The series "Love in hot weeks" (2021) - date of exit, actors and roles, facts, trailer


The series "Love in hot weeks", whose release fell on June 28, 2021, is the continuation of the comedy TV series "Love in a non-working week" and "Love in working weeks". How the fate of three marital couples will develop and interesting facts from the set - in the material 24cm.

Plot and shooting

According to the plot, three couples - Andrei and Christina, Valera and Irina, Garik and Sonya, were finally able to get out of the long-awaited holiday abroad. Heroes fall into the luxury hotel of Turkey.

Family couples will not only be pregnant under the southern sun, but also to solve a number of problems. Valera and Ira dream to conceive the heir in the paradise corner and carefully work on it. Christina and Andrey enjoy the honeymoon. And Sonya and Garik constantly fall into ridiculous situations due to the leaving of the trash-adventurers.

Adds trouble unbearable heat. However, the heroes will have time to deal with family troubles and enjoy the rest of the sea.

The director's chair of the project occupied Hike Asatryan, who also made a co-author of the scenario. The authors of Andrei Gavrilov and Garik Petrosyan worked on the plot.

Actors and roles

The main roles in the series "Love in hot weeks" performed:

  • Zoya Berber - Irina;
  • Roman Popov - Valera, Husband Irina, who offers beloved various ways to conceive a child;
  • Elizabeth Sailor - Christina;
  • Oleg Vereshchagin - Andrey, Christina's husband, falling into ridiculous situations;
  • Marusya Klimova - Sonya;
  • Garik Petrosyan - Garik, Standap-comedian and husband Sony;
  • Olga Khokhlova - the eccentric mother of Sony, mother-in-law Garik.

Interesting Facts

1. The director is known as the screenwriter and the director of the previous seasons of the project on married couples. Asatryan is also familiar to the audience as a screenwriter project "Damned official" and a multi-sieves film "Stripters".

2. Shooting the series "Love in hot weeks" took place in Antalya, in one of the fashionable hotels in Turkey. Separate locations were chosen in Moscow.

3. Actress Marusya Klimov in "Instagram" told a curious case on the set. As it turned out, televildil was removed in the spring when it was still cold in Turkey, and the thermometer bar did not rise above the mark in +15 ° C. Celebrities had to swim in the pool, which heated. However, an hour before the filming, the warm pool was closed, because a child was swimming in him, which from the zeal "could not resist." The actress was forced to portray happiness in the cold pool, but not without irony notes that such a situation for money.

4. Julia Popova, the wife of the actor Roman Popova, is interested in photography. During the filming, Julia made photo reports with performers of major roles. In the microblog of Popov admits that he is not jealous when Zoya Berber kisses with her spouse.

5. The series "Love in hot weeks" goes on the screens three months after the premiere of the television film "Love in working weeks." This may indicate that the project is perceived by the audience favorably. In negative comments, feedback on a specific humor of the tape, which is not understood by everyone. And fans of the franchise celebrate the game Olga Khokhlova and the behavior of Sitkom's heroes, who react to the events of life.

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