Boris Mironov - biography, photo, personal life, news, speeches 2021



Boris Sergeevich Mironov - the person in Russian politics is ambiguous. An ardent supporter of nationalist convictions. He was repeatedly accused of anti-Semitism and inciting national retail. Mironov's books "Nationalism will save us", "IHO Jewish", "On the Jewish Fascism" is confirmed by this. And the work of the author of the "verdict killing Russia", published in 2005, and is at all recognized by the court extremist material.

Childhood and youth

Boris Mironov was born in the post-war years in the Trans-Baikal Territory on August 29, 1951. Frontoviki parents lived in the city of Mogoca. Already at the age of 15, Boris went to work. At first, I chose the working profession of the Monter, and in two years he became the correspondent of the newspaper "Mogocinsky worker."

Boris Sergeevich Mironov

After Mironov worked in other local editions, and in 1971 she went to serve in border troops. Having finished service, the young man entered the faculty of MSU journalism. In 1976, a diploma of higher education was obtained, and Mironov continued to work in print editions.

Journalism and social activities

From the middle of the seventies until the middle of the eighties of the 20th century, the work experience of Mironov was replenished with works in the newspapers "for communism", "Komsomolskaya Pravda" and "True". After Boris Sergeevich received the second higher education - he graduated from the Academy of Public Sciences under the CPSU Central Committee. Further worked in the Department of the Council of Ministers of the USSR.

Politician Boris Mironov

Moving on the career ladder, Mironov took the position of director of the Publishing House "Soviet Russia". Later renamed it to the "Russian Book". At the beginning of the nineties was in the group founders and editors of the Russian Newspaper.

Under President B.N. Yeltsin Mironov became Chairman of the Committee of the Russian Federation by press. He held this position for 9 months, until September 1994, until he was resigned. The official reason for the removal was not denoted, but political experts referred to Mironov's accusations in nationalist statements.

Boris Mironov in the podium

From that time, B.S. Mironov began to give time to politics even more. He became the head of the "Russian Patriotic Party." In 2003, he ran to the position of Governor of the Novosibirsk Region.

Having headed the party, Mironov promoted personal nationalist views on behalf of the whole headquarters, for which he was filmed with a general vote. In 2004, he was accused of inciting an interethnic retail. Politician was announced in the federal wanted list. A year later, his son Ivan was announced in the wanted list. At the end of 2006, the Father and Son were detained in the capital and enforced to be sent to Novosibirsk.

Boris Mironov on television

Boris was prosecuted under the article of the Criminal Code in the initiation of national and racial hostility. In response, Mironov sent a letter to Vladimir Putin, accusing the president in the "Spring of Jewish Fascism."

In 2012, the next presidential elections were held in Russia. Mironov decided to nominate himself at this high post, but he was refused on registration. Then Boris Sergeevich filed a lawsuit to the Supreme Court, and his petition was satisfied. True, after 4 days, the court canceled the decision and Mironov could not run for the position of president.

Personal life

Boris Sergeevich's wife is a philologist and writer Tatiana Leonidovna Mironova. She was born in Moscow on September 22, 1961. Finished the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University. She became a doctor of science and, like her husband, a member of the Union of Writers of Russia.

Boris Mironov and Tatyana Mironova

For more than 15 years, Tatyana Leonidovna taught Church Slavonic language. Released several books and textbooks. Among them:

  • "An extraordinary journey to ancient Russia" (textbook for children in the Old Russian language);
  • "Language of live and dead";
  • "Church Slavonic language";
  • "Who manages Russia";
  • "Putin-Medvedev Plan and National Security".

On January 5, 1981, the son of Ivan was born in the family. The heir went in the footsteps of the parents. Now the 36-year-old Ivan Borisovich works by a lawyer, is engaged in politics and writes books. Like the Father, adheres to nationalist convictions.

Boris Mironov with his wife and son

Ivan Mironov received two higher education: legal and historical. He defended the degree of candidate of science on history. Now is the Deputy Chairman of the Russian Union Soyuz Party.

Previously, he worked as an assistant deputy. After joined the Congress of Russian communities. Deputies to the State Duma deputies from the Block "Motherland". In 2005, he was accused of attempted Anatoly Chubais. Like the Father, Ivan was announced to the federal wanted list. A year later detained and kept in custody, until they were released under a number of guarantees.

Boris Mironov now

In 2017, Boris Mironov continues to promote nationalist views and oppose the current government. He is invited as a guest to participate in political transmissions of private channels.

Boris Mironov in 2017

He continues to write books, meets with readers at the presentations of its own work. His wife and son also actively work and publish new works.


  • 2014 - "Battle with Iudiesky"
  • 2014 - "Russian Nationalism"
  • 2013 - "Russians. The Last Frontier"
  • 2013 - "URA-Putinism. Who pushes Russia to the Civil War "
  • 2012 - "Black Mantle: Anatomy of the Russian Court"
  • 2011 - "Russian uprising"
  • 2010 - "Attempt"
  • 2005 - "Sentence killing Russia"
  • 2002 - "On the relation of Russians to the indigenous peoples of Russia"
  • 2002 - "IHO Juda"
  • 1998 - "On the Jewish Fascism"
  • 1998 - "What to do Russians in Russia"
  • 1995 - "Nationalism will save us"

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