Alexander Ryapolov - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



The life of Alexander Ryapolov remotely resembles Charles Fairy Tale about Cinderella. More recently, Alexander was a provincial basketball player, who collaborated in Moscow, and then the will of the case in one day on December 28, 2017 suddenly turned into a famous actor.

Alexander Ryapolov in 2018

A young man had fans, and the prospects for career growth went beyond the limits of the basketball field - now he may well find himself in Russian cinema. The premiere of the Russian sports drama "Movement up", where Alexander played a basketball player from Kazakhstan Algehan Musurbekovich Zharmahamedov, glorified Ryapolov to the whole of Russia and beyond.

Childhood and youth

Alexander Ryapolov was born in Tashkent (Uzbekistan) on October 25, 1989 in the family of builders. The boy just turned 9 years old when the family moved from hot Tashkent to Russian Chelyabinsk. The choice of the city is connected with the fact that the grandmother on the maternal line of Alexander is from Chelyabinsk. At the turn of the 1990-2000s in Uzbekistan, the socio-political situation was heated in relation to the Russian-speaking population, with which the change in the place of residence of Ryapolov.

Basketball player Alexander Ryapolov

Climate change Yuzhanina Alexander delivered several unpleasant moments, as Ryapolov's grown in Tashkent did not come delight from the snowy and frosty winter in the Southern Urals. When a boy studied in the 8th grade of the Chelyabinsk school, a coach for basketball hedges Andrei Gennadevich came to the classroom with an invitation to sign up for him to the group. Alexander Gennadyevich selected the boys in the rise above average and appointed the first workout time.

At first, Ryapolov treated basketball as an entertainment, although for the first time the hall and other pupils of Jesova made a serious impression on the young man. In training sessions, Alexander met Andrei Zubkov, who also began to learn basketball in the Chelyabinsk Dyushor No. 8, and now playing the position of heavy forward in the Khimki Basketball Club. Only in high school class, Alexander Ryapolov, watching the success of his comrades, seriously thought about the sports career of the basketball player.

Alexander Ryapolov on the basketball court

Combining professional sports with studying young man turned out to be not easy, but parents insisted on the need for higher education. So Alexander became a student of the South Ural State University, enrolling on the architectural and construction faculty.

However, even a serious construction specialty did not force Ryapolov to throw sports. At first, the young man was part of the Basketball team "Dynamo-Teploostroy", but, looking for himself that there is no prospects in it, already a year later, Alexander with friends created the national team team. Only one year it was necessary to guys to win the championship of Chelyabinsk on basketball in its class.


Soon the student team reached a new level. Not the last role in this was played by a professional basketball player Maxim Peppets. Playing the faculty team, Alexander Ryapolov improved the technique and showed himself a promising athlete. Soon the young man was invited to participate in the city competitions "The Burevestnik" in the team of the team of SUURSU. Perhaps, thanks to the participation of Ryapolov, the team then won the first for the first time in many years.

Basketball player Alexander Ryapolov

At the last courses of the University, Alexander played for the Chelyabinsk team, but to access the professional level, the guys needed support for sponsors, which they did not find in the city. Having received a diploma, Ryapolov suffered a focus from sports for labor weekdays and got a job in a specialty. Contributed to this and previously obtained on the injury field. Soon the young man was disappointed in the profession because of not a big salary and decided to leave Chelyabinsk in search of new opportunities.

At the end of the summer, Alexander moved to Moscow, and after 3 days he received an offer to work in an organization that was engaged in design and construction. Simultaneously with the work of Ryapolov continued to improve his professional skills, for which he entered the All-Russian State University of Justice again to the construction specialty.

Alexander Ryapolov at work

Once again in the student environment, Alexander returned to sports. A young basketball player defended the honor of the university at Student All-Russian and European Competitions. At the same time, Alexander finally understood that he could not live without basketball, and entered the Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture. For some time after graduating from the university, Alexander worked as a fitness coach in the Moscow Club.

Personal life

Alexander prefers not to tell the press on the details of his personal life, and on the personal page in the "Instagram" the only girl in the photo accounts for an actor sister. Therefore, whether the heart of a promising young handsome is free, unknown.

Alexander Ryapolov

All free time Ryapolov devotes sports, periodically riding a bike or riding, visits secular events or ordinary parties with friends. Summer holidays in 2017 Alexander spent on the hot spanish coast of the Mediterranean Sea - Mallorca Island.

Alexander Ryapol now

In the youth, playing basketball, Ryapolov became acquainted with Alexander Belov (the son of the famous basketball player Alexander Belov). In Moscow, old friends again met on the basketball field behind the game. Then Belov Jr. had already concluded a contract, according to the terms of which Alexander trained actors from the film "Movement up" effectively and effectively throw the ball to the basket.

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Belov invited Ryapolov to play together with the actors for their best adaptation. That day, Anton Megherdichev attended the training session. Looking at how naturally a beautiful ball from the hands of Alexander flies to the basket, the director suggested him to come to the film.

When Ryapolov was approved for the role of Alzhan Zharmahamedov, a young man, according to the terms of the contract, had to reset the excess weight. With a rise of 207 cm, he lost 12 kg to achieve maximum similarity with the real athlete, and also briefly crashed, painted his hair into black and put on the brown lenses.

When preparing for the shooting process, the newly minted actor carefully studied the biography of his character, tightly communicated with Alzhan Musurbekovich, trying to imbued with the events of the legendary match in the Final Basketball Tournament at the 1972 Olympics.

In addition, if other actors had to sharpen sports skills, Alexander studied acting skills. But if the basketball player was able to become an actor, then actors with basketball arose more serious problems. So, James Tratas never could play Powlauskas fashion on the field in the game, for this he was picked up Dubler Nikolai Padius.

After the filming of the filming and the premiere of the film, Alexander Ryapolov seriously thought not only about sports, but also about the acting career, but still works as a sports rehabilitation coach in Moscow.


  • 2017 - "Movement up"

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