Yarmak - biography, photo, personal life, news, songs 2021



The executor of the Fair to his own example proved that the Ukrainian rap is not a philosopher's stone, but a fully occurred reality, besides, a decent sound. Alexander Yarmak has been reading incendiary lyrics for five years, waving fans with a rhythmic speech by the bits. The singer is most active on the Internet, but the five-year creative anniversary celebrated the concert, pleased with the fans of living performance.

Childhood and youth

The future rapper was born in the Ukrainian Boryspil in October 1991. In childhood, Alexander Yarmak became interested in music, but preference gave the compositions of Eminem, Basta and the Rostov Rap Group "Casta". The hip-hop culture was so firmly in the life of a teenager that in 12 Sasha looked like a Rapper Rapper: wide pants, nike sneakers, a hooded jacket - everything spoke about the guy, with his head immersed in a street culture.

Ukrainian rapper yarmak

The future rapper Yarmak virtuoso performed the lower break dance, his collections of cassettes with Hip-hop's stars envied the peers, but Sasha has changed priorities for a while: parents insisted that the lessons are more important than any "trifles", and training in the football section did not leave time for music.

The guy's sense of humor was celebrated friends and classmates, in connection with which another bright page appeared in the biography of the yards: participation in KVN.

Fair in childhood and youth

After the certificate is awarded, the Yarmak entered the Kiev Aviation University. The guy chose a specialty engineer-mechanic aircraft. At the university, Alexander Yarmak came to participation in the national team of cheerful and resourceful. Players, Aviators reached the final of the Higher League not without the participation of Sasha.

But in the 11th grade and in the student years, the yard decided on priorities: Rap was at the top of Olympus, and the rest of the hobbies moved to the background.


The first lines of hip-hop yard composed in high school. At the university I used every free minute to write rap. Debut texts greatly reminded the compositions and the style of his idol - Basta, but soon Alexander found the author's style.

Love for hip-hop led the musician to the student radio, where the yard settled down. In the free time from university couples and radio esters, he used the technical resources of the studio to record the first tracks. Reap records posted on page "VKontakte". Recognition of the first listeners - subscribers and friends - came instantly.

Musician Yarmak

In the summer of 2011, the yards took advantage of the promotion of Youtube video hosting. The compositions of the novice rapper were leading in the voting, the musician was invited to the Basta concert in Yalta. The yards made a heating of the public, the debut turned out to be successful, the existence of a new hip-hop star learned the fans of directions in Russia and the CIS.

Soon the yard won in the competition for a candidate for heating at the concert of the famous colleague - a rap rock artist from Russia Ivan Alekseeva, famous for fans under the creative pseudonym Noize MC. At the concert in Evpatoria, the Kiev artist doubled the army of fans.

Fair on stage

After returning to Kiev, the yard took off the first clip on the author's composition and took up the first album. The presentation took place in 2012. The debut collection, called the "Yasyutuba", included the compositions "Heat", "Children's insult", "I don't like", the most liked fans.

Hit "Heart of Pacan" Rapper presented fans in 2013. In February, a clip appeared on the composition telling about the mercenary girls and "love" by calculation. The song gained 19 million views and was leading in the nomination of the "New Rap" portal.

The second album was released in 2013 and the yard did not figure it out for a long time: "The second album". It included songs "I'm in the port" and "I am not ashamed."

In many texts, the Contractor affects politics and social problems. The yard supported Maidan in Ukraine and welcomed the overthrow of President Viktor Yanukovych. In Twitter, the Yarmak described himself as a "young Ukrainian artist Hip-Hop, rhyme struggling with social injustice."

Raper Yarmak

In the spring of 2015, the yards released his solo third album "Made in UA", which included 18 tracks, among them "get up", to which the clip is removed. In the same year, the fans of Alexander Yarmak received another surprise - the piercing song "Mom" and video clip on it.

In the fourth album of the rap artist Mission Orion, whose premiere was held in 2016, 5 tracks were included. The best fans called the songs "Black Gold" and "Earth".

Personal life

In the summer of 2016, the 25-year-old Yarmak left the ranks of star bachelors. Rapper took the Ukrainian model Anna Shumyatsky in his wife.

Fair and his wife

Photo from the wedding pair appeared on the musician page in "Instagram". Judging by the pictures, the celebration turned out to be quite cheerful and with the "taste" of hip-hop. Guests are the friends of the yards - gave the incendiary dance numbers to the newlyweds. Alexander could not resist: joining friends, the lower break washed.

After the celebration, the yards and his wife went to the Arab Emirates. The place of the honeymoon was chosen hot Dubai on the Persian Gulf Coast.

Yarmak now

In 2017, the Contractor presented the fifth album, called "Restart" to lovers of hip-hop rap. It includes 15 tracks. He opened the album of the same name, which gave the name to the collection. Fans appreciated the songs "Bom Digi Bom," on the area "and" alive ", on which the musician removed the video.

In November 2017, Yarmak celebrated the first anniversary - 5 years of creativity. For his fans, the musician gave a concert in the Kiev club Stereo Rlaza. For guests, the "old" hits and compositions of the new, 5th album "Restart" sounded.

Yarmak in 2017

Under the curtain of the year, it became known that the yards turned to Alexander Timarians (restaurant), founder and leading main battle platform in the CIS - Versus. The Kiev rapper volunteered to Battle in St. Petersburg, where he wishes to fight with a Russian colleague Galat.

Previously, the yard called Battles "Mud", but allowed a meeting with Raper Artem Loik. It is noteworthy that the Galata, with whom the delicate of Kievanin, was defeated by Loika in 2016. The challenge of Alexander Yarmak responded to his account in the "Instagram" countryman from Kiev VNUK, stating that the playground for Battle is not important.


  • 2012 - "Yasyutuba"
  • 2013 - "Second Album"
  • 2015 - "Made In UA"
  • 2016 - "Orion Mission"
  • 2017 - "Restart"

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