Fedor Klimov: biography, photos, news, personal life, figure skating 2021



Fyodor Klimov is a Russian figure skater who speaks in pair skating. Since 2009, he spoke in a pair with Ksenia Podlobova. Honored Master of Sports of Russia. Multiple winner of the championships of Russia, Europe and the world. Olympic champion.

Childhood and youth

Fyodor Alexandrovich Klimov was born on September 7, 1990 in Leningrad, in Kolpino. Brought up without a father, in the "Women's" team: Mom, Grandma and Aunt. Grandfather died when Fed was only 11. The decision that the boy becomes a skater, was taken without him. Mom itself was a figure skating coach, so it was predictable. In 4 years, Fedor has already cut ice.

Fedor Klimov

Despite the constant contests on competitions and sports fees, Klimov graduated from school with a silver medal. Up to 16, Fedor performed in a single figure skating and by this time already reached considerable success. He regularly performed on children's and junior championships.

Steam skating began to engage in 2007. Before the post was paired with Maria Chashina and Alexandra Malachova. Trained Klimov in Lyudmila Velikova.

Figure skating

Since 2009, Fedor Klimov began to perform with Ksenia Podlobova. And this tandem brought great results. Already the first joint season became successful - the pair received "bronze" in the youth championship of Russia.

Fedor Klimov and Ksenia Pillars

The victory was even more at Fedor and Ksenia, so the 2010/2011 season brought new victories - the couple became the second in the Junior Grand Prix. In 2012, silver medals received the guys at the Russian Championships, and they got a reward for them relatively easily. The fact is that the two strongest pairs of the country - Volosozhar and Trankov, Kawaguti and Smirnov - were forced to miss the championship due to injuries. In 2012, he received the title of Master of Sports of Russia of the International Class.

The European Championship Fedor and Ksenia were declared as a spare steam. But Alexander Smirnov was injured, and a pair of Smirnov and Kawaguti decided to remove from the competition. Therefore, Klimov and Pillar had to urgently replace his colleagues. They made the guys more than worthy, won the bronze.

In 2013, the couple participated in the Winter Universiade, which took place in Italy, where "Gold" took. After the competition, Fyodor received gratitude to the President of Russia for high sports achievements.

In the pre-air climbing season, with their partner went on a big risk. They decided to move from St. Petersburg to Moscow and to change the coach. Now they trained Nina Moser. At that time she trained the champions of Trankova and Volosozhar. But the guys did not think about rivalry, they almost immediately became friends.

At the Olympic Games in Sochi, the couple won "silver", giving way only to his comrades for the group of coach Moser. Also got gold medals in the team competition. In February 2014, he became a well-deserved master of sports in Russia. Also was awarded the Order of Friendship.

In 2015, at the Championship of Russia, the couple took "gold", at the European Championship - "Silver". In the same year, the guys won silver medals on the finals of the Grand Prix.

Fedor Klimov on Ice

In 2016, it became known that Klimov would not appear at the European Championship due to a serious shoulder injury. Later, Nina Moser gave an interview to Sportbox, told how serious injury was serious. According to her, Fyodor could not raise his hand, and the shoulder simply hung. Such a severe situation lasted two and a half months.

The continuation of the sports career did not go and speech, the main task was to make the guy not to remain disabled. But in the end, the will to victory and patience of Fedor, as well as the work of physicians and masseurs allowed the figure to return to the ice. At the end of the year, Fyodor Klimov with his partner spoke at the Russian Championship, where they became the first.

Personal life

Fyodor constantly attribute a novel with Ksenia pillars, which in principle is not surprising. Couple spends a lot of time together, and they have dances permeated with passion. But in an interview with R-Sports, Klimov said that this is just an image. They are too different with xenia: it is calm and balanced, and the pillars - an explosive. Yes, and they also do not care. But at the same time, he emphasizes that without it he would hardly have achieved such success.

Fedor Klimov and Ksenia Pillars

Klimov does not advertise his personal life. It is an active user of social networks, regularly appears in VKontakte, but I drove "Instagram" since September 2017. From the fall in the microblog there is no new photo.

A young man, in addition to figure skating, is fond of football, sick for Zenit. Despite its intelligence and gentlemency, loves the group "Leningrad" and more than once visited the concerts of the cord. And about the fact that he often appears in the public in strict classic costumes, said that they just go to him and he likes it. And this is true, the costumes on Klimov look perfectly, it also contributes to an increase of 181 cm and the beautiful sports figure of Fyodor.

Fedor Klimov now

In October 2017, Fedor Klimov participated in the project "Children on Ice. Stars, "he was as part of the jury.

Fedor Klimov in 2017

In December 2017, Fyodor and Ksenia performed at the final of the Grand Prix in Nagoy, when they learned about the decision of the International Olympic Committee to admit only "clean" athletes and under the White Flag. Ksenia Pillars, among many Russians, was decided at all to be in games.

The beginning of the new sports season was overshadowed by the decision of Fedor and Ksenia on the completion of the joint career. This confirmed the coach Nina Moser.

At the end of the summer of 2018, Ksenia hurried to disprove information in the media. The figure skater reported that he was in no hurry to finish with professional sports. Before the last World Cup, she was injured, but the partner was not really interested in her condition and plans, making a decision on the completion of the career. According to pillars, she completely cured all his injuries and ready for the new season. It remains only to find a partner.


  • 2010 - Bronze Medal at the World Junior Championships in the Netherlands
  • 2011 - Silver Medal at Junior World Championships in South Korea
  • 2012 - Bronze Medal at the European Championship
  • 2012 - Silver Medal at the Russian Championship
  • 2013 - Bronze Medal at the Russian Championship
  • 2014 - Gold Medal at the Russian Championship
  • 2014 - Silver Medal at the European Championship
  • 2014 - Silver Medal at the Olympic Games in Sochi
  • 2014 - Silver Medal at World Cup
  • 2015 - Gold Medal at the Russian Championship
  • 2015 - Silver Medal at the European Championship
  • 2017 - Gold Medal at the Russian Championship

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