Group "Hands Up" - Composition, Photo, Personal Life, News, Songs 2021



The beginning of the 1990s has become a time for the country of updates in all spheres. The composition of the popular pop, who almost every day was replenished with new names and loud projects: "Ivanushki International", "arrows", "demo" and, of course, the group "Hands up!", For many years, firmly substantiated In the first places of all possible charts.

The history of creation and composition

In 1993, a meeting occurred, which literally turned the lives of two ordinary guys - Sergey Zhukov and Alexey Potekhin. Both young people at that time worked at the Samara Radio "Europe Plus", however, they dreamed of more than a quarry DJ career. The acquaintance of these two creative people was the beginning of the path to glory and success, as well as the actual birthday of the new group.

The first composition of the group

The roles of musicians in the composition of the joint project were distributed by themselves. Sergey Zhukov became a soloist, a performer of vocal parties, in fact, the face of the team. It was in him who most often in love with young beauties, touched by penetrating, though unpleasant songs of the group "Hands up".

Sergey Zhukov

Sergey was born on May 22, 1976 in Dimitrovgrad, which in the Ulyanovsk region. Since childhood, Zhukov was fond of music, graduated from the music school in the class of piano, and then the Academy of Arts in Samara.

The second participant in the project - Alexey Potekin - on the contrary, originally and did not dream of a musician career. Alexey was born in Novokuibyshevsk (Samara region) on April 15, 1972.

Alexey Potekin and Sergey Zhukov

The specialty for the musician is very brutal: Pothein graduated from a river technical school, becoming a shipbuilder technician, and then learned in a technical university. But the thrust for creativity turned out to be stronger, and immediately after the university, Alexey began working as a DJ. And in the new project, the musician performed as a keyboard player.


The first joint musical experiments, young performers recorded in Tolyatti, where they went shortly after the acquaintance. These were songs in English. The fact is that Sergey Zhukov liked the work of the Dutch musician Ray Slanengard, who worked in the genre of dance electronic music, and the singer tried to imitate the idol. Even the first name of the team - "Uncle Ray and the company" - turned out to be dedicated to Slaling.


The history of the formation of the group was accompanied by interesting facts, which ultimately led Sergei and Alexey to all-Russian popularity. Without financing the market, young performers were difficult to break through, but enterprising musicians found an original output. The first compositions they recorded on pirated copies of popular authors. The simple motifs were remembered from the first line, and the guys got the first portion of glory, they began to invite them to concerts.

Parties and short speeches that were satisfied with Zhukov and Pothein in Tolyatti, gradually became popular: youth liked incendiary dance music. But this fame of musicians turned out to be little, and in 1994, Sergey and Alexey went to conquer the capital. The same year, artists consider the date of the group's foundation, although at that time the usual name "Hand Up" has not yet appeared.

Sergey Zhukov and Alexey Potekin

Moscow received the performers heat: On the very first day, the musicians were at the rap music festival and took the first place. The young talents were spoken, and the first photos of Zhukov and Poychin appeared in musical publications. However, it was still far from real fame.

After the first success, the musicians encountered the first difficulties: Sergey and Alexey was nowhere to live, there was practically no money. The guys have worked as DJs, conducted parties and events, but there was not enough funds for the promotion of the project.

And here Zhukov and Frekhin again incredibly lucky. Musicians met Andrei Malikov, who, seeing talent in the provincial DJs, became the first producer of the group. The name "Hand Up" appeared at the same time - this phrase Alexey and Sergey often shouted on discos because of the DJ console. But finally stop at this version of the name convinced the musicians an interesting case.

Young people left a cassette with songs on the radio "Maximum". Since the inscription on the cover states that this music will force the listeners to raise hands up, but the group itself did not appear there, the radio hosts Olga Maksimova and Konstantin Mikhailov decided to declare the name of the music team, which was considered appropriate - "Hands Up".

Group logo

Already a month later, the debut album of the collective was released, the name "breathe evenly". The compositions "Kid" and "student" literally blew up all the charts and discos, for many years, becoming a business card of the "Hand Up" group. So the desired glory came instantly, and for a month later, Zhukov and Pethene shot two clips and went on tour.

All concerts of the team took place "with a bang" and collected the full halls. In the same 1997, the group "Hands Up" took part in several music festivals, and Sergei and Alexey began to recognize the listeners, and colleagues along the pop workshop. It is noteworthy that the musicians managed not only to perform and write down new compositions, but also create arrangements for songs of other artists. For example, "Hands up" worked with Vyacheslav Dobrynin.

Already in 1998, Zhukov and Pothene broke with confidence all records on the number of sales of the album "Make Pogromic!", Becoming the most popular performers of the Russian pop scene. "My baby", "Ay, Yai, Yai, Girl", "Only a dream about you," "He kisses you" - they knew these songs by heart, perhaps the whole country.

In the piggy bank, prestigious musical awards appeared - this is the annual Award of the Russian Recording Industry in the Nomination "Russian Radiohite", "Album of the Year", and the Figurine "Golden Gramophone" in the categories "Performer of the Year", "Song of the Year", and award from Love Radio For the "best song about love." The group "Hands Up" becomes a laureate of the awards of music channels MUZ-TV, RU.TV.

