Boris Field - biography, photo, personal life, books, death



Boris Nikolayevich Polyeva - Soviet Prose writer, journalist and military correspondent. The outstanding works of the author were: "Tale of the present person", in which the famous pilot of the pilot Alexei Mareshev; Collection of stories "We are Soviet people", gold novels and "Dr. Vera". Field was twice awarded the State Prize of the USSR and received the title of Hero of Socialist Labor.

Childhood and youth

The date of the writer is 4 or, according to a new style, March 17, 1908. Boris was born in Moscow, but he considered Tver with his own city, where, being a 8-year-old boy, in 1913 moved along with his family. His children's and youthful years have passed there. Father Boris - Nikolai Petrovich Kampov - was a lawyer. After death in 1916, he left a domestic library in which the best works of Russian and world classics were.

Boris Field in childhood

Boris's mother, Lydia Vasilyevna Kampova (in Mityushin's Maiden), the doctor by profession, carefully followed the cultural development and education of the boy, directing his reading. The first read Boris books were works by Gogol, Lermontov, Pushkin and Nekrasov. Later, Goncharov's book, Turgenev, Chekhov and Nikitin. Maxim Gorky was the favorite writer Boris Nikolayevich.

From 1917 to 1924, Boris's school years were held at School No. 24 (now Tverskaya Gymnasium No. 6). Already here in 1922, the young man began to get involved in journalism. His first note was printed in Tverskaya Pravda, when he was still a student of grade 6. Since 1924, his articles regularly appeared in the city newspapers "Proletarian Pravda", "Change" and "Tver village".


After the end of the Tver Technical School in 1926, Boris Nikolayevich worked at the Textile Factory "Proletark" technologist. In 1927, the first book, consisting of essays and received a positive feedback to Maxim Gorky - "MEMUARS of the sewn man".

Boris Field in youth

She tells about the life of people, the so-called "bottom". This book was the only one written under the name Boris Campov. Subsequently, the editor proposed the author to translate the name of Campov from Latin into Russian ("Campus" means "field"), hence the pseudonym of the field, invented by not the carrier himself, and unauthorized persons.

Since 1928, Boris Poleva works by a professional journalist. Literary fame to the writer brought a first-tale published by him shortly before the Great Patriotic War in the "October" magazine, called the "hot shop". This is a story about the people of the first five-year plan, who worked in the Kalininovo car factory.

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Field was a member of the Soviet-Finnish war (1939 - 40 years). In 1941 he moved to Moscow, where he worked at the Kalinin front with a military correspondent. He had to be in hot spots. In articles and essays, he reflected his front impressions and the bright events of the greatest battle with fascism, whose witness he was. All of them are collected in the book of 1945 "from Belgorod to Carpath."

The material accumulated during the war has become the basis for future writer books. Universal fame and world fame Boris Polevoy in 1946 brought a book written by him during the presence in the Nuremberg process as a military correspondent. For 19 days he wrote consisting of four chapters "Tale of this man." The author was awarded for her Stalin Prize in 1947. The basis is based on the pilot of the pilot, the hero of the Soviet Union A. P. Mareseva, who continued to fight even after she lost both legs.

Writer Boris Field

Later, in 1948, Sergey Prokofiev's eponymous film was put on this story, the main role in which P. Kadochnikov was performed. The "Tale of this man" was a favorite book from Soviet youth. This story did not just taught courage, she often helped people in those difficult for the Soviet people. It was known in almost all countries of the world, in our country it was published more than 100 times.

The books "We are Soviet people" are also devoted to the military topics, which was also noted in 1949 by the Stalinist Prize, "Gold". Among the numerous works of the writer, it is worth noting the story "Returned", travel essays "American diaries", for which in 1959 the author was awarded to the International Prize, "For Thirty Land", "30,000 whether in New China". Wonderful works are the novel "Deep Rear" and "Dr. Vera". On the basis of the collected Boris Field of documentary essays in 1962, a novel "On the Dick Bereg" was written.

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In the same year, 1962, Field took the post of chief editor of the Youth Journal "Youth", and even earlier, in 1952, the writer was a vice-president in the European Society of Culture. Since 1967, Boris Nikolayevich was appointed secretary of the Board of the former Writers of the USSR. In 1968, the writer was awarded the Gold Medal of the World, and in 1974 he was awarded the title Hero of Socialist Labor.

Personal life

Boris Nikolayevich was married. His wife Julia Osipovna presented him with two sons - Alexey and Andrei and daughter Elena. About Andrei's senior heir is practically nothing known. He is "classified", worked for many years in the defense sphere. Elena Borisovna's daughter became a doctor, Dr. Science, Professor, in the USSR worked as a breast cancer surgery specialist. And the younger son of the writer Alexey Campov-field man is quite famous in Russia and the United States. It is in the list of the most influential immigrants from the USSR as a professor at the University of North Carolina, a psychiatrist narcologist.

Family Boris Polevoye

Julia's wife worked as a teacher of Russian and literature. Her students were sons. She was loving and caring, but the teacher is strict. Alexey's son remembers in an interview that he was most afraid to hear the phrase from the mother:

"You upset your father."

Also, the son remembers often about the famous guest in the house of parents. Fidel Castro, President of Vietnam Ho Chi Min and the famous Rockefeller and her daughter came to the Writer's Writer. Guests left a couple of lines in the book with the domestic name "Aleshchenik" - wrote good instructions to the Son of the writer.


Boris Nikolayevich Polyeva died in 1981 on July 12 and was buried at the Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow.

Grave Boris Polevoye

After the death of the writer in 1983, the street was named in Tver in honor of his name. And in 2006 a memorial plaque was installed on the house in which he lived.


  • 1927 - "MEMUARS of the sewn man"
  • 1940 - "Hot shop"
  • 1947 - "Tale of a true man"
  • 1948 - "We are Soviet people"
  • 1950 - "Gold"
  • 1952 - "Contemporaries"
  • 1956 - "American Diaries"
  • 1959 - "Deep rear"
  • 1961 - "Our Lenin"
  • 1962 - "On the Dick Brege"
  • 1967 - "Dr. Vera"
  • 1973 - "to Berlin - 896 kilometers"
  • 1974 - "These four years (in 2 books)"
  • 1978 - "Silhouettes"
  • 1980 - "Most Memorable"

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