Robert Kiyosaki - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Business, Reading 2021



According to the philosophy of the American businessman and writer Robert Kiyosaki, a person can be either a master of money, or their slave. Judging by the multimillion state of the investor, with the first postulate of the case, he is good.

Childhood and youth

By blood Robert Kiyosaki - Japanese. Four generations of a millionaire ancestors lived in the United States, Robert was born in April 1947 in Hawaii. Mother Marjori worked as a nurse. Father Ralph had a doctorate of Philosophy, he studied at the University of Chicago, Stanford, held the post of Minister of Employment of the State.

Businessman Robert Kiyosaki

Of course, the Son went to the best school of the state. There, Kiyosaki met the boy named Mike, whose father awakened in Robert business thinking. This man at the age of 13 threw school and went to work, becoming as a result of one of the richest Hawaiians.

Kiyosaki school ended in New York, in Great Nek. At the end of study, the young man did not want to leave the business capital of the United States and turned his eyes to the Academy of the Trade Fleet. In 1969, a graduate of the Academy got a job on the Oil vessel of Standard Oil of California (since 2005 - Chevron). Robert three months challenged in the seas and oceans.

Robert Kiyosaki in childhood with family

Then Kiyosaki cool changes life and enters the US Army Marine Corps. Robert participated in the Vietnamese war helicopter as a pilot of a combat helicopter, demobilized from the army only in 1973. For the difference in the service awarded an air medal.

The next step in the biography of Robert became business courses in Hawaii University. But there the future investor was not delayed, because I did not want to spend time on an empty theory. After passing a short-term investment course, Kiyosaka worked for three years worked as a sales agent in Xerox. Podnapive start-up capital, in 1977 Kiosaki opened his own business - the manufacture of leather and nylon products. This business did not bring big money, but he enriched experienced their earnings.

Robert Kiyosaki in youth

At the beginning of the 80s, Robert was engaged in a licensed release of rockers on the popularity of rock music, simultaneously played on the stock exchange, the funds received invested in real estate. However, in which objects there are no accurate information.

But this case failed. At some point, Kiyosaki even lost the house and was almost $ 1 million lenders. As the wife of a businessman Kim, the most difficult in his life was 1985. There was no money, I had to spend the night in the car or at acquaintances.


The success story of the billionaire Robert Kiyosaki began, oddly enough, with full bankruptcy. After analyzing the mistakes made, Robert concluded that they were typical for any businessman. At that time, married Kiyosaki, together with his wife Kim, decided to share his secrets and conclusions with people. As a result, ambitious spouses opened the first school of financial literacy, which for 10 years she has trained financial management by the Azam Financial Management. After selling a company, the pair provided themselves to a comfortable life.

Robert and Kim Kiyosaki

The international educational company Rich Dad`s Organization came to replace the first. Within the framework of this business, Chet Kiyosaki launched a vacuum pedagogical activity with the spread of fruit of writing labor.

In the class of Kiyosaki used audio and video materials, coaching, seminars, workshop. The business board games "Cash flow 101" and "cash flow 202", which teach investment strategies. The game is used in educational programs of economic universities, the managers of large companies are not bend to play it.

Robert Kiyosaki and his book

The key achievements of the education "in Kiyosaki" include the concept of the quadrant of money flow and the interpretation of an asset and liability, knocking out of the concepts of classical accounting.

Justice should be noted that the experience of investing Kiyosaki into specific areas - oil, gas, securities and real estate - in serious financial circles are not quoted. By and large, Robert Kiyosaki - a pioneer to earn money in infobusiness.

Robert Kiyosaki

Robert himself has already become so elected in matters of profit, which earned a solid capital and allowed himself not to work. Under this, Kiyosaki implies not idleness, but no need to make a living. In other words, financial freedom is not working if you do not want.

But the educational path did not throw a businessman - writes books, two of them - in collaboration with Donald Trump.

Robert Kiyosaki and Donald Trump

The most popular essay of Robert Kiyosaki called "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" has long been a bestseller in financial administration. It is difficult to imagine, but at first the book did not take any store, Kiyosaki sold it where it would have to.

The sample of the "poor dad" was the native father of Robert. While the son served in the army, Kiyosaki-senior participated in the elections of the Vice-Governor Hawaii, lost and left his work. Then I bought a restaurant on the franchise, but went bankrupt. But the "rich dad" is a generalized image of people who have achieved success, their experience, developments, achievements, including Robert Kiyosaki.

Robert Kiyosaki with a book

In the book "Rich Investor - a Fast Investor" Robert explains how and why it is necessary to increase the level of financial self-education. In the "Students of the Success Students of the Rich Pope", the author led the stories of people who took advantage of his advice and instructions.

The main idea of ​​the businessman's books is not only in making money, as well as that, even the victims fail, it is necessary to find the strength to get up and continue the way.

Personal life

In November 1986, Robert married Kim. At the beginning of the career, a woman worked as a manager in an advertising magazine. Then switched to the organization of trafficking in women's clothing. In 1989, she took up investment in large - bought a house in Portland and began to lease.

Future millionaires in Honolulu became acquainted through the general girlfriend of Karen. At the same time, Karen 8 years old met with Robert. Kim has refused to give up a date for six months, not being confident that the close friend does not feel feelings for Kiyosaka.

Robert Kiyosaki and Kim Kiyosaki

At first, Kiyosaki rated the appearance of the future wife. The first date took place in the best restaurant Honolulu, continued on the night walk on the beach with a bottle of champagne. Kim later admitted that thanks to this plan, Robert immediately won it.

When a couple began to communicate closer, it turned out that Kim is a smart woman. The spouse supported Robert in all endeavors, participated in the work of the husband's educational company, resistantly tolerated heavy periods in life. According to Kiyosaki, the wife turned out to be much more successful and competent investor than he himself.

Robert Kiyosaki and his wife Kim

Kim Kiyosaki wrote a guide to investment "rich woman", guided by the fact that men and women behave in different ways in various ways - depending on the traditions, the perception of surrounding, psyche, the emotional component. Kim stresses that financial independence is important for a woman (by the way, Mrs. Kiyosaki, the lion's share of its own millions earned on independent projects).

The spouses live in the city of Bisbi (Arizona), travel a lot, Robert is divided into "Instagram" by photographs.

Robert Kiyosaki now

In 2016, Robert Kiyosaki became the invited speaker of the Russian Forum Investments and Exports. The investor predicted an increase in the Fed rate in January 2017 and as a result - the weakening of the ruble and other currencies.

Robert Kiyosaki in 2017

In addition, Kiyosaki voiced the sensational news that caused confusion: a businessman brought capital from real estate and invested $ 300 million in insurance.

State assessment

On the question of the size of Robert Kiyosaki, no rating can be answered. And all because there is no such surname. Approximate estimates, the amount ranges from $ 80 million to $ 2.5 billion.



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