And in 1999, the group again becomes a record holder - the next plate "without brakes" was separated by more than 12 million copies. However, as musicians confessed later, young people did not receive any profits, since almost all the money proceeds the producer of the group took into his own pocket.

For this reason, a year later, the group "Hands Up" said goodbye to Andrei Malikov, and the following albums had already recorded under its own label called "B-Funky Production". In the same year, the next record appeared, called "Hello, I'm", who remembered the fans of the compositions "Aleshka", "Sorry", "so you need."

In the year, artists tried to record at least one album, and the premieres took place in the late spring. It was done in order for fans of popular music on vacation disc with incendiary new dance tracks. In the early 2000s, the discography of the musicians was replenished with albums "Little girls" with a hit "Take me soon", "the end of Popce, Dance everything", which entered the "girlfriend" hike, and others.

In parallel, the musicians helped to get up to their feet and young performers, and also constantly toured with concerts, conquering the hearts of new and new fans. At this time, the "Hand Up" logo appeared, which later got on the Instagram avatar of the group.

Creativity of musicians was accompanied by incredible popularity among young girls. The artists were picked up in the entrances, on the streets, demolished the fences at concerts, send letters with bags. Artists had to contact the services of security agencies to avoid trouble.

It seemed that such popularity would be if not eternal, then very long. But fate ordered otherwise, and in 2006, Sergey Zhukov and Alexey Potekin shocked fans with the news that the team decays. About why the group "Hands Up" was broken, a lot of rumors walked. The musicians themselves admitted that they were tired due to a frantic concert rhythm, constant competition with young performers and even from each other.

Be that as it may, the guys decided to start solo projects. Sergey toured with new songs, Alexey created the team "Raise Hands Up" also continued to perform. However, neither Frekhin nor Zhukov managed to achieve the same popularity to which the stars were accustomed, speaking as part of the group "Hands up". Later, Alexey moved to production activity, finally leaving the scene. Sergey Zhukov continued to work under the label that brought the musicians to glory.

The cumis of the 90s met again in 2010 on the program "Let them say", which Andrei Malakhov led at the time. It was a benefit of a non-existent group that was pleased with the fans of Zhukov and Potekhin.

In 2012, fans waited for another surprise. Sergey Zhukov announced that the group "Hands up" returns to the new album - "Open the door to me." However, the adequacy of fans was premature - under the familiar name Sergey spoke already alone, without fun.

In 2016, Sergey managed to surprise and please the fans once again. The musician introduced the video to the composition "When we were young." Stas Kostyushkin, Shura, Andrei Grigoriev-Appolon, Alexey Ryzhov participated in the shooting video. According to the plot, these performers who are strongly apt over, they shut down the rest of the days in the nursing home. However, memories of dying days of youth do not give rest musicians, and forgotten idols are arranging a fun party.

"Hands up!" now

Now former comrades in the group, as you know from the media, do not communicate. Alexey continues to speak with his own team. In an interview, the musician claims that it cost himself dishonestly, deceiving by depriving the rights to the name "Hands up!": Allegedly Pothein signed the paper without reading what exactly agrees.

Alexey Potekin

Sergey Zhukov also tours and writes new songs. At concerts, he collects the full halls. The creativity of the pop group is in demand not only in Russia. In 2017, the musician visited the Slavic Festival in Belarus, where Chris de Burg was also made, Grigory Leps, Stas Mikhailov, Natasha Queen, Nyusha, Egor Cre.

Also, the musician released the compositions of the "Take Keys" compositions, "crying in the dark" and, apparently, is preparing to submit another album. On the outlet of the plate, fans will be able to find out on the official website of the group. A musician does not think about the completion of the creative biography of the creative biography, except that children who he loves him very much.

Sergey Zhukov on hand

In 2018, the song "Crying in the Dark" brought the team of the "Song of the Year" award, "Golden Gramophone". In the same year, a video was released to the single "Dance". Video shooting took place in Mexico. In addition to the main creativity, the soloist of the "Hand Up" group does not forget to appear in the TV projects. So together with a colleague on stage Stas, Sergey became the guest of the music television show "Soyuz Studio" on TNT TV channel.


  • 1997 - "Breathe uniformly"
  • 1998 - "Make Pogroms!"
  • 1999 - "Without brakes"
  • 2000 - "Hello, that's me"
  • 2001 - "Do not be afraid, I'm with you"
  • 2001 - "Little girls"
  • 2002 - "End of Pops, Dance Everything!"
  • 2003 - "I feel good with you"
  • 2004 - "And the girls are so cold"
  • 2005 - "Fuc * in 'Rock'n'ROll"
  • 2012 - "Discover me the door"
  • 2016 - "Hands up!: 20 years old (when we were young)"


  • 1997 - "Kid"
  • 1998 - My baby
  • 1999 - name it as me
  • 2000 - Ay-Yai-Yai
  • 2002 - He kisses you
  • 2003 - I feel good with you
  • 2004 - Dance
  • 2007 - I'm crazy
  • 2014 - What did you do
  • 2016 - When we were young
  • 2017 - Take the keys
  • 2017 - Crying in the dark
  • 2018 - Dancing

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