Group "Gamora" - Composition, songs, photos, clips, participants 2021



The group "Gamora" was established in Tolyatti in 2011. Initially, the rap team was called the "course", but when the guys noticed and accepted the audience, the guys decided to take a keen and appropriate name - "Gamora". The speech here is about Sodom and Gomorre - biblical cities. Gomorra is a city of vice and sin, which was destroyed for the sins of the inhabitants.


The initial composition was included six guys - Seryozha Local, Lin Serge, Pavlik Farmaceft, Alex Manifesto, Atsel RJ and Dooda. The main ideological inspirers and frontmen group were local and LIN.

The first composition of the group

Seryozha Local - Sergey Fedorovich. It began to write his first texts for another 13 years. Soon he managed to find like-minded people who divided his interests to Rap with him.

Seryozha Lin - Sergey Makovsky. In childhood, he became interested in music, at the age of 14 began to record the first tracks, in 2008 he created the group "Course", participated in the show "STS lights a star", where he was allocated among the rest of the Decl.

In July 2012, the Gamora group broke up, and local and Lin took up solo projects. And although the guys at that time did not comment on the reason for the dissolution of the team, the network began to say what happened because of the money. But, in principle, the financial question often becomes the root cause of misunderstanding.

New group composition

But in June 2016, the guys announced their reunification. Now the group includes four people - local and LIN, as well as the Pavlik Farmaceft and Alex Manifesto. They told that they were planning to resume concert activities, writing a new album and shooting clips. This news was adopted by the team fans with joy, but some did not believe in success. But, fortunately, made a mistake: guys in confirmation of their serious intentions released the song "Second Breathing" and removed the clip.


The path to popularity was a thorny. First, the guys performed where it would have. Sometimes these were courtyard sites, sometimes small regional rap festivals. Everything else, parents did not particularly approve this activity.

But the guys make high-quality music: a sonorous bit, "Patzansky" texts and philosophy of streets. Therefore, soon the team appears a lot of fans that appreciated the deep meaning of their tracks.

Seryozha Local (Sergey Fedorovich)

To record your first album "Times", the guys had to gather all their finances and strength, but the result was worthy. The album includes 9 tracks and 4 bonus. Narkoz, Ksana, Basquil and Nikita Rusakov participated in the record record.

In 2012, another album "Gamora" - "EP No. 2" came out. It had 20 tracks, including collaboration with Artem Tatischevsky.

Sergei Lin (Sergey Makovsky)

This album was truly successful and it was he who brought the guys fame. But he also brought into a group and disagreement. Soon the team members decided to go every expensive. The group broke up. After they told that just everyone wanted to assert and realize, the time of solo projects came. Everyone at that moment was in the search for himself, but no one threw music.

In 2013, Serezhu Local notices the participant of the popular Rap group of Centr Ptah. He invites him to Moscow and offers cooperation. From the moment the local works with "Cao Records".

From 2013 to 2017, Serge Local had four solo albums. In 2013, two plates came out - "alternately" and "horizons". In 2016, I saw the light of a mini-album called "Seryozha Local - Album 2016 Live". In April 2017, the album "36.6" was released, Kravts, Weighing (Group "Caspian goods"), Artem Tatischevsky, Dad Paradox participated in the record. The name itself spoke on itself: the guy is all in order - the temperature is normal.

Pavlik Farmaceft (Pavel Shcherbakov)

But Lin did not sit without a case. He also became one of the participants of the label "Cao Records". Immediately after the collapse of "Gamora" recorded the album "Perso. Persons", most of the songs were recorded with the participation of Rapper Malik. Musical critics described this work as "rap, which will tell about the dark butt of life realities."

In 2016, the guys decided to once again become a single team. The group decided to preserve its former style, but in any case the tracks became more "adults". In addition to music, guys are interested in sports: local loves football, Alex Manifesto is engaged in hand-to-hand fight, in April 2016 he fulfilled the candidate minimum.

"Gamora" now

In 2017, the group "Gamora" came out a new album called "Bearing Walls". It entered 12 tracks. Also, in 2017, three clips were shot: "Edie Alen", "Notre Musique" and "Sport Town" with the participation of DJ 11'th Cut.


Immediately after the reunification of "Gamora" spoke in the hometown of Togliatti. In the summer of 2017, the group gave a concert in Moscow, in September - in St. Petersburg. There are no information about touring information on 2018.


  • 2011 - "Times"
  • 2012 - "EP №2"
  • 2017 - "Carrier Walls"


  • 2011 - "Musi-Pusi"
  • 2013 - "Chamomiles"
  • 2013 - "poison"
  • 2016 - "Second Breathing"
  • 2016 - "AU"
  • 2017 - "Sport Town" (with the participation of 11'th Cut)
  • 2017 - "Edie Alen"
  • 2017 - "NOTRE MUSIQUE"

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