Alexander Belov - biography, photo, personal life of the basketball player, "Movement up"



Alexander Belov is a Soviet basketball player who has entered the history of world sports and the heart of fans thanks to the brilliant presentation at the 1972 Olympics. The only throw, who gave the victory to the USSR team, is still discussed by basketball fans. This man without exaggeration was called the decoration of Soviet Sports. Unfortunately, the biography of Alexander Belov, despite fame and universal love, was tragically.

Alexander Belov in youth

The future sport star was born on November 9, 1951 in Leningrad. Since childhood, Alexander became interested in basketball. Already as a schoolboy, the boy trained in the children's sports school "Spartak". Belaova's first coach Vladimir Kondrashin will remain with the athlete for life. Later, journalists will argue who of these two people was more geniant in basketball - a mentor or student.


Alexander Belov's sports career developed rapidly: in the late 60s, a talented basketball player replenished the ranks of the Leningrad "Spartak". 1969th and 1971 are marked for Alexander Alexandrovich victories in the USSR national team at the European Championships. In addition, in 1970, an athlete, together with the team, brought the country of the Universiade Gold and Bronze World Championships.

However, the main ball in his life Alexander scored in the ring in 1972. It was the Olympic year, the long-awaited sporting event took place in German Munich. The final meeting on the basketball court took place between the USSR national teams and the United States of America.

Basketball player Alexander Belov

This match, which is still discussed by the banners of basketball, from the very beginning kept the audience in suspense. Soviet athletes were leading, but the difference in glasses was constantly insignificant: American basketball players did not want to give victory without a fight. When it was only half a minute before the end of the fight, the numbers were burning on the scoreboard 49:48 in favor of the Soviet national team.

It remained very little time to spend the last attack on the rival ring. The captain of Modestas Paulauskas team and entered. The athlete brought the ball to the American zone and handed him to Alexander Belov. He was already waiting for Pas right in front of the ring of rivals. The audience literally taped her breath, waiting for a decisive throw. But terrible happened: Belov did not hit the basket. The ball, hitting the edge of the rings, flew back into the hands of the athlete.

Alexander remained seconds to repeat the attempt, but the athlete, apparently, was confused. Instead of trying to get into the ring, Belov twisted the ball by a comrade team on Zurab Sacandidze. He, also not expecting a pass, could not catch the ball. The initiative intercepted the American Arc Collins, instantly rushed to the opposite ring.

Having tried to stop the opponent, Zurab Sacandisdze made a violation, and the Judge of the match appointed a penalty. This allowed Callus to bring the American team forward on points. The United States team seemed to celebrate the victory. However, on this surprises of that fighting did not end.

It turned out that until the end of the match still remained exactly three seconds. It did not encourage Soviet fans, it did not occur to anyone that for such a short time you can change anything. But Alexander Belov managed to be impossible: an athlete, intercepting the ball, the exact movement sent him to the rival ring. At the same second, the final siren sounded. The match ended with a score of 51:50 in favor of Soviet athletes. This victory brought the country the cherished Olympic Gold.

It is worth noting that the result of the match was repeatedly discussed, the disputes do not subscribe to this day. That year, the American basketball team in protest refused to attend the awards ceremony. And the results of this fight representatives of the United States are still called incorrect.

Alexander Belov in the USSR national team

So serious tension and experiences were not gone for the main character of that match: Alexander Belov began to complain about pain in the heart. New games were given a basketball player with great difficulty. And in 1977, it happened that, according to many sports fans, the health of the idol was finally.

The fact is that in those years in the Soviet Union, many things and products are simply not sold. Total deficiency forced people to go to the trick. There were no exceptions and athletes: Often, leaving abroad, players exported alcohol from the country, red caviar to exchange them on clothes or techniques that could not be reached in their native country.

As a rule, the prosecution of such "smuggling" was instructed by mid-level players so that the national team was not too injured in the case of exposure. But at that time, to hide the pronounced things trust for some reason Alexander Belov. Moreover, it was not about vodka or calamity, but about vintage icons. They were found in the things of a basketball player at customs.

Basketball player Alexander Belov

Further resected for Alexander Belov as a terrible dream. A photo of a basketball player appeared in the press, but this time there were no sporting achievements by the reason, but the customs scandal. Later, it turned out that the player who asked Alexander to put the "prohibitory" in his bag, dreamed of playing the main five and saw in Belov's the main opponent on the way to this purpose. The same person allegedly warned the customs service that Alexander's baggage must be checked.

There is another version of what happened: for some assumptions, the provocation was adjusted by representatives of the sports committee who dreamed of remarring Alexander Belov to the Moscow CSKA. Immediately after the scandal, Beloov really offered to change the team, promising to restore in the titles and relieve the ban on training. But the athlete this offer rejected.

Alexander Belov

The consequences did not make himself wait: Alexander Belov was banned from training, deprived titles and excluded from the national team and native Spartak. After this incident, Alexander Alexandrovich began to drink, and the athlete's heart became more often reminded of himself. The health of the national idol has worsened rapidly.

In 1978, in the fate of Alexander Alexandrovich, there was a clearance: a basketball player was invited to speak for the national team at the World Championships in the Philippines. It seemed that it was time for new sports victories, however, as it turned out, it was too late.

Personal life

Alexander Belov's personal life, despite popularity, did not appear at first. It is known that the first beloved athlete, on which a man dreamed of marrying, made an abortion, did not want to have from Alexander children. This girl did not even inform Belov. However, the secret becomes an obvious, and a basketball player, finding out the truth, broke the relationship with his beloved.

Alexander Belov and his wife

With the future wife, Alexander Belov met in the early 70s. The athlete knew that Alexander Ovchinnikova's basketball player belongs to him with sympathy, but at that time was not free. But after betrayal, a man still drew attention to a pretty athlete.

In 1977, Belov and Ovchinnikov got married. There were no children from the pair.


Alexander Belov's disease rapidly progressed. One of the surveys revealed poisoning. Athlete was put in an infectious hospital. However, the man became worse and worse, the heart was hurt no longer over. Basketball player decided to translate into the Leningrad Institute of Improvement of Doctors.

Tomb of Alexander Belov

Soon, the famous professor brought the verdict: the sarcoma of the heart. The same diagnosis will later be called and the cause of the death of Alexander Belov. The efforts of the physicians brought only temporary relief. On October 3, 1978, the basketball player left his life. Alexander was 26 years old. Belova buried on the Leningrad Northern Cemetery.

However, the talent of the athlete was not forgotten: in 2017 the picture "Movement Up", filmed by Anton Megherdichev. This film, telling about the events of the legendary Olympiad of 1972 and the further fate of Alexander Belov, has already been loved by fans of sports, and the filmans. Alexander himself played a talented actor Ivan Kolesnikov.

Awards and achievements

  • 1969, 1971 - Gold Medal of the European Championship
  • 1970 - Bronze Medal of the World Cup
  • 1972 - Gold Medal of the Olympic Games
  • 1974 - Gold Medal of the World Cup
  • 1975 - Gold Medal of the USSR Championship
  • 1976 - Bronze Medal of the Olympic Games

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