Assai - biography, photo, personal life, news, songs 2021



More than 12 years have passed since the release of the first solo album Assai "Other shores". Now he firmly ranked his place in the niche hip-hop performers. His fans talk about the art of the artist so:"Smart Lyrics in Frame Live Music."

Childhood and youth

Of course, Assai is a creative pseudonym of the singer, and his present name is Alexey Valerevich Kosov. He is a native of Leningrad, born on October 12, 1983. A boy studied in a regular St. Petersburg school. The facts about their childhood and the family Alexey carefully hides, but in some sources it is indicated that he has a younger sister, and the parents divorced when the boy studied at school.

Assai Dreadlocks

Transitional age was difficult for Alexey. He tried to alcohol early and did not refuse to eat forbidden drugs. But then the young man came to his senses and stood up for a new way - musical.


At the beginning of the creative path, Alexey, who called himself "dirty", performed as part of the teams. The first group, the participant of which he became, was called "transitional age". His colleagues were rappers cripples and a string. Later to the team joined the Master Rhymes Alf, and the guys together created the Umbriaco group. By that time, Alexey Kosov was already referred to as "Assai".

Cripple and Assai in his youth

The team released tracks "not in focus" in 2002 and "Give me a reason" in 2003. Then they started talking about them in the hip-hop community, and the performers began to gain popularity. After Assai moved to another rap group from St. Petersburg - "KREC". He took part in the record of the debut album of the "Kara-TE" team and the second collection called "No Magic". The voice and style of Assai are becoming recognizable fans. It is listened not only in Russia, but in the countries of the former CIS.

A year after the release of the next album, the Assai Group releases its debut solo album "Other Shores". The tracks of the tracks came out in 2005, but, judging by the comments to the compositions on video resources, fans still touches the deep meaning of texts. Especially popular songs "We live further", "Southern Dreams", "Muza", "Confession" and the same name "Other shores".

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Special for the artist was the personal song "Father", from the text of which it becomes clear that the relationship with the parent was very difficult. The lines testify:

"Weren't you wanted evil?

I'm getting used to pain a little, to misunderstanding,

To these sobs strict. "

In the next page, the musician wrote these words:

"Slip wounds under the stars.

You know, I became stronger,

Older life.

You can be proud of me, because I found people

Able to replace me! "

Logo Assai

Also full of personal meaning and composition "Confession" from solo album. There are such lines:

"I want to tell, open the soul,

But to hear, you need to listen.

I understand you badly - who is parents?

And who opened the world to you, what was happy?

Father 30s, Mother - Love,

Mother's mother is sick, and blood flows in me ... "

Assay's own experiences writes such text:

"I betrayed and was weak,

Threw, wanted to leave the world forever,

Lived under the names of heroes and fell so deeply,

And it seemed to me, I will render there.

Wished wives of friends, envied

In the thoughts killed, the proclinary world of this.

My pain in these words ... "

Releaseing your own album, Assai continues to be part of the KREC team. Together, the musicians already produce the third collection "on the river". The track from this album, performed by Assai, together with FUU, becomes a soundtrack for the film "Peter FM".


At the same time, as the performer, aura and the mood of the group album noted a little did not coincide with his personal creative attitude. By 2008, Assai is increasingly engaged in solo work. He collects like-minded musicians and with their help produces the second solo album "Fatalist". It includes 15 tracks, among which "Polcan", "Monami", "forever", "indifference", "to point" and other compositions.

In support of the Assai Collection with friends, Vladivostok flies with friends, the guys will take over the three cars and arrange a fleet to St. Petersburg, stopping in counter cities and speaking to joy fans. A year after the release of the Second Solnik, in 2009, Assai leaves the KREC group.

Assai on stage

He called "Assai Music Band collected personally" Assai. In 2010, the team produces the first EP (mini demo album) "Elevator". With songs that have entered the collection, Muz-Band held 50 concerts for three more than a month in the cities of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. After Assai, on its official website, announces the dissolution of this composition of the group.

In 2013, the musician comes out the album "Touch for the Dead." Of the 10 compositions, the listeners "Flower", "Teacher", "River" and "Last time" were most furnished.

Assai (Alexey Kosov)

After Assai, with other musicians, there are already more than 200 concerts and produces another personal album "Ohm". Further, in collaboration with the producer Mikhail Tebenkov, a musician tries himself in an alternative direction of synthetic trip-hop - this is a mixture of hip-hop, jazz, rock and coil. The style is characterized by a slow pace and clear bass batch.

After the "Stormilo" group. At first, Assai under the battle of the 2014 chimes reports about the closure of the group, and after 1.5 years, in May 2015 there is a statement that the musicians are ready to continue working together. At the end of 2015 Assai presents a new track called "I am looking for you."

In 2016 Assai writes the song "To humiliate and Love". Text of finding yourself, about life, about pain, but there were lines and love:

"Let me go to the affectionate May. Let fly. I'm tired of coming.

I am alone in this temple and there is no one who will save me but love.

I was looking for in passing exactly.

This closed circle ... "

In 2017, a musician in collaboration with a friend and director, as well as the operator-director by profession Roman Berezian produces work "Now you see" and "Now you hear."

Recently, Rider Rider has appeared on the artist's website for the surprise of fans - the requirement for organizing concerts. In the document, in addition to technical information about music equipment, there were requirements and a menu, which included a kilogram of the persimmon, a plate with salad leaves, potatoes in the uniform, salt and three varieties of tea.

Personal life

In 2017, Assai turned 34 years old, but his personal life is under a dense curtain of the mystery. In an interview, he never talks about his family. And when he is asked questions about his wife and child, he sharply translates the topic and talks about creativity and songs. Also, the lack of personal photos on its pages on social networks, such as "Instagram" and "VKontakte", also on the closedness of the artist.

Assai now

At the concerts of 2017, the singer stated that it closes his activity as "Assai" and now represents the audience a new project "Alexey Kosov" - so truly names of the musician. The singer is constantly in search of his own "I", and now he sees himself like that. The "VKontakte group" stopped in confirmation. Fans were addressed to such a message:

"The group is presserved! Feel yourself in the museum among exhibits that will no longer exist! ".

Now Alexey leads his blog in Twitter. According to him, as in the name of the solo album "Ohm", it is clear that the musician with his head plunged into the practice of yoga. With his head, there were no longer enough dreadlocks to the shoulders, but tattoos were still on the body, which occupy the entire surface of the right hand and left legs.

Assai (Alexey Kosov) in 2017

The singer himself confesses to the interview that he often places spiritual flour and memories of the past. When he was asked who he wanted to be in the next life, the author in places of psychedelic texts answered like this:

"I would become a dude that goes to work, he is very smart, lives calmly, earns money. In short, I would like to be born a mentally healthy dude with a safe life. "


  • 2016 - "To humiliate and Love"
  • 2015 - "I go for you" ("Live")
  • 2015 - "Lift" ("Live")
  • 2015 - "Dark Water" ("virginity")
  • 2013 - "River" ("Sange for Dead")
  • 2011 - "Dacha" ("OM")
  • 2011 - "So much life" ("OM")
  • 2008 - "Sidel" ("Fatalist")
  • 2008 - "Voice" ("Fatalist")
  • 2005 - "Southern Dreams" ("Other Shores")
  • 2005 - "Black Wind" ("Other Shores")
  • 2005 - "Confession" ("Other Shores")

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