Iodine - Biography of Star Wars Character, Main characters and quotes


Character History

A small green elder, based on the staff, is unlikely to have someone associated with the Great Warrior. But this is how Master-Jedi Yoda from Space Saga "Star Wars" looks like. Educating the pleiad of capable students, the knight of the Order turns into a fearless warrior at the first danger signals. The dexterity and speed of the elderly Jedi deserve admiration. May the strength and wise iodine will be with you!

History of creation

To present the film "Star Wars" without one of the main characters - the Master of Yodes is impossible. The low Jedi of an unknown race is the embodiment of the knowledge and wisdom of the Military Order. Theer is that initially George Lucas wanted to make a simple monkey yode. The director was looking for an animal capable of holding the staff in his hands. But over time, the idea has ceased to seem to the author of such a brilliant.

George Lucas

There is a theory that the prototype of iodine served as the founder of the school ju-jutsu to the Taja Sokak. A man of low growth perfectly understood in martial arts and masterfully owned by a samurai sword.

The second prototype of iodine is considered to consider the Great Master Aikido Soda Huzo. A low man dedicated to childhood training, and in maturity switched to teaching. Soda Huzo, at the notes of contemporaries, owned the skills of martial arts perfectly.

Sokaka Tipa and Soda Huzo

Traveling the appearance of the mysterious character George Lucas entrusted to the British artist-Vizazhist Stuart Fryborn. A professional did not work on sketches for a long time. The man combined his own person with characteristic Mimic wrinkles Albert Einstein. A pair of manipulations - and in front of the film director, the Magista of Yoda launched. It was what Lucas was looking for.

At iodine, a peculiar manner of a dialect, giving an image of eccentricity. Such a statement of words in the proposal is called inversion. Such a speech prevailed in the Anglo-Saxon dialect, which was used by the inhabitants of Great Britain in the 14th century.

Full Frank Oz.

The vote of iodine was the American doll and Frank Oz. In the original trilogy of "Star Wars", the image of iodine on the screen embodied the rubber doll. So Frank Oz answered, in addition to the voice, for managing a green creature. Later, with the arrival of new technologies, the need for rubber Jeda disappeared. The doll was replaced with computer animation.


It is not known anyone, on which planet I was born iodine. The story also silent about the relatives of an unusual Jedi. It is known that iodine (and this is a real name of the hero) hit the Military Order, being an adult.

The man left his relative planet in search of earnings, but the Yodesta ship was attacked. Having lost control of the space vessel, the future Master landed on an unknown planet. There, in the wreckage of the ship, Ioda discovered Master Jedi N'Cata Del Horp.

Master Yoda

The snipe-like creature opened the hero truth: iodine is endowed with the power and will become a great Jedi, you just need to patiently study. N'CATA DEL HERMO for several years taught the student of the basics of possession of power, after which Ioda went to Coruscant, where he continued his student in the position of Jr. Jedi.

Further biography of men developed rapidly. The first official title of Knightry-Jedi, the first student (whose name is not preserved), the first appointment to the Supreme Council.

Master iodine with a sword

Sensitive to strength and changes around, at the age of 100 yoda creates holographic records containing all the secrets and techniques of the Jedi. The wise knight gives the archive of a familiar, predicted that in the future these records will help the chosen to educate the new army of the knights. After 200 years, the records will fall into the hands of Skywalker.

At the same time, iodine takes under the custody of a new student named Graph Duku. Officially, Magister was not a teacher of the future Sitha, but I had special interest for the young man. Iodine taught the Duchow with a light sword that brought the young Jedi to a new level in the Order.

Anakin in front of iodine on the Council

Everything has changed when the name of Anakin Skywalker sounded on the highelest advice. Qui-Gon Ginn has long convinced masters that the boy is full of power and needs a teacher. It was the iodine that refuses Qui-Gon in the request, explaining that the future of the boy is foggy. But after the death of Qui-Gon, the sage allows Obi-Van to take on the role of the teacher. Gone to feelings, iodine makes an irreparable mistake.

After years, fate again encounters wise Jedi with a count of Duku. Now the teacher and the student serve in various purposes and ideals. Already an elderly iodine shows an incredible dexterity in the battle. No matter how well the count of the crust was well understood, but the iodine is controlled much better.

The voltage around the Order is growing. Iodine, feeling fluctuations in strength, refuses to mature Anakin as a Higher Council. The wise old man does not trust the capable Jedi, although not aware of the whole danger emanating from Skywalker.

The impact for iodine was a sudden return to the Jedi Temple. Waving to Coruscant, the old teacher finds the body of young students and brothers in arms. Each death is given in the heart of iodine with a sharp prince of pain. The Great Master blame himself in what happened, because he did not feel the dark side of Anakin.

Master Yoda

The devastated iodine gives an order to Obi-Van to kill the former student, and himself goes on the battle with great evil - Emperor Palpatin. Alas, pain losses and disappointment in Skywalker weakened Master. Knight-Jedi survives in a fight with Sitch, but not able to kill the enemy. The only thing that remains the wise teacher is to escape to the distant planet to wait for a new student filled with force.

After 22 years on an abandoned planet, Dagoba Master's system finds Skywalker Luke. The young man eager to become a Jedi and the Council of Obi-Van asks Yody to teach him skill. The knight's tired of his life does not want to take such responsibility, but the persistent young man does not give up.

Master iodine is dying

Luke Skywalker becomes a new and last student of the Great Iodine. The master puts the skills and skills in the guy who possesses himself. But Luke, without finishing training, leaves teachers and goes to save friends. Returning, Skywalker Causes a sad picture - the old iodine dies.

The Great Jedi, who trained 20,000 students, merges peacefully with force. The death of iodes, like the life of the master, is special. Unlike the fellow, a man leaves the world in a relaxed atmosphere, and not during the next battle. At 900 years of age, iodine quietly dissolves in the universe.

Interesting Facts

  • Iodine growth is 66 cm.
  • Initially, the word "iodine" was the name of the character, the name sounded as "Minch". By the way, iodine translated from Sanskrit means "Warrior".
  • For the fans of "Star Wars", the writer Muriel Bozes-Pierce released the book "Master-Jedi Yoda makes the riddles." Collection of mathematical tasks is set forth with the language of the character.
Iodine and sunroof skayuker
  • Even the scale of the showroom did not allow to reveal to the audience all the secrets of the galaxy. Therefore, the permission of Lucas has been released books affecting individual saga events. You can learn more about the relationship of the wise teacher with the county of the Duku in the novel "iodine: a date with darkness".
  • In the film "Star Wars. Episode VIII: The last Jedi will appear not only the princess ley, but also iodine. This news scattered around the world to the premiere of the picture. The culprits of the spoiler were illuminated by film studios, posted a loud statement in Twitter.


"Eight hundred years of Jedi taught. I will decide who will take someone in training. "I got sick. Old and weak. When will you be 900 years old, you will not look good, but? "" On weapons, you should have a weapon, but the battle cannot be won. The mind is only stronger. "" Death - it is a natural part of life, rejoice behind your loved ones who were transformed into force, do not mourn them, and do not burn about them, because the attachment leads to jealousy, and jealousity is the greed of the shadow ... "

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