Victor Dragunsky - biography, photo, personal life, books, death



The kind and mischievous stories of the writer became the classics of children's literature of the Soviet period. They are readily reading in the new century, finding funny, instructive and witty.

Viktor Dragunsky, who gave children a cycle of charging the positive "Denisian stories", worked inspired, his prose for a younger reader's audience is happy to re-read adults, remembering those carefree years when "trees were big."

Victor Dragunsky

But the Soviet prozais was worked not only for the younger generation: in his bibliography - two wonderful autobiographical stories.

The writings of the author are so multi-layered, realistic and colorful that they were shot half a dozen films, the performances were raised. Nowadays, Dragunsky's work is experiencing the second birth and a surgery of readership.

Childhood and youth

The future writer was born in the late 1913 in America, in the family of Emigrants from the Belarusian Gomel. But Rita Dragunskaya and Yuzef Perstemovsky lived in a half-and-half-million Bronx for a long time: after six months after the birth of the firstborn, the spouses returned to their homeland, in Gomel.

Victor Dragunsky in childhood

Native Father Victor Dragunsky did not remember: Yuzef Falkovich died from Tifa, when his son was 4 years old. Soon the mother married the secondary Commissioner of the Hippolyte Voytzovich, but this marriage ended after 2 years: in the 1920s, the Commissioner died.

The influence on Viktor Dragunsky was rendered by the third husband of Mother and the second stepfather - artist Menachem Rubin. He went out to the Podlovil's Jewish Theater, which was touring the country with comedy musical plays. Together with the stepfam, the 8-year-old Vitya with his mother, absorbing the breath of creativity and the holiday behind the scenes.

Portraits of Viktor Dragunsky

In 1924, Viktor Dragunsky had a unified brother Leonid. 3 years later, in 1925, Rubin stopped ruling in the country and stopped in Moscow, giving agreement to become the director of the theater of Ilya Trillling. In the late 1920s, the Ruby with trilling left the Soviet Union and emigrated to the United States, where the new theater was opened.

After graduating from school, Viktor Dragunsky got an assistant to Tokary to the plant. Later he moved to the Konsky harness factory, where Mastered Shores for horses. But the love of creativity, grafted by stepfather, did not cool down: In 1930, Viktor was signed up in the workshop of theatrical teacher and director Alexei Wild, where he studied for 5 years.


After the end of the course came to the scene of the transport theater on the Gorokhovaya Street (now Gogol Center). Soon the talented artist was noticed and invited to the capital theater of satire. Victor Dragunsky in the evening went to the stage, and after writing feuilutes and humorous monologues, he invented clowns for a circus and fun intermented. The actor and writer made friends with circus artists and even went to the arena as a clown.

Actor Victor Dragunsky

The Great Patriotic War interrupted the creative flight of Viktor Dragunsky - he defended his homeland in the militia. It was not taken to the army because of weak health. In 1943, the writer's brother was not: Leonid Dragunsky-Rubin died from severely injured in the hospital near Kaluga.

After the war, the artist and the writer settled in the Taroupe of the Metropolitan Theater-Studio of the film actor. The creative biography of the writer is the roles in the movies. Mikhail Romma Dragunsky starred in the picture "Russian question", the audience learned him in the image of the speaker on the radio. He went on the theatrical scene, playing the heroes of several performances.

Victor Dragunsky in the film

The actor accepted into the Drama Theater on the Cook. But the noticeable roles were made by Maram, and the youth was interrupted by the appearance in the crowd. The fountaining ideas of Victor, in order not to be labeled without work, initiated the creation of an amateur team inside the DramaTheater, which includes young, and mast artists.

In this "theater in the theater", Dragunsky was headed by a parody "Blue Bird" team, which went on stage for 10 years since 1948. The humorous performances of the artist enjoyed success and the "blue bird" was invited to Mosestra. Victor composed the scenarios of parodies and lyrics. One of them ("motor ship") entered the pop repertoire Leonid Rockov.


Written written writers written in 10 years, the writer united into the collection, which called "Iron Character". The book came out in 1960.

Writer Viktor Dragunsky

Fame came to the writer after the release in 1966 "Denisian stories" - the cycle of humorous stories for children and adolescents, the main character of which was Denisk Kostrift. In the same year, young readers were pleased with another book - the collection called the "Dog Thief".

In the 1960s, the cycle book was published by millionic circulations. Children were read by the story "First Day", "childhood friend", "Cat in boots" and "secret becomes clear." Instructive, but not the founding books of Viktor Dragunsky easily found the path to the heart of the child, caught love for reading.

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Like the entire prose of Dragunsky, merry stories about Denis and his friend Mishke Elephant are taken from life. The prototype of the main character was the son of the writer Denis.

Many works of Viktor Dragunsky are filmmed. Soviet director filmed films based on the Denisian stories "Girl on the Ball", "Captain" and "Amazing Adventures of Denis Shorubeva".

The sarcastic story "The Magic Power of Art" was filmed by the Soviet director Naum Burman. The scenario of the comedy was written by Victor Dragunsky, and Arkady Rykin, Nina Urgant and Nikolai Trofimov starred in the three-movies of the almanac.

Books of Viktor Dragunsky

In 1980, the "clown" melodrama was released on the screens based on the story of the same name. Natalia Varley, Anatoly Marchevsky, Rimma Bykov starred in the film. Scenario of the sad comedy wrote the author.

An adult writer presented two stories - "he fell on the grass" and "today and daily." The first - about war, the second - about the life of the circus artists.

Personal life

In the mid-1930, Viktor Dragunsky became acquainted with actress Elena Kornilova. The novel was crowned with a marriage in which the firstborn was born - the son of Lenya. But the family life gave a crack, the spouses broke up. Leonid Kornilov graduated from the university by choosing the Economic Faculty, but the father's genes won. Publicist Kornilov wrote articles for "news" and "weeks", published 6 books.

Victor Dragunsky and Elena Kornilova

The second marriage of Viktor Dragunsky turned out to be happy. The graduate of the theater university Alla Semyachatov, younger husband for 10 years, gave birth to Viktor Yuzfovich two offspring - the son of Denis and Daughter Ksenia. Together, the spouses lived before the death of the writer.

Victor Dragunsky and his wife Alla and son Denis

Denis Dragunsky, prototype Hero of famous children's story stories, became a philologist (he taught the Greek language to future diplomats), a journalist and a writer. He wrote scripts for films, scientific articles and reviews.

The talent for writing was discovered from Ksenia Dragunskaya: she composed scenarios to three dozen plays, became famous as playwright, art historian and children's prose.


Viktor Dragunsky died in the capital in the 60th year, from chronic illness, with which he fought for many years. Thousands of fans spent on the last path of Light and Good Writer.

Viktor Dragunsky's grave

The grave of the artist, humorist and the writer is located on the 14th sector of the Vagankovsky cemetery. In 1990, the widow of the writer Alla Dragunskaya published the book of Viktor Yusefovich's poems.


  • 1960 - "Iron Character"
  • 1961 - "Tell me about Singapore"
  • 1961 - "He fell on the grass"
  • 1962 - "Man With Blue Face"
  • 1964 - "Girl on the sea"
  • 1964 - "Old Sea -
  • 1964 - "Today and daily"
  • 1966 - "Denisian stories"
  • 1966 - "Dog Thief"

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