Brata Sagdiev (Character) - Actor, Interesting Facts, Quotes, Film, Sasha Baron Cohen


Character History

Brata Sagdiev is a fictional character, which was invented by the British comedian Sasha Baron Cohen. This is a Kazakh journalist, a unlocking type, which sets provocative issues, does not happen to obscene vocabulary and tells fictional stories from the life of compatriots. He forced the whole world to talk about Kazakhstan, but presented the country in so primitive and unsightly light, which provoked a sharp response of the authorities. In Kazakhstan, Russia and Ukraine, a film about it in official rental never came out.

History of character creation

The idea of ​​creating non-existent personalities - Brata Sagdiyev, Raper Ali Ji and a homosexual named Bruno - came Sasha Baron Cohen in 2000. Characters were embodied by him in the show on the MTV music channel. In 2006, a picture called "Borat: the study of American culture for the benefit of the glorious people of Kazakhstan was published on the cinema screens. The Kazakh journalist Brata Sagdiev, who travels through the United States of America, became a central acting face of a comedy with a claim to pseudocumentalism, who travels through the United States of America, acquainted with modern culture and people.

The plot of the plot looks harmless, but the film has an explosive nature due to the blatant video, which criticized politics, journalists, film director and other representatives of various regions. At the same time, the tape was nominated for the Golden Globe and gained great interest among the public. What is the secret of the demand of the project? Perhaps in the main hero.

The film was filmed in conditions that often provoked the threat of life and the health of the staged brigade. The director of the picture was Larry Charles, and actor Sasha Baron Cohen, who played the main role in the picture, spoke by co-author of the scenario and producer. Critics, found out how to removed the ribbon, were surprised: improvisation and fragmentary narration became the basis of action. Another interesting fact - instead of the Kazakh characters in the frame actually speak Romanian.

On the eve of the premiere, without that provocative film, the covered with new scandalous details that gave the leading news agencies around the world. Residents of the Romanian village of GLD, in which they shot the picture, appealed to the court with a collective claim against the director, accusing him in deception: Sasha Baron Cohen told them that she was shooting a film about the difficult life of Romanian provincials.

The main visual agent for the creators was provocated and irony in relation to situations seemingly familiar to residents of large cities and developed states. In the language of journalists, the project should be described as Prank.

The acting ribbon was arbitrary. People employed in the shooting, until the last moment they did not know that they were involuntary participants in the film process. They did not know the topic of the conversation, which was asked by the interlocutor Brath. According to the legend, the characters were invited to an interview to a journalist of the fictional television company United World Productions. Guests ready for a serious dialogue turned out to be shocked by the interlocutor.

Documentary cinema from Sasha Coen is a fake, which, with the help of psychological tricks, puts on the laugh at all who participate in it. In the project "Borat" there is no restriction on the courage of the joke, and the reaction of the acting persons is always unpredictable. The film was withdrawn by the public and became the source of the winged phrases: "The people" went away both are witness and just funny quotes.

The film was negatively perceived by the Kazakhstani government and representatives of the political sphere of America. Officially, he was not prohibited in Kazakhstan, but representatives of the Ministry of the Interior declared that they were counting on the conscience of roller companies that would refuse it to demonstrate. In Russia, rentals also did not take place, and it was the first case of refusing to issue a rolling certificate for a film that is not related to pornography. The authorities substantiated this by the fact that the picture humiliates representatives of a separate nation. The political leadership of Ukraine was also accepted.

Brath and plot

In the first weekend, the tape collected $ 26.5 million at the rental. After the release of travels on America's travels, the TV viewers saw the "show Ali Ji", in which the actor appeared in another image. In 2007, both images were recognized as an artist irrelevant, and he declared a change of role.

Pamela Anderson and Borat (Frame from the film)

The image of Brata assumes the full replacement of the person's identity of the character and his embodiment with a new type of hero. The line between reality and the drawing is lost in a video order filled with jokes. A film looking like a big perfomb, brought Sasha fame and the opportunity to appear in the image of a Kazakhstani journalist in television programs as a guest and in the film.

The character's biography was thought out to the smallest detail. The hero was born in 1972 in Kushkek, his parents - Asimbala Sagdiev and the rapist of the cake. His father is at the same time grand hero. Brata spouse called Oksana Sagdiev. He spoke about his wife that he had to him aunt.

The Sagdiyev family is far from ideal: the hero considers his sister to be a prostitute, with whom not going to join intimate relationships, and Brother calls Sladomny, telling about his life in a cage and excessive to sexual actions. The character has 3 sons and 19 grandchildren.

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Astana gave Kazakh the opportunity to get an education, thanks to which he was knowledgeable in journalism, English and plague research. Borate - homophobes and racist, opposes the Jews, Roma and Uzbeks. The hero-sexoman has obvious obsession and exaggerates its merits in this matter.

Borat boasts the fact that he was a carrier of herpes viruses, gonorrhea and syphilis. Character religion and claims that he had previously worshiped falcon, but then he accepted Christianity. Borat loves disco dance, ping pong and does not hide the addiction to photographing women in the toilets.

The plot tells about how borate flies to America for filming a documentary film. Arriving in the US, the hero sees an excerpt from the series "Malibu Rescuers" and falls in love with the leading role in the leading role of Pamela Anderson. The journalist is reported on the death of his wife and, feeling free, he is decided to win the actress.

Borat learns to drive, buys a car, more precisely, a van of ice cream, which goes to America with the goal of marrying the bullshit. During the trip, Brath is working on the film, communicates with feminists and African Americans.

A fight at the hotel is an episode, which expresses his attitude to the Jews. The hero arrives at Rodeo in Salem, gives George Bush advice and performs the converted anthem of Kazakhstan. The final of the narration becomes the wedding of borate with a black prostitute. The journalist refuses the artificial delights of Pamela Anderson in favor of feelings and with the newly rented wife returns to Kazakhstan.

Interesting Facts

  • Despite the absence of a strict script, real characters and actors were filmed in the picture. The latter are represented represented by Azamat Bogatova, Prostitutes Luenerla and Pamela Anderson.
  • Brath made a popular bathing jacket, fixed on the shoulders. With his light hand, the outfit came into fashion and is used on the beaches of different countries by men who wish to have fun or attract attention.
  • Contrary to the seeming familiarity and the Khamian manner of communication, Sasha Baron Cohen politely communicated with the partners in the frame. The antiques store, separated by the hero in the fluff and dust, received financial compensation.


On the throne sat down, on the throne of the village! The king in the palace, the king in the palace! We go, do here - the king in the palace! And I eat pilaf eating, I do not listen to anyone! If you buy a car, let it be a Babi Magnit. MOY HOBBES - DANCE DANCE! Ping Pong Play! Sunbath!


  • 2006 - "Brath: Study of American Culture

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