Roman Avdeev - biography, photo, personal life, news 2021



In the ranking of Forbes magazine "200 richest businessmen of Russia", Roman Avdeev in 2011 held 102nd. In 2017 - Already 66th. Created by Avdeev Moscow Credit Bank (ICD) confidently keeps afloat, the condition will increase ... But Roman Ivanovich is not at all like a person whose thoughts fully occupy money.

Such people or do not start the family, or give her little attention, and it is only "financial." And he manages not only to pay full attention to his numerous children, but also to engage in charity, write columns in Forbes and other publications, paint the time for the hobby, read wonderful books.

Roman Avdeev

In his numerous interviews, Roman Avdeev easily quotes the ancient and modern philosophers (philosophy - more than a hobby, his acquaintance with her was not limited to books like "100 great aphorisms about everything in the world") - and generally produces a very intelligent and harmoniously developed personality ...

And when does he all have time?! Like in one person, several peacefully get along - and everyone is busy with his own business, and together they make up the novel Avdeev, how he is seen.

Childhood and Youth

Roma Avdeev was born on July 17, 1967 in the suburban city of Odintsovo - still in the country where private entrepreneurship was called "speculation" and other bad words and was pursued by law. He studied at school number 3 - according to his own recognition, poorly, but until the last two classes - an understanding came: it must first of all he himself.

Roman Avdeev in childhood and youth

Entered the Moscow Energy Institute at the Faculty of Heat Energy - as many young guys in the USSR, was fond of radio electronics, and the technical university seemed to be the best solution. From the institute was called up to the army in 1986 - gave the duty to his homeland in the Kostroma Stroybat, where the secretary's function combined with the commander and ... Cleaner.

After serving, Roman is already a family man who has his wife and son - returned to his studies at the day office. And at night I had to work out the guard and again the cleaner - in vocational school: it was necessary to feed the family.


On May 6, 1988, a law on cooperation in the USSR was adopted, the trade activities of private individuals ceased to be considered a crime, and Roman immediately created his own small enterprise - organized a trade in decoders for televisions and "synckers" (current owners of powerful game computers and do not know what it ), has established business cooperation with the Ukrainian Electronic Plant, drove computer techniques from abroad.

Businessman Roman Avdeev

At the same time, he had ideas about banking activity as a separate area of ​​business. In the spring of 1991, private entrepreneurship finally became legal reality, and already in 1994 Roman Avdeev acquired the ICD - more precisely, he got a package of documents, a certain room and 14 employees.

To date, the Universal Bank of the ICD ranks 9th in Russia and 8 in the region in terms of net assets and 17 in Russia, 15 in the region of net profit, according to the rankings of the portal. Roman Avdeev is a member of the Supervisory Board of the Bank and the President of the ICB Capital, which manages the concern "Russia".

The basis of the assets of the concern "Russia" today includes:

  • Moscow commercial bank;
  • PAO INGRAD (real estate);
  • JSC NPF Consent;
  • LLC "Direct Neft".

At the same time with banking activities, Avdeev became interested in investments in agriculture, by 2006 created the agricultural holding "Chernozemie" and successfully sold it. But the agrarian area did not throw. Since 2016, he controls the Land Bank "Agronov-L" (over 80 thousand hectares in Tverskaya, Tambov, Lipetsk regions). The owner of 10% of the shares of the pharmacy chain "36.6".

Personal life

Roman Ivanovich Avdeev - "Champion" of paternity, in the family of 23 children - four of their own, the rest are adopted and adopted. There are only two billionaires in the world with so many children, the second lives in Saudi Arabia and him, by the way, 93 years old (he had more time!).

But why such a huge children's "team" is a relatively young and very busy novel Avdeev?

Roman Avdeev and his wife Elena

He says his views on paternity coincided with the views of Plato. Ancient Greek philosopher expressed his attitude to this concept simply: all of us or fathers, or not fathers. No fathers are not obliged to anyone, there are no talk about them. But if a person by nature is his father, then ... not only to his children, and everyone!

According to Avdeev, the parent is obliged to give the child the basic concepts that "what is good, that is bad" - as well as a confident start and freedom of life choice. The necessary toolkit for life will give education.

"You need to give a fishing rod, not fish."

The first two kids family of Avdeev adopted in 2002: Roman Ivanovich came to the thought that the help of children's homes is, of course, wonderful, but in essence is ineffective. To develop into a harmonious, useful society and who knows how to interact with him, a person can only in the family conditions, where there are firm guidelines - meaningful, important adults for him.

Roman Avdeev with his wife and younger children

This does not speak in any case that in orphanages work "some not such" adult people - many of them Roman Avdeev sincerely admire - but they are forced to share their heart and attention at all, they are "common", And every child needs his own man, he will navigate to him in a difficult matter of construction of his own life.

According to information from LJ Roman Avdeeva, the family occupies the main place in the scale of its life values. He believes that children's homes should not exist, each child should grow in the family. But so far it is impossible to do without orphanages - he continues to help them.

Family Roman Avdeev

In March 2014, Avdeev was created by the Charitable Foundation "Arithmetic Goodness", designed to solve the aspest question of orphanhood: Social. Pupils of orphanages go into life at absolutely not ready for her and turn out to be "overboard", not knowing where to attach forces without knowing how to interact with other people ... Now the Foundation implements programs to help orphans:

  • "Mentor" - attracting volunteers to deep and continually communicating with children from DD and their graduates - to disclose their personal potential and preparation for independent life4
  • "Compass" - communication training and assistance in vocational guidance for DD pupils;
  • "Chance" is an extensive remote learning program for children from DD, which covered 27 Russian regions. Training takes place online, with the guys working qualified teachers in 11 school subjects and psychologists, according to the results of the program, children can take entrance exams in colleges, technical schools, universities.

For those who wish to become adoptive parents, the program "ABC of the Reception Family" and the school of adoptive parents "Arithmetic Good". For all - and children - and adults - the consulting center "Always Near" works.

Roman Avdeev now

This is also quite ancient Greek: combining reading smart books and reflections - and sport. Roman Avdeev has never sought to play sports professionally - can't, in a character's warehouse, long to get involved in the same.

Roman Avdeev is fond of sports

And therefore tries to engage in all that is interesting. It is cycling, and common run, and quite extreme species - skiing and mountaineering. He believes that the sport is necessary to educate nature, as it gives invaluable experience overcoming itself, its weaknesses and fears.

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