchenko attended the second time. The driver and the car policy suffered.

Chapter DNR Alexander Zakharchenko

In October 2014, Zakharchenko was the first to registered as a candidate for the position of head of the republic. In November, elections were held, the result of which was the confident victory of Alexander Vladimirovich: 75% of voters voted for his candidacy. The heads of the European Union, America and Ukraine did not recognize the elections in the republic legitimate, and the Russian Foreign Ministry announced respect for the will of the citizens of the eastern region.

Inauguration, during which Alexander Zakharchenko took the oath, took place in the Donetsk Academic Dramaateth. And in February next year, the head of the DPR and the head of the neighboring Lugansk Republic Igor Plotnitsky set the signatures under the document agreed by the Norman Four in Minsk. The leaders of the "Four" countries have agreed on a bilateral cease-fire from February 15, 2015.

The complex of agreed measures in Minsk is not fulfilled, in which the sides accuse each other. After 5 days, the head of the republic was wounded in foot in the battles for Debaltsevo.

Igor Pottlenitsky and Alexander Zakharchenko

Zakharchenko was introduced to the lists of citizens who are under the sanctions of America and the European Union. The Ukrainian security service announced Donchanin's search on the article, which provides for the punishment for terrorism.

In the spring of 2016, the Prosecutor General Yuri Lutsenko said that the case of Zakharchenko did not fall for consideration by judges, since the leading department had a sufficient mass evidence of guilt policy.

On May 8, 2017, politician went to inspect the preparation of the celebration of Victory Day near the Saur-Togil Memorial. On the road, two bombs exploded next to the complex on the path of the car Zakharchenko. Politician and security were not injured.

The politician and the head of the freedom-loving republic reported more than once that he believes, like many DPR citizens, themselves as part of the Soviet Union and Russia. In 2017, Zakharchenko gave an interview with the editor of the Russian publication, in which he stated that the republic and its citizens want to return to their homeland, to Russia.

Alexander Zakharchenko in 2017

In the summer, Alexander Zakharchenko announced plans to turn the Donbass to the State Refreamer of Ukraine - Malorossia. Kiev will lose the status of the capital and will turn into a center of historical and cultural significance. The information appeared on the official website of the head of the DPR.

For a sensational statement Zakharchenko, the official Kremlin in the mouth of Dmitry Peskov replied that Alexander Vladimirovich voiced his personal initiative, noting the commitment of the Russian Federation by the Minsk arrangements.

On the official website, Alexander Zakharchenko shared that from 2018 it is waiting for the peaceful liberation of the territories of the former Donetsk and Lugansk regions and economic growth. And the main thing is to recognize the republics that citizens deserve with weapons in their hands.

Personal life

According to rumors, Alexander Zakharchenko consisted of a second marriage. The first spouse of the head of the republic was called Natalia, but not found about it. The second wife is also called Natalia. She's younger husband for 10 years, born in Donetsk, graduated from the city school and technical school.

Alexander Zakharchenko and his wife Natalia

The spectators of Russia saw Zakharchenko's wives, a carpentry and an extraordinary Ukrainian policy, an ex-deputy of Oleg Tsareev in the project of the NTV television channel. Natalia Zakharchenko gave birth to her husband four sons.


On August 31, 2018, an next attempt was made on Alexander Zakharchenko. The 42-year-old head of the DPR was present on the commemoration of Joseph Kobzon in the Donetsk Cafe "Sepo". An explosion occurred in the room, Alexander Zakharchenko died on the spot.

According to preliminary information, the explosive device was in one of the lighting devices. Advisor to the leader of the DNR Alexander Kozakov said that the killing of Zakharchenko organized the forces of special operations of Ukraine. Detained on suspicion of the attempt conflicted that Ukraine is worth the murder. Official Kiev called the charges by provocation, stating that the country was not related to the incident.

Funeral Alexander Zakharchenko

Farewell to the dead passed on September 2 in Donetsk. The ceremony was attended by about 200 thousand people, including the head of Crimea Sergey Aksenov and the deputy Natalia Poklonskaya.

Awards and achievements

  • Golden Star Hero Donetsk People's Republic
  • Two St. George Cross DNR
  • Orden of St. Nicholas Wonderworker I and II degrees
  • Order of validity of I degree (LDP)
  • Order of Friendship (South Ossetia)

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