Group "Lyceum" - Composition, songs, photos, clips, participants 2021



In the world of cinema there is a concept as "starting place". So called projects, which started the beginning of the successful career of actors - like the series "Friends" and "Secret Materials". However, adapting this term is quite possible for musical realities. In this case, the "Lyceum" group would become a bright example of the "starting site" in the domestic music market.


The first composition of the group was formed by a stepfather of one of the participants in 1991. Then the group included Anastasia Capralova (in two years I changed the surname to Makarevich), Isolde of Ishkhanishvili and Elena Perov. The girls were just 14-15 years old, and they still studied at school, where at the same time, but the young Kolya Baskov studied in the parallel class - the future opera and pop singer.


A little later, Zhanna Rocacykova came in the maiden pop-rock, but soon the girl left the team.

The first replacement of soloist "Lyceum" occurred in 1997. Then, due to a quarrel with Alexey Makarevich, the producer of the group, Lena Perova left. At first, the girl worked on television, and later returned to the music business again, but as a soloist of the Amga group. Anna Plenev came to replace the pen.

Zhanna Rocacy and Anna Plenev

The next change in the composition occurred in 2001 - Ishkhanishvili left the group to establish a personal life. Svetlana Belyaeva becomes a new soloist "lyceum". The year later, Sophia Thai is adjacent to Görles-Band.

Svetlana Belyaeva and Sofia Thai

In 2005, the Lyceum leaves the Pletnev in order to later create his group - "Vintage". Her place is occupied by Elena Iksanova, which in 2007 leaves the team in 2007 to repeat the fate of the predecessor - also to create his own group. Anastasia Berezovskaya comes to change Iquasanova.

In 2008, the group leaves Thai to do a solo career. Three years later, Sofia returned back. During this time, Anna Schegolev has time for Lyceum, and Berezovskaya leaves for pregnancy.

In 2016, the inverse casting occurs - Schegolev leaves and Berezovskaya returns. Almost Nastya Makarevich remains unchanged participant all this time. In now, the current composition includes Makarevich, Thai and Berezovskaya.


The first speech "Lyceum" occurred in September 1991 - then the formed team spoke in the morning show on the first channel (then ORT). In 1992, with his first Saturday evening hit, the group appeared in the popular TV broadcast "Muzoboz". In the same year, the first video of girls (not a clip) was released.

In 1993, Görles-Band's debut album was released, called "home arrest." The release contained 10 tracks than the tradition set for the following five albums. The hits of the debut plate were the song "Home arrest", "Dreamed to me" and "Trail on the water".

The second album was released in a year and was called a "girlfriend-night", several tracks from which became hits - "Who will stop the rain", "downstream" and, of course, "Girlfriend-Night" - a composition, in honor of which the album and got his name.

After the second album and the graduation in school, the girls began touring. The group was happening to speak with the Matrahm of the Domestic pop Muslim Magomaev and the Time Machine group, as well as to take part in the heating of the cult American team ZZ TOP. The names and surnames of young performers I remember by heart.

In 1995, the "Lyceum" released its main composition in the whole career - the track "Autumn", which in one moment became the leader of all sorts of charts and hit parades - both at home and in the countries of the neighboring countries.

1996 marked out the release of the third album of the group - "Open Curtain". These are traditional 10 songs, from which the real hits have become "in the blooming edge", "in the stray musicians" and, of course, "Autumn". On the song "Autumn", "Red Lipstick" and "Three Sisters" clips were removed.

Tours began, the final of which was the performance in the State Central Concert Hall "Russia".

During the tour of the tour, there were quite impressions and emotions that served as the material for the fourth album - the "train-cloud". On the hits of the "Layer-cloud" hits, "The Sun disappeared for the mountain" and "parting" clips came out. Also, the Lyceum took part in the "Music Ring" of 1997.

The next album of the girl was released in 1999. It was called the "Heaven" and, like the four previous ones, consisted of 10 tracks. On the song "Sky" and "Red Dog" video was released.

2000 I was remembered by the fans of "lyceum" by the release of the sixth album - "You became another", which, though he continued the tradition of 10 songs, but it sounded more modern. Hits "You have become another" and "all stars" formed the basis of the same clips.

In 2001, a new single Görles-Band was published called "You Will Become Adult." The writing of this composition, singers inspired their own experience - marriage and the emergence of children.

A little later, new hits came out - "open the door" and "she does not believe more in love", served as the basis for the seventh album of the group. The "44 Minutes" disk came out in 2015 and consisted of 12 songs.

After that, the team began regular shifts of soloist, who ceased only to the 25th anniversary of the "lyceum", which was marked by the outcomes of the "Best" collection, which includes 15 prime hits of past years and 2 absolutely new compositions.

Over the years of its activity, the team of "Lyceum" visited more than 1,300 cities and was awarded the "silver microphone", "golden gramophone" and the song "Song of the Year".

Group "Lyceum" now

Girls continue to perform and record new songs ("Photo", a new version of the "Autumn"). The participants of the "Lyceum" can often be seen at the free concerts of the MUZ-TV TV channel "Party Zone" and other similar events. Also, the singers appeared on the show "Let them say" and "the world through the eyes of children."


The beginning of 2017 brought fans of sad news - one of the former participants of the Zhanna Rocacykova collective was died. According to the official version - an accident, but no details on this bill have no longer.

In October 2017, the current composition of Görles-Band acted as part of a music program on the Radio "Lighthouse". In November, the girls visited the apartment of the former member of the group "Time Machine" Evgenia Margulisa, who would have shared about the fans in the "Instagram" by posting the appropriate photos. Spectators were able to see this release already at the end of December 2017.


  • 1993 - "Home Arrest"
  • 1994 - "Friend-night"
  • 1996 - "Open Curtain"
  • 1997 - "Varosk-cloud"
  • 1999 - "Sky"
  • 2000 - "You became another"
  • 2005 - "44 minutes"
  • 2016 - "Best"


  • 1995 - "Girlfriend-Night"
  • 1996 - "Red Lipstick"
  • 1996 - "Autumn"
  • 1996 - "Three sisters"
  • 1997 - "Varosk-cloud"
  • 1997 - "Parting"
  • 1997 - "Muscovites"
  • 1998 - "The Sun escaped for the mountain"
  • 1998 - "Victory Day"
  • 1999 - "Sky"
  • 1999 - "Red Dog"
  • 2000 - "All Stars"
  • 2000 - "You became another"
  • 2000 - "Lolita"
  • 2000 - "Planet five"
  • 2001 - "Lei, Rain"
  • 2001 - "Fly in the sky"
  • 2002 - "You will become an adult"
  • 2004 - Open Doors »
  • 2015 - "Photo"
  • 2017 - "Autumn" (new version)

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