Nina Eremina - biography, photo, personal life basketball players, "Movement up"



Nina Alekseevna Eremin knew both a basketball player, and as a sports commentator. In both roles, she has achieved great success. As an athlete won the title of world champion, a 2-fold European champion and a 4-fold winner of the USSR championships. As a commentator worked on the leading television and radio channels "All-Union Radio", "Goseradio", in the program "Time" on Ostankino and in the program "Sport-courier" on Ren TV.

Childhood and youth

Nina Eremin was born on November 2, 1933 in Moscow. The girl became the third child in the family: Nina had an older sister Nadia and her ride, Sister-twin Luda. Mom girls engaged in their upbringing and housekeeping, and dad was a respected person - a surgeon "with golden hands."

Nina Eremin and her twin sister Lyudmila

Part of the school years of Nina fell in the war years. Like other Soviet citizens, the family of Eremines lived hard. With the end of the Great Patriotic War, Nina and sisters were able to do other hobbies in addition to study.

When the twins were 14 years old, Nina and Luda went to sports school and signed up to the Basketball section. As Nina Alekseevna, her sister was recognized, her sister showed the best results on the playing field, but after a while, closer to the end of the school, Lyudmila was fascinated by medicine in the footsteps of the Father. So she left of the sport and worked the surgeon-oncologist all his life, became a professor. And Nina Basketball fascinated so much that she continued the sports career.


After just 2 years after the start of training, Nina Eremin is in the Moscow Dynamo team. Her coach becomes a honored master of sports Stepan Spundaryan. Mentor, despite the young 16-year-old age of basketball players, immediately includes it in the main composition of the women's team. The calculation was faithful. The years did not pass, like Nina Eremin, thanks to personal efforts on the field and a well-coordinated game with a teammate and the target, already named by Nina Maximelian and Nina Maximova, becomes the USSR champion. In total, Eremin will conquer this title for a career 4 times.

Nina Eremina in youth

In 1956, the Soviet Union's Olympiad was held in the capital. Players from different commands were selected to the Moscow Basketball team. The country of Nina Eremin also entered their number. In the stubborn struggle, the team of Moscow athletes won, and a gold medal appeared in a basketball player piggy player. After 3 years, Eremin will repeat success in the tournament and will add to his arsenal the second gold of the Olympics.

In the same 1956, Nina Alekseevna, as part of the USSR national team, is going to the first European Championship and wins him. At the qualifying stages, the Soviet athletes were leading, and in the struggle for a place in the final and gold medals beat teams of Bulgaria and Hungary with a margin of 19 and 8 points, respectively. This tournament was held in Prague, and after 4 years, our basketball players have again become European chains, but already in the Bulgarian city of Sofia.

Nina Eremines in the team

In the Competition Final, the USSR team had to fight for the ball with the owners of the championship - athletes from Bulgaria. The game was fierce, the rivals of our team played the native walls in front of thousands of fans and whatever they would like to win. But in 3 seconds before the end of the match, Nina Eremin scored a decisive ball. The USSR team won with a score of 52:50 and became gold winners of Europe.

In 1959, the World Basketball Championship was held in Moscow. The women's national team of the USSR in this sport has never become the winners. Having reached the game for a place in the final, our athletes, among whom Nina Eremin, beat the Czechoslovakia national team. There was a decisive game for the title of world champions.

Basketball player Nina Eremin

The Soviet national team was to oppose the long-standing opponent - the Bulgarian national team. And if earlier at the European Championship, our opponents beat two points, this time the difference in the score was colossal: 51:38 in favor of the USSR.

So in 1959, the women's Basketball team of the Soviet Union first became the best in the world. As a result, girls, including Nina Eremina, assigned the title of "Honored Master of Sports".


For all his sports career, Eremin deserved the title of Champion of the USSR, Europe and the world. In 1961, a basketball player left "from the playing field", but not far - moved to the commentary cockpit. At first, being another national team player, she, together with the commentator Boris Vlaovy, led the program about the game of Dynamo team, for which herself played. And then she was offered to go on commenting on matches professionally and devote themselves to this work. Eremin proposal accepted.

Commentator Nina Eremin

As in any profession, commenting should be learn. Mentors Ereming in this new business was masters of Nikolay Ozerov, Yuri Levitan, Vadim Sinyavsky and Olga Vysotskaya. Eremin began to report on the "All-Union Radio", and later on television.

Being already a professional, since 1974, Nina Eremin worked on the "guestReradio" and in Ostankino, where the sports news in the time program was covered. As for television, Eremin became the first woman who was entrusted to conduct a sports heading. Specialization commentators were "native" basketball, volleyball and handball.

Nina Alekseevna also ordered other responsible tasks - to conduct reports from basketball matches held within the framework of the Olympic Games. On her commentation account 4 Olympiad, but most of all remembered the first. She took place in 1972 in German Munich. Games for the male team. Final, in which two strong opponents were to fight for the title of Olympic Champions: the USSR national team and the US team.

The game was rumped, and the finale dramatic. After an erroneous award of victory to the Americans, it turned out that until the end of the match remains for another 3 seconds. In sports career, Eremina is "meaningful" time, because it was in 3 seconds before the end of the game, she scored a victorious goal at the European Championships in 1960. Our basketball players also had these three seconds to become Olympic champions. In the commentary booth did not hide joy and delights.

Nina Eremina - biography, photo, personal life basketball players,

In honor of such a legendary match with a victorious final for the country in 2017, the film "Movement Up" came out in the Russian film distribution. The role of Nina Eremina's commentator in the picture was played by the actress of theater and cinema Natalia Kurdyubov.

He played Basketball Nina Alekseevna in all his life a total of 14 years, but commentator was dedicated more than 40.

Personal life

For such an enviable bride - an athlete and just a beauty - it was impossible not to pay attention. The fans were, but Nina had given a sport all the time, and in parallel studied (she graduated from the Institute of Textile and Light Industry in Moscow).

Nina Eremin and husband

At 26, fate and work brought it with Andrei Novikov, who was two years old. He was already a well-deserved master of sports in tennis, worked as a commentator in ITAR-TASS. Common interests and love for sports near the couple. After some time, Andrei and Nina played a wedding. It was the only marriage of basketball players. There were no children from the pair.


The life of Nina Alekseevna Eremina was saturated with events. She achieved a lot in sports and received the recognition of the audience and colleagues, working as a commentator.

Nina's grave Eremina

Nina Eremin died on August 24, 2016 at his cottage in the Moscow region, where alone lived. The emerging emergency care workers found that death occurred in natural age reasons. She was 82 years old.

Awards and achievements

  • 1950, 1953, 1957, 1958 - Gold of the USSR Championship
  • 1956 - European Championship Gold
  • 1956 - Gold Olympics of the Peoples of the USSR
  • 1959 - Honored Master of Sports of the USSR
  • 1959 - World Cup Gold
  • 1959 - Gold Olympics of the Peoples of the USSR
  • 1960 - European Championship Gold

Awards received: Order "Hall Sign", Medals "For Labor Valor" and "For Valiant Labor".

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