Apollo - biography, appearance and character of Greek god


Character History

Sun Lord, patron of musicians, talented predictor, healer, brave hero, Large father - Greek Apollo includes many images. Forever young and ambitious God honestly won his own place on Olympus. The favorite of women and bold men ranks second in the Pantheon of Divine rulers.

History of creation

According to modern researchers, the image of Apollon originated at all in Greece. Myths and legends about the radiant God came to the country from Asia Minor. Confirms the theory an unusual name of the Divine.

Statue of Apollo

The meaning of God became a mystery not only for modern scientists, but also for philosophers of ancient Greece. Plutarch put forward a version that Apollo translates as a "meeting". The theory does not have the basics, since the name is not mentioned anywhere in a similar context.

The second proof of the theory of the borrowing of Apollo in Asia is a combination of contradictory functions in one person. Apollo appears in front of people and a positive character, and punishing God. This image is not characteristic of the mythology of ancient Greece. In any case, the cereal god gave an honorable place in Olympus, giving way to only his own father - Zeus.

Apollo and Zeus

The cult of Apollo began a procession from the island of Delos and gradually seized the whole country, including the Italian colonies of Greece. Already from there the power of the God of the Sun spread to Rome. But, despite the enormous territory of influence, it was Delica and the city of Delphi became the center of serving the Divine. On the territory of the last Greeks, the Delphic Temple was built, where the oracle was reconciled, the interpretation of the dreams opened the secrets of the future.

Biography and image

Greek god was born on the shores of Delos. Simultaneously with the boy's boy, the twin sister Artemis appeared. Children - the fruit of the love of Zeus-Rubejnz and Titanides Summer (in another version of Laton). A woman had to wander across the sky and the water, since Hera, the official wife of Zeus, banned the titanide step on a solid soil.

Gemini Artemis and Apollo

Like all children of Zeus, Apollo rapidly grew up and matured. The Gods of Olympus, proud and satisfied with the replenishment, presented to the young Divine and his sister gifts. The darity of Hepesta was the most memorable - silver bow and gold arrows. With this weapon, Apollo will make many exploits.

Description of the appearance of the eternally young deity is peculiar. Unlike most heroes, Greece Apollo did not wear beards, preferring to open the face to the world around. The "chille" metaphor, often used in relation to God, allows us to conclude that Apollo is blond.

The young height of the middle growth and the average physique is quickly and silently moves through the light, with ease of catching up a sports sister. Nowhere is not mentioned by the discouraging beauty of God, but the number of love victories suggests that Apollo emits magnetism and charm.

Apollo and Daphne

However, unhappy love was in life. Daphne, the myth of which is perfectly characterized by the youth of Apollo, has become a victim of unpleasant history. Young God, confident in his own power, ridiculed Erota (God of love), for which he received a love arrow in his heart. And the arrow of disgust flew straight into the heart of nyphs Daphne.

In Love Apollo rushed after the girl who decided to hide from the persistent fan. The God of the Sun has not retretated, so the father of the Nymph, who seen the torment of his daughter, turned Daphne to the laurel tree. The young man decorated the laurel foliage his own clothes and quiver for arrows.

Free from feats and worries The time of the young man is spent behind the music. Favorite tool for Apollo became kifara. Young God is proud of his own success in music and often patronize talented musicians. And what the Apollo does not tolerate, so it's boasting.

God Apollo

Marshi Marshi Velchak-Satyr, who picked up Athens's flute, once called the young God for a contest. The man underestimated the talent of the son of Zeus. Mariorsi lost the competition, and proud and capable Apollo in punishment for the audacity to the skin with Satira.

The young God is boring on Olympus, so Apollo is often descended to chat with friends. Once a friendly meeting ended with death. Son of Zeus and Hyacinth, the son of the local king, launched a metal disk into the sky. Apollo did not calculate the forces, and the shell pleased the hyacinth in the head. Loves of God died, Apollo could not save a friend. At the place of the tragedy flower bloomed. Now every spring is dissolving a bud of a plant of hyacinth, reminiscent of the friendship of God and man.

The distinctive characteristic of Apollo - all-consuming love for mother and sister. For the sake of well-being of loved ones, the hero goes to the Grozny Father. Shortly after the birth of Apollo kills the Pyfhon - a mighty snake, having pursued summer. For an inconsistent act of Vesti Zeus, the God of the Sun is overthrown, and Apollo must serve as a shepherd for eight years to cherish the guilt.

The second time Apollo stands up for the mother when the summer insults the Queen of Nioba. Girlfriends argued, which of them are more fruit. To defend the honor of the mother, Apollo and Artemis shot all children of nations.

Apollo on the chariot

Despite the fraction of the clash, the title of father's pet was fixed behind Apollo. Such a location inhibits Gera - wife of Lord Olympus. The goddess puts the maximum effort to harm Apollon. However, Sunny God is only laughing at the machemi tricks.

The Divine lies a serious duty - Apollo with a chariot, in which the four horses are harnessed, passing through the sky, illuminating the land. Often, in the journey of the ceremony God, the nymphs and muses are accompanying.

Immorry Apollo often turns novels. Unlike the Father, a man appears before the beloved in true appearance. Antenant's exception (took the face of the dog) and the DRIOP (came twice in the form of a snake and turtle). Despite the impressive love experience, Apollo did not marry. Moreover, often beloved God did not stored a man loyalty.

Euripid, Pythagoras, Asclepius - Children Apollo

But the Owned Sons Apollo takes off excessively. Among the siblings of Godmark is Euripid, Pythagoras, Janus, Orpheus and Asclepius. The latter was very angry with a grandfather, for which he was killed by Zeus. An insulted Apollo interrupted cyclops, which created magic zippers for the lord of Olympus.

Interesting Facts

  • Nietzsche argued that Apollo is an personification of order and light, and opposite qualities in mythology represents Dionysis. The god of winemaking urges supporters to violate the rules that the son of Zeus imposes.
  • Apollo has good physical training. The young man with ease defeated the god of the war of Ares in a fistboard.
  • Writer Rick Riordan presented his own vision of the character. In the book "Percy Jackson and Olympians", the reader meets the modern reckless son of Zeus.

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