Vasilina Mikhailovskaya - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Producer 2021



On May 11, 2004, a scandalous realistic show "Dom-2" started on the air of the TNT television channel. The producer of the popular TV shows became ambitious Vasilina Mikhailovskaya. It was she who made the show so bright and dynamic, which attracted not one million viewers. No less interesting became for the public and personal life ladies.

Childhood and youth

Vasilina was born in Yekaterinburg on May 28, 1970 (twin on the zodiac sign). Nothing is known about parents and childhood producer - a woman is trying not to devote into the details of his biography, neither journalists nor fans.

With the direction of the future profession, the girl decided on his youth, so after graduating from school, I do not hesitate, I changed Yekaterinburg to St. Petersburg, where he entered the Russian State Institute of Stage Arts. Having received a diploma, the girl did not stay in the northern capital, and returned to his native Ekaterinburg. Seven years Vasilina worked on television, gaining experience.

Personal life

Despite the secrecy of Vasilin Mikhailovskaya and her reluctance to talk about personal life, some details still leaked in the media. So, in 2011 (on other sources - in 2004), the network has information that it is divorced with her husband Alexei Mikhailovsky, with whom they lived in marriage for many years, brought up a son and even at work did not part - the man also worked as a producer "House-2".

The cause of divorce journalists considered the romance between Alexey and the participant of the show Natalia Varvina. At first, Alexey met with the new chief secretly, trying to hide romantic relationships. Later, the girl confessed in an interview that the sympathy between her and the man originated in 2010, after one of the esters of telestroy. That day Natasha was very upset with a sorry with a friend.

Mikhailovsky, having seen the peace of the participants, tried to calm her down. Between them, I was struck by the "spark", which did not prevent the difference in the age - Varvina was younger than the beloved for 13 years. After the divorce Vasilina, Mikhailovskaya still remained on the project until 2014, focusing on the creative process and trying not to pay attention to the romantic passion for the former spouse.

When it became known about the novel between Mikhailovsky and Varvina, rumors appeared on the network that the producer allegedly builds personal relations with Joseph Mungoll, but she denied this information and even threatened to sue slanderians.

In fact, in 2016, Mikhailovskaya was married to the second time. The husband of the famous producer became Dmitry Novokshonov, who worked as the main director. The wedding passed quietly, without excess pathos, the couple signed in the Moscow registry office. Soon after the marriage, the newly new spouse published wedding photos on a personal page in "Instagram".

For the celebration, Mikhailovskaya chose a refined dress from the Firdaws fashion brand, the founder of which was the wife of Ramzan Kadyrov. The outfit itself created the daughter of the head of the Chechen Republic Aishat Kadyrov. The collections of the young designer were already presented in Paris's podiums. For the manufacture of wedding robe it took 2000 Swarovski crystals.


The girl, by that time, already famous at the regional television of Yekaterinburg, noticed Moscow televisions. By that time, on the first channel, a television musical project was just preparing for the exit in support of young performers. So Mikhailovskaya received the first serious work in the show "Star Factory".

The transfer was the Russian version of the Western "Academy of Stars." During the casting, young talented performers were chosen for the program, who under the guidance of experienced vocals and choreography teachers were supposed to become professional artists. The show appeared on domestic screens in 2002 immediately became popular among the audience.

The next project was the current show "5 minutes to divorce", where the producer worked as a producer. Unlike the "stars factory", which was exclusively entertaining, "five minutes before divorce" focuses on the psychological rejection of each other's spouses. The presenter with psychology seeks to reveal the essence of family conflicts and prevent the decay of marriage.

However, the most important work of Mikhailovskaya, who brought her popularity and proved talent and success as a professional producer, was the scandalous realistic show "Dom-2". The author of the idea of ​​television transfer was the Russian writer Valery Yakovlevich Commissioners.

The meaning of the show is that the participants must independently build a house under the control of "foreheads" - Russian TV host Alexei Kulichkova, singer Nikolai Basque and Svetlana Svetlana Khorkina. TV viewers watched the issues of telestroy on the air TNT channel in the evening and night since 2004 for 11 years.

Vasilina Mikhailovskaya as a producer of a scandalous television show often gave an interview, where he told reporters that "Dom-2" was hardly the meaning of the woman's life, she was dissolved in this work, dedicated to her all the time and strength.

With individual participants, the producer became friends and supports relations and after the cessation of collaboration, helping to solve personal problems. So, the close relationship between Mikhailovskaya supported with Alena Vodonaeva, which is known to viewers with a smoking character and a rigid temper. Alena herself after leaving "House-2" became a popular TV presenter.

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In 2014, the lady decided to leave the project. About working on the "Construction of Love" she loved to remember after the length of the producer. Later in an interview, she admitted that this was a weighted solution, which was not easy for her. Feeling that he loses the "fire" from creating releases, Vasilina understood that it was necessary to put a point.

At the beginning of the shooting, she shared the heavy workdays of the film crew and participants, living in the same construction traps without comfortable living conditions. Now it was cozy studios, modern equipment, but Azart left, emotions, experiences for participants.

Spectators and critics in one voice said that the reason for the dizzying success of "House-2" is called Vasilina Mikhailovskaya. The producer herself said that he was difficult, but the most important decision was the idea to move away from previously approved project rules. It is the fact that there was no rigid framework on TV thinner, led to popularity among viewers.

If in other reality shows, the participants live in a closed television space in accordance with the strict rules where they are cut off from reality, the participants of "House-2" had a fairly high degree of freedom - they had families, work, study and personal relationships for limits of shooting space.

Vasilina Mikhailovskaya and Natalia Varvina

Despite the fact that the producer was dissolved entirely in the project, she herself would not want to enter the number of participants, since it was not peculiar to some exhibitionism, and the members of the project lived "under the glass", exposing all aspects of their own life. As if, in proof of these words, Mikhailovskaya, together with the famous photographer Alexei Nikishin, organized an exhibition on which the photos of nude participants of the Dom-2 project were presented.

After leaving the show, Mikhailovskaya continued to develop his professionalism in other projects. Producer traveled and hatched plans for new programs. Upon returning home focused on the search for Assistant Ramzan Kadyrov, becoming a creative director of the project. In addition, the producer also worked on the popular show "Wild Games".

The program has become a Russian analogue of Western project Wild Things. In this family and entertainment transmission, everyone could participate from 18 to 50 years. The main prize of the show was the chest from 100 thousand rubles. Timur Rodriguez spoke as a lead. For the contestants, funny tests were prepared, requiring sports training, dexterity and concentration of attention.

Vasilina Mikhailovskaya now

In 2020, the Russian audience shocked the news about the treason of Tarzan (Sergey Glushko) Natasha Queen. Soon after the disclosure, the singer appeared as a guest in the show Ksenia Sobchak, where she shared with TV presenter feelings and thoughts about what happened. The program came to the eye to the producer and prompted "to issue" his portion of revelations.

The lady admitted that it was Sobchak, and not Natalia Barwin, destroyed her happy marriage. Mikhailovskaya admitted that, thanks to the influence and society, Alexei Ksenia quickly gained popularity, having ceased to be simply a "daughter policy". The producer reported that he did not blame the blonde, but the public betrayal of her husband left scars like armor.

Later, Mikhailovskaya was disliked about the Warvina, calling the "aunt of the neurruck and the passionate seagull." The only thing that was Rada producer in a situation with a former participant "House-2," is that after such a revelation, no one will try to blame Natalia in the destruction of marriage.

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