Cardinal Richelieu - biography, photo, personal life, activity, goals, politics



Cardinal Richelieu or Red Cardinal Many know by Alexander Duma's book "Three Musketeers". But those who did not read this work, probably watched his screen. Everyone remembers his cunning character and a sharp mind. The personality of the Richelieu is among the statesmen, whose decisions still cause discussions in society. He left such a significant mark in the history of France that his figure put in one row with Napoleon Bonaparte.

Childhood and youth

Full name Cardinal Arman Jean du Pleb de Richelieu. Born on September 9, 1585 in Paris. His father Francoisu du Pleb de Richelieu was the highest judicial official in France, he worked at Henrich III, but he had a chance to serve both Henry IV. The mother of Susanna de la port took place from the lawyer. The parents had a fourth child. The boy had two older brothers - Alfons and Heinrich, and two sisters - Nicole and Francoise.

Cardinal Richelieu

Since childhood, the boy was distinguished by weak health, so he preferred to play books with peers. At 10 years he entered the Navarre College in Paris. He was easy to study, by the end of the college he perfectly owned Latin, spoke in Italian and Spanish. At the same time became interested in the ancient history.

When Arman was 5 years old, his father died from fever. He was 42 years old. Francois left a family mass of debts. Back in 1516, Heinrich III presented the Father Arman's position of a Catholic spiritual person, and after his death it was the only source of finance for the family. But under the conditions, someone had to join the spiritual san from the family.

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Initially, it was planned that the youngest of the three sons Arman would follow in the footsteps of the Father and will work at the court. But in 1606 the middle brother refused to bishopia and went to the monastery. Therefore, at 21, Arman Jana Du Plesi de Richelieu had to take this fate. But at such a young age, the spiritual san was not dedicated.

And it became his first intrigue. He went to Rome to the dad for the resolution. At first he lied his age, and he received San, repented. Soon the Richelieu defended his doctoral dissertation on theology in Paris. Arman Jean du Pleb de Richelieu became the youngest court preacher. Heinrich IV called him exclusively "my bishop". Of course, such proximity to the king did not give rest to other people at the courtyard.

Bust Cardinal Richelieu

Therefore, soon the court career Richelieu is over, and he returned to his diocese. But, unfortunately, after religious wars, the Lesonskaya diocese was in a deplorable state - the poorest and degraded in the district. Arman managed to correct the situation. Under his beginning, the Cathedral was restored, the residence of the bishop. Here Cardinal and began to show his reformists.


In fact, Cardinal Richelieu was distinguished from his "evil" literary prototype. He was a truly talented and smart politician. He did a lot for the greatness of France. Once his tomb was visited by Peter I, he said that he would give this minister, if he had helped to manage the second half. But Duma was right when I portrayed the Richelieu in the novel by a fan of spy intrigue. Cardinal has become the founder of the first espionage network in Europe.

Richelieu meets Maria Medici and her favorite of Konchino Konchini. He quickly conquers their confidence and becomes Minister in the Queen-Mother's office. He is appointed by a deputy of general states. He manifest itself an inventive defender of the interests of the clergy that can repay conflicts between three orders. Because of such a close and trust relationship of Queen, Richelieu is causing a lot of enemies at the court.

Cardinal Richelieu and Maria Medici

Two years later, Louis Xiii, who was 16 years old at that time, suits the conspiracy against the mother's lover. It is noteworthy that Richelieu knows about the planned murder of the ending, but does not warn it. As a result, Louis sits on the throne, the mother is sent to the link to the castle of Blois, and Richelieu - in Leson.

Two years later, Maria Medici escapes from his expulsion and builds plans for the overthrow of his own son from the throne. This recognizes Richelieu and becomes an intermediary between Medici and Louis XIII. A year later, a peace treaty was signed between her mother and son. Of course, the document was written in the document and the return of the Cardinal on the Royal Courtyard.

Cardinal Richelieu

This time Richelieu bets on the king, soon he becomes the first Minister of France. In this high post, he served 18 years.

Many believe that the main goal of his reign was personal enrichment and an infinite desire for power. But it is not. Cardinal wanted to make France strong and independent, sought to strengthen royal power. And even though Richelieu took a spiritual san, he participated in all military conflicts, which entered into France at that moment. To strengthen the military position of the country, the Cardinal has activated the construction of the fleet. It also helped the development of new trade relations.

Cardinal Richelieu on a coin

Richelieu held a number of administrative reforms for the country. The Prime Minister of France has banned the duel, reorganized the postal system, established the posts that were appointed by the king.

Another significant event in the political activities of the Red Cardinal was the suppression of the Huguenov's uprising. The presence of such an independent organization was Richelieu not on hand.

