Alexandra Marinina - biography, photo, personal life, news, books 2021



Alexandra Marinina - "Literary Mom" ​​of one of the most thoughtful and intelligent detectors - Nastya Kamenskaya. From other writers detective, its novels distinguishes psychologism, side view, lack of ideal heroes. In the books of Marinina, the prisoner is not the main goal: the reader is immersed in the relationship and relationships between people. The works of Alexandra Marinina were translated into 28 languages ​​in 40 countries of the world.

Childhood and youth

Alexandra Marinina is a creative pseudonym, which the writer signed the first published work. Marina Anatolyevna Alekseeva was born in Lviv in June 1957. The biography of Queen detectives is closely related to the service authorities: there was still a grandfather, his father was a criminal investigation officer, specialized in the disclosure of apartment and museum thefts, Mom taught legal disciplines. The childhood of Marina passed in Leningrad, then the father was transferred to work in the Central District Ministry.

In addition to the English special school, the girl graduated from the musical, dreamed of becoming a film, but the legal entourage played his role: in 1979, Marina graduated from Jurfak Moscow State University. According to the distribution, worked at the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and passed the way from a laboratory assistant to a senior researcher, defended his dissertation.

Alexandra Marinina in police uniform

From 1994 to 1998, Marinina worked at the Moscow Law Institute (now University) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia as a deputy head and chief editor. In the 1998th resigned. Marinina has served until the police lieutenant colonel, but not "in the fields", but by studying criminology, forecasting and analyzing, studying the personalities of criminals.


Alexandra Marinina is the first Russian writer who earned $ 1 million by literary work. Writing Marinina, on your own recognition, started in 1991, being on vacation. The story "Six-colored Seraphim" was published in the magazine "Militia" published by the Ministry of the Interior. In the novel "Costed circumstances", the police lieutenant colonel set out its vision of the law enforcement system and the path of further development.

Writer Alexander Marinina

The next job is "stolen sleep" - the magazine publishes refused, referring to the fact that the volume is exceeded. But, fortunately, a copy of the magazine with previous creations, Alexandra fell into the hands of the editor of a large publishing house. And then the publisher has suggested Marinina to publish writings in the form of books. The former head of Alexandra retrained in her literary agent, with his appointment, the writer started his own website on the Internet.

In his works, Alexandra does not describe cases from practice, does not use specific service information, and she flashes when colleagues, judges or prosecutors note the accuracy and professionalism of the actions of heroes. On the real story read in the newspaper, only the detective "illusion of sin" is founded. But the same Kamenskaya - by 90% the embodiment of the author.

Elena Yakovlev in the role of Anastasia Kamenskaya

The heroine of most novels Marinina was loved by millions of readers, the People's Artist of Russia Elena Yakovlev was embodied on the television screen. For the first time Kamenskaya appeared in the "coincidence". Then the "killer involuntar", "Black List", "Do not interfere with the executioner", "Requiem" were fired. The series was replenished with several novels and corresponding televisionils per year. The text of the "murderers is involved" is used in scientific research of philologists for the features of modern Russian prose. For the Detective "Death For Death" about the mysterious killings in the Research Institute of Marinin awarded the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

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In the early 2000s, the history of Kamensky was less frequent (according to the author, it became boring), a new hero appeared - Plot Doroshin, a new series of books - "crimes of the right life." Within the framework of the new cycle, the novels "The feeling of ice" and "everything is wrong", the first of them entered the Long List of the National Literary Prize "Big Book". By the way, because of the book "Replacing the Object", Marinina had a conflict with the management of internal affairs in the city of Moscow, as it saw in the actions of the main character of the dersening justification of official violations.

"The feeling of ice" is a story about two brothers trying to harm each other in murder. Critics noted that this novel Marinina tried not just to tell about the murder, but also to express a personal position on the stereotypes of thinking.

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In 2009-2010, Marinina published a cycle "View from Eternity", including three novels and differing from traditional criminal stories. The final part of the trilogy is "hell" - received the first domestic prize in the field of electronic books "Electronic Letter" as the best prosaic work.

The Dilogy "Personal Motives" was awarded the second premium "Electronic Letter" as the best detective and bestseller of 2011, and Alexander Marinina was recognized as the best author in terms of sales.

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In the novel, "Life after Life", Alexander sent Lieutenant Colonel Kamenskaya retirement. According to the writer itself, this is a novel not so much about the new business of the detective - pensioners, but about how a person in a mature age, which has received relative freedom from the official routine, find himself in a new life stage.

In 2012 he became a bestseller off-round detective "Battle of Tigers in the Valley". A year later, a separate novel "Last Dawn" came out, according to readers' reviews - an elegant combination of intrigue and philosophical reflection. In the book, the operative of Anton Stashis again appeared.

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In 2014, after a break for several years, the writer returned to the history of Kamensky in the detectives "Angels on Ice do not survive" and "execution without malice." The heroine of Romanov has already retired and works by a private owner.

The three-volume "return force", published in 2016, covers several generations of one family. Psychological Saga caused ambiguous reviews: from Marinina was used to expect a detective, and this time readers received reflections on the values ​​of life, a description of the story, family disassembly. Some readers accused Alexander in nonpatarioticity, character of the characters. Although the writer itself believes that he made an attempt to move away from the detective genre back in 2001, when he wrote a family saga "The one who knows."

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Few people know that, in addition to the detectives and family sags, Alexander Marinina wrote two plays - "Well, guys, you got" and "Abandoned doll with cut-off legs." The writer itself is not delighted with these essays, because it does not own the skill of writing theatrical plays.

Personal life

There is no information about the first husband-detective, with the current Alexander Marinina met in the tram. Sergey Skhodoy, as the song is spoiled, a real colonel, also retired, associate professor of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. At the time of dating, Sergey had a family. He married Alexander, only when the son turned 18 years old. Houses of Marinina live two Senbernar and Persian cat. The collaborative children did not get the spouses.

Alexandra Marinina and her husband Sergey Skimaya

Alexandra collects bells. Friends with the writer's colleagues Daria Daria Dontsova and Tatiana Ustinova, and detectives prefers the detectives at Neshe and Camilla Lackberg, the works of Hennign Mannell.

Alexandra Marinina now

In 2017, he saw the light of the two-volume minist of Alexandra Marinina called "Question Price." In the novel, the new hero is General Valery Sharkov, a special program curator, which should change the law enforcement system.


  • 1998 - "Do not interfere with the executioner"
  • 2000 - "Sixters die first"
  • 2004 - "Rolling Pots of Loneliness"
  • 2006 - "For everything we must pay"
  • 2007 - "When the gods laugh"
  • 2009 - "Good Intent"
  • 2012 - "Talked Threads"
  • 2013 - "Last Dawn"
  • 2014 - "Angels on Ice do not survive"
  • 2015 - "execution without evil intent"
  • 2016 - "Reverse Force"
  • 2017 - "Question Price"

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