Danil Buranov - biography, photo, personal life, news, songs, "voice" 2021



A bright member of the project "Voice", Vocalist Danila Buranov drew the attention of Melomanians long before the appearance of the "First Channel" talent show. Spectators and music lovers learned about the existence of the performer after the release of the TV project "Main Scene" and Victory in the Internet Competition "Higher Sample" in 2015. Participation in the sixth season of "Voices" fastened vocalist on the Russian stage, and compliments from the mouth of the domestic show business added Buranov's confidence in the forces.

Childhood and youth

The future singer was born on May 22, 1994 in Tatarstan in a creative family. Childhood and youth Buranova passed in Zelenodolsk, where Mom Olga Buranova has fully implemented itself as an artist. Buranova - Opera singer, actress Dramaater and Honored Worker of Culture. In addition, a woman - famous in the city of Vokal teacher.

Danil is a long-awaited child in the Baranov family. Waiting for the appearance of a son, mom instigated a boy a good musical taste: he listened to classical music.

Danil Buranov

The creative biography of Danila Buranova began, barely boy learned to walk and talk. Mom took a little son on performances, where he joined the world of art. In 3 years, Danya helped to open and close the curtain, endured the light parts of the scenery and participated in every way in the creative process.

Danil Buranov, early by making the first steps on stage, did not imagine life without her. He sang, danced, pronounced the memorized monologues of the actors. Mom recorded the boy in the Orpheus choreography studio, where Danya repeatedly won in urban and republican competitions. At the "Constellation" festival, Burana was presented by the Grand Prix.

Danil Buranov and his mother

Danil Buranov graduated from a music school, where he learned to play the piano. Singing Son taught Mom, taught the first vocal lessons. At 14, the teenager realized that music was attracted from all the arts. At the same time, Danil Buranov noted in the conference (in the respective nomination received a prize at the MF "Constellation") and at the KVN games: from the captain of the school team grew up to the player of the Junior League of Russia.

The 9th grade of Buranov graduated from externally due to the desire to quickly join the ranks of the Students Rati-Gitis. Danil came from the first attempt and got into the workshop of Anatoly Vasilyeva at the Faculty of Pop Art. Diploma received in 2015.


Sang Danil Burana everywhere and a lot: at festive concerts in Native Zelenodolsk, at school and on stage DK, on ​​corporate parties and urban events in Kazan. At the age of 16, Danil Buranov, together with friends gave the first solo concert in the school entry hall.

Danil Buranov - biography, photo, personal life, news, songs,

In the repertoire of the vocalist of the Caver version of the stars of the world and Russian pop, the author's songs, words and music to which the guy composed independently. Some of the compositions of Buranans posted in social networks and received hundreds of laudatory responses and thousands of reposts. Among the idiot of Buranova Stevie Wonder, Valery Meladze, Grigory Leps. In the capital, Danille Buranova appeared a producer who helps on the way to success.

Participation in the rating TV show is one of the effective ways to advance through the career ladder. In 2015, the vocalist participated in the show "Home Scene". In the 2nd season of Burana, hit the het "White Night", causing the delight of Diana Arbenina and Valery Leontiev.

The exit to the big scene was not the cause of discomfort: Danil from childhood I used to be the focus of attention, spoke before thousands of audiences in republican and international festivals. In his student years, worked on the scenes of night clubs. Confidence in the forces increased after the victory in the online competition "Higher Sample". Gregory Leps presented the winner.

Danil Buranov managed to snatch the leadership at the Romadi singer. The results of the voting on two candidates were equal, so the contestants sang "A Capella" a venue of the song "Misel" Konstantin Meladze. Buranov beat the girl on 1 point and led. In 2016, Danil pleased the fans by the author's composition "People", who scored thousands of Lykov and Reposts on the Internet.

Personal life

Information about who is next to Buranov and owns it with a heart, not to find. Danil carefully protects the private life from fans, it is not divided with subscribers spicy photos on the page in "Instagram".

Danil Buranov in 2017

In 2017, the singer celebrated the 23rd anniversary and it seems that in the scale of priorities in Danil in the first plan of the career and improving vocal.

In social networks at Buranova, dozens of photographs with the stars of the Russian show business, with whom the singer crossed on various projects and public events. For many of them, Danil Buranov is a bright representative of talented youth, which goes to replace the Matrah scene.

Danil Burana now

On the TV show "Voice", the singer from Zelenodolsk tried to get three times. The first two attempts of Buranov made at 17 and 18 years, when there was no confidence in the power. After the failed attempts of the Son supported the mother, without giving the young vocalist to despair and leave the idea to win. Danil Buranov got negative, but not superfluous experience: the guy learned to steal shock and quickly correct errors.

Danil Buranov in the show

Participation in the 6th Telest season enriched singer, presented a chance to work under the leadership of recognized stars. At the stage of blind listening, Danila Buranov performed the song Julianna Karaulova called "Sneorber", Nodev for the "Space" Implasses. Dima Bilan and Leonid Agutin turned to the contestant, expressing the admiration of the vocal technique. Buranov chose the team of Bilan.

At the knockout stage, Bilan snapped on stage Danil, Arseny Borodin and "Saved" Julia Valeyev from Agutin. Barana sang a single British star Mika called Grace Kelly. And stayed on the project.

In the fight, Danil Buranov came out in Sparring with Dima Weber: Vocalists performed hit Duet Disclosure - Omen. The participant from Zelenodolsk went to the semifinals of the show with the highest assessment from the mentor, brilliantly fulfilling the Meladze Hang "Limbo".

In 2017, Youtube appeared a new author's composition of the vocalist "more love", which the warmly accepted music lovers and fans of Buranov. The commendable responses also received the song "Actress", which Danil sang in a duet with Ingia Leps at the creative evening Meladze.

Danil Buran on stage

The vocalist assures that he came to the TV show "Voice" not at the main prize, and for the credit of the public confidence necessary for confidence in their forces and the implementation of creative plans. Danil Buranov does not see himself in the Russian show business - the young vocalist dreams of breaking into the scenes of Europe and America.

Discography (songs)

  • 2016 - "People"
  • 2016 - "Stars Hunter"
  • 2017 - "More Love"
  • 2017 - "Player Woman"
  • 2017 - "Preparation"

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