Louis XIII and Cardinal Richelieu

And when in 1627, the Fleet of England captured a part of the French coast, the cardinal personally took over the leadership of the military campaign and the Protestant fortress of La Rochelle took the Protestant fortress. Only 15 thousand people died of hunger, and in 1629 the end of this religious war was put.

Cardinal Richelieu contributed to the development of art, culture and literature. During his reign, the rebirth of Sorbonne occurs.

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Richelieu tried to avoid the direct participation of France in the thirty-year war, but in 1635 the country entered the conflict. This war has changed the placement of forces in Europe. France came out the winner. The country has demonstrated its political, economic and military superiority, and also expanded the boundaries.

Adherents of all religions gained equal rights in the empire, and the influence of religious factors on the life of the state sharply weakened. And although the Red Cardinal did not live before the end of the war, the victory in this war France must first of all.

Personal life

The wife of King Louis XIII was the Spanish infanta Anna Austrian infanta. Her confessor was appointed Cardinal Richelieu. The girl was a fabric blonde with blue eyes. And the cardinal fell in love. For the sake of Anna, he was ready on a lot. And the first thing he did, so it raurated her and the king. The relations of Anna and Louis became so strained that soon the king stopped visiting her bedroom. But the confessor has gained there, they spent a lot of time in conversations, but, as it turned out, Anna did not notice the feelings of Cardinal.

Cardinal Richelieu and Anna Austrian

Richelieu understood that France need a heir, so I decided to "help" Anna in this matter. This led her to indignation, she understood that in this case the Louis certainly "something would happen" and the king will become Cardinal. After that, their relationship deteriorated sharply. Richelieu was offended by refusal, and Anna - a proposal. For many years, Richelieu did not give rest to the Queen, he was putting intrigue and spying behind her. But in the end, Cardinal managed to pick up Anna and Louis, and she gave birth to the king of two heirs.

Cardinal Richelieu and his cats

Anna Austrian - it was the strongest feeling of cardinal. But maybe as strong as Anna, Richelieu loved cats. And only these fluffy creatures were truly tied to it. Perhaps his most famous pet was a black cat Lucifer, he appeared at Cardinal during his struggle with witch. But the beloved was Mariam - a gentle snow-white cat. By the way, his first in Europe has a cat in the Angora breed, he was brought from Ankara, he called her Mimi-Poinon. And another favorite had the name of Sumis, that in translation meant "Especially Easy Behavior."


By the autumn of 1642, the health of the Richelie deteriorated sharply. Neither the healing water, nor blood complimentary helped. The man regularly lost consciousness. Doctors diagnosed - purulent pleurisy. He tried his best to continue working, but his strength left. On December 2, Louis XIII himself visited the dying rickel. In a conversation with the king of Cardinal declared the successor - they became Cardinal Mazarini. Also, the envoys of Anna Austrian and Gaston Orleans were visited.

Cardinal Richelieu on mortal odds

He did not leave him in the last days the niece of the Duchess de Egiyon. He admitted that she loved her most in the world, but did not want to die on her hands. Therefore asked the girl to leave the room. Father Leon came to her place, who stated the death of Cardinal. Richeliete died on December 5, 1642 in Paris, buried him in the church on the territory of Sorbonne.

On December 5, 1793, people who defeated the tomb of Richelieu in a matter of minutes, broke into the tomb in the tomb in a matter of minutes. The boys on the street played a mummified head of Cardinal, someone tear off his finger with Persnet, and someone dragged a posthumous mask. As a result, these are three things that remained from the Great Reformer. By order of Napoleon III, December 15, 1866, the remains solemnly reburied.


  • 1844 - Roman "Three Musketeers", Alexander Duma
  • 1866 - Roman "Red Sphinx", Alexandra Duma
  • 1881 - Painting "Cardinal Richelieu on Siege of La Rochelle", Henri Motte
  • 1885 - Painting "Rest Cardinal Richelieu", Charles Edward Delor
  • 1637 - "Triple Portrait of Cardinla Richelieu", Philip de Champagne
  • 1640 - Painting "Cardinal Richelieu", Philip de Champagne
Alexander Trofimov as Cardinal Richelieu in the film "D'Artagnan and Three Musketeers"
  • 1939 - Adventure film "Man in Iron Mask", James Waile
  • 1979 - Soviet series "D'Artagnan and Three Musketeers", Georgy Jungvald-Khilkevich
  • 2009 - Adventure Action "Musketeers", Paul Anderson
  • 2014 - Historical drama "Richelieu. Mantle and Blood, Henri Elf